By request! “Un Año” is a collaboration between Colombian singer Sebastián Yatra and Mexican pop-rock band Reik. It was released in January of 2019 and appears on Sebastián Yatra’s 2019 album Fantasía. The single reached number twelve on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart, number four on the Latin Pop Airplay chart, and number one on the Latin Airplay chart.
enamorarse – The verb enamorar is one of a number of verbs that change meaning when made pronominal/reflexive. Enamorar means to win s.o.’s heart or to win s.o.’s love. Enamorarse means to fall in love.
sentir vs sentirse – While both are translated as to feel, they are used in different contexts. Sentir discusses what one feels, and is usually followed by a noun. Sentirse discusses how one feels, and will generally be followed by an adjective or an adverb.
volver a hacer – This phrase means to do again. It would translate literally as to return to do.
puede que – This phrase means perhaps or it may be that. As it shows uncertainty or probability it should be followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood.
se restan – This is an example of the passive se, which tells something that happened or is happening without telling who or what performs the action. It is like using the passive voice in English, for example the books were opened (someone opened them, but we don’t know who). The verb conjugates for whatever item is being acted upon, so the third person plural is used here to match mil kilómetros. The following verb se suman could also be understood as using the passive se (see note below).
sumarse – There are two different ways this verb can be understood in this context. The first is as the pronominal verb sumarse meaning to join or to adhere, which would make sense in the context of two almas or souls. But this could also be understood as the verb sumar meaning to add or to equal or add up to being used with the passive se. In this understanding it would translate as are added, which would make sense after the previous passive construction se restan, meaning are subtracted.
a lo lejos – This phrase means in the distance or far away. It would translate literally as at the far.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
[Verse 1] YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexconocíconocerto know; recognize; meet | verb, spl chg | first pers sing pretenenin, on, during | prepprimavera,primaveraspring | noun | fem singmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexmirastemirarto look, watch | verb, reg | sec pers sing prettútúyou | pron | sec pers sing, subdedefrom, of | prepprimeraprimerafirst | noun | fem sing Dedefrom, of | prepununa | art, indef | masc singveranoveranosummer | noun | masc singeternoeternoeverlasting, eternal | adj | masc singmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexenamoréenamorarto win s.o.'s heart, win s.o.'s love | verb, reg | first pers sing pret | enamorarse = to fall in love Yyand | conjesaesethat | adj | fem singdespedidadespedidafarewell, good-bye | noun | fem singenenin, on, during | prepseptiembre,septiembreSeptember | noun | masc singenenin, on, during | prepoctubreoctubreOctober | noun | masc singsísíyes | advquequethat, than; because; let | conjsesepart of pronominal verb | pronsientesentirto feel; sense; hear; taste; feel about, think about; feel sorry about | verb, stm chg | third pers sing pres | sentirse = to feel NoviembrenoviembreNovember | noun | masc singsinsinwithout | preptitiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexdoliódolerto hurt | verb, stm chg | third pers sing prettambiéntambiéntoo, also, as well | adv
[Pre-Chorus] Llegarállegarto reach, arrive | verb, spl chg | third pers sing futdiciembre,diciembreDecember | noun | masc singsiguesseguirto follow; continue | verb, spl & stm chg | sec pers sing presenenin, on, during | prepmimimy | adj, poss | masc and fem singmentementemind | noun | fem sing Fueronserto be | verb, irreg | third pers pl pretseisseissix | adjmesesmesmonth | noun | masc plyyand | conjporporfor; because of; by | prepfinfinend | noun | masc singvolverévolverto return, come back | verb, stm chg | first pers sing fut | volver a hacer = to do againaato, into, by | prepvertever + teto see + you | verb + pron | infin + sec pers sing dir obj Llegarállegarto reach, arrive | verb, spl chg | third pers sing futfebrero,febreroFebruary | noun | masc singyoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subseréserto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing futelelthe | art, def | masc singprimeroprimerofirst | adv Enenin, on, during | prepdartedar + teto give + you | verb + pron | infin + sec pers sing dir objfloresflorflower | noun | fem plyyand | conjdecirtedecir + teto say, tell + you | verb + pron | infin + sec pers sing dir objquequethat, than; because; let | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing pres
[Chorus] Puedepoderto be able to | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | puede que + subj = perhapsquequethat, than; because; let | conjpasepasarto go ahead, proceed; cross; pass; happen | verb, reg | third pers sing subjununa | art, indef | masc singañoañoyear | noun | masc singmásmásmore, plus | advdedefrom, of | prepunaunaa, an | art, indef | fem singvezveztime | noun | fem sing Sinsinwithout | prepquequethat, than; because; let | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexpuedapoderto be able to | verb, irreg | third pers sing subjver,verto see | verb, irreg | infinperoperobut | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | advfuertefuertestrong; resilient; muscular; healthy, fit | adj | masc and fem sing Puedepoderto be able to | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | puede que + subj = perhapsquequethat, than; because; let | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singtiempotiempotime | noun | masc singnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexalejealejarmove away, distance; put off, drive away | verb, reg | first and third pers sing subjotraotroother; another, one more | adj | fem singvezveztime | noun | fem sing Sinsinwithout | prepsabersaberto know | verb, irreg | infindóndedóndewhere | advestés,estarto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing subjperoperobut | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | advfuertefuertestrong; resilient; muscular; healthy, fit | adj | masc and fem sing Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexesperaréesperarto wait | verb, reg | first pers sing futporqueporquebecause | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | advfuertefuertestrong; resilient; muscular; healthy, fit | adj | masc and fem sing
[Verse 2] Yayanow, already | advlele(to) him, (to) her, (to) them, it, you | pron | third pers sing, indir objdijedecirto say, tell | verb, irreg | first pers sing pretaato, into, by | prepmismismy | adj, poss | masc and fem plamigo’amigofriend | noun | masc pl (amigos) “YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subnononot | advnecesitonecesitarto need | verb, reg | first pers sing presaano equivalent in en | prep | personal a, used when dir obj a personnadie,nadieno one, nobody | pronsólosóloonly | advtútúyou | pron | sec pers sing, subestásestarto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presenenin, on, during | prepmimimy | adj, poss | masc and fem singmente”mentemind | noun | fem sing Milmilone thousand | adjkilómetroskilómetrokilometer | noun | masc plsesepassive se | pron | talks about sth that happened w/o saying who or what carried out the actionrestan,restarto play down, diminish; subtract, deduct, take away | verb, reg | third pers pl prescuandocuandowhen | advdosdostwo | adjalmasalmasoul, spirit; heart, spirit, enthusiasm | noun | fem plsesepassive se | pron | talks about sth that happened w/o saying who or what carried out the actionsumansumarto equal, add up to, make; to add | verb, reg | third pers pl pres | sumarse = to join, adhere Aato, into, by | preplolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterlejoslejosfar, far away, far from | adv | | a lo lejos = in the distance, far awaypuedopoderto be able to | verb, irreg | first pers sing presvertever + teto see + you | verb + pron | infin + sec pers sing dir obj Sólosóloonly | advpienso,pensarto think | verb, stm chg | first pers sing pressólosóloonly | advpiensopensarto think | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presenenin, on, during | preptitiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj Sólosóloonly | advpienso,pensarto think | verb, stm chg | first pers sing pressólosóloonly | advpiensopensarto think | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presenenin, on, during | preptitiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj Yayanow, already | advmismismy | adj, poss | masc and fem plprimosprimocousin | noun | masc pl | male or mixed gendersabensaberto know | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singapellidoapellidolast name, family name, surname | noun | masc sing Quequethat, than; because; let | conjporporfor; because of; by | preptitiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjyoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subestoyestarto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presperdidoperdidolost | adj | masc sing Esperoesperarto wait (for); hope, expect | verb, reg | first pers sing presquequethat, than; because; let | conjtambiéntambiéntoo, also, as well | advteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexpasepasarto go ahead, proceed; cross; pass; happen | verb, reg | third pers sing subjaato, into, by | preptitiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj
[Pre-Chorus] Llegarállegarto reach, arrive | verb, spl chg | third pers sing futdiciembre,diciembreDecember | noun | masc singsiguesseguirto follow; continue | verb, spl & stm chg | sec pers sing presenenin, on, during | prepmimimy | adj, poss | masc and fem singmentementemind | noun | fem sing Fueronserto be | verb, irreg | third pers pl pretseisseissix | adjmesesmesmonth | noun | masc plyyand | conjporporfor; because of; by | prepfinfinend | noun | masc singvolverévolverto return, come back | verb, stm chg | first pers sing fut | volver a hacer = to do againaato, into, by | prepvertever + teto see + you | verb + pron | infin + sec pers sing dir obj Llegarállegarto reach, arrive | verb, spl chg | third pers sing futfebrero,febreroFebruary | noun | masc singyoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subseréserto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing futelelthe | art, def | masc singprimeroprimerofirst | adv Enenin, on, during | prepdartedar + teto give + you | verb + pron | infin + sec pers sing dir objfloresflorflower | noun | fem plyyand | conjdecirtedecir + teto say, tell + you | verb + pron | infin + sec pers sing dir objquequethat, than; because; let | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing pres
[Chorus] Puedepoderto be able to | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | puede que + subj = perhapsquequethat, than; because; let | conjpasepasarto go ahead, proceed; cross; pass; happen | verb, reg | third pers sing subjununa | art, indef | masc singañoañoyear | noun | masc singmásmásmore, plus | advdedefrom, of | prepunaunaa, an | art, indef | fem singvezveztime | noun | fem sing Sinsinwithout | prepquequethat, than; because; let | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexpuedapoderto be able to | verb, irreg | third pers sing subjver,verto see | verb, irreg | infinperoperobut | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | advfuertefuertestrong; resilient; muscular; healthy, fit | adj | masc and fem sing Puedepoderto be able to | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | puede que + subj = perhapsquequethat, than; because; let | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singtiempotiempotime | noun | masc singnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexalejealejarmove away, distance; put off, drive away | verb, reg | first and third pers sing subjotraotroother; another, one more | adj | fem singvezveztime | noun | fem sing Sinsinwithout | prepsabersaberto know | verb, irreg | infindóndedóndewhere | advestés,estarto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing subjperoperobut | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | advfuertefuertestrong; resilient; muscular; healthy, fit | adj | masc and fem sing Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexesperaréesperarto wait | verb, reg | first pers sing futporqueporquebecause | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | advfuertefuertestrong; resilient; muscular; healthy, fit | adj | masc and fem sing Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexesperaréesperarto wait | verb, reg | first pers sing futporqueporquebecause | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | advfuertefuertestrong; resilient; muscular; healthy, fit | adj | masc and fem sing
[Outro] YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexconocíconocerto know; recognize; meet | verb, spl chg | first pers sing pretenenin, on, during | prepprimavera,primaveraspring | noun | fem singmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexmirastemirarto look, watch | verb, reg | sec pers sing prettútúyou | pron | sec pers sing, subdedefrom, of | prepprimeraprimerafirst | noun | fem sing
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Un Año One Year
[Verse 1] Yo te conocí en primavera, me miraste tú de primera I met you in the spring, you looked at me first De un verano eterno me enamoré I fell in love with an eternal summer Y esa despedida en septiembre, en octubre sí que se siente And that farewell in September, in October it is certainly felt Noviembre sin ti me dolió también November without you hurt me too
[Pre-Chorus] Llegará diciembre, sigues en mi mente December will come, you’re still on my mind Fueron seis meses y por fin volveré a verte It’s been six months and I’ll finally see you again Llegará febrero, yo seré el primero February will come, I will be the first En darte flores y decirte que te quiero To give you flowers and tell you that I love you
[Chorus] Puede que pase un año más de una vez Maybe a year will pass more than once Sin que te pueda ver, pero el amor es más fuerte Without being able to see you, but love is stronger Puede que el tiempo nos aleje otra vez Maybe time will distance us again Sin saber dónde estés, pero el amor es más fuerte Without knowing where you are, but love is stronger Te esperaré porque el amor es más fuerte I’ll wait for you because love is stronger
[Verse 2] Ya le dije a mis amigo’ I already told my friends “Yo no necesito a nadie, sólo tú estás en mi mente” “I don’t need anyone, only you are on my mind” Mil kilómetros se restan, cuando dos almas se suman A thousand kilometers are subtracted, when two souls are joined A lo lejos puedo verte In the distance I can see you Sólo pienso, sólo pienso en ti I only think, I only think about you Sólo pienso, sólo pienso en ti I only think, I only think about you Ya mis primos saben tu apellido My cousins already know your last name Que por ti yo estoy perdido That because of you I’m lost Espero que también te pase a ti I hope it happens to you too
[Pre-Chorus] Llegará diciembre, sigues en mi mente December will come, you’re still on my mind Fueron seis meses y por fin volveré a verte It’s been six months and I’ll finally see you again Llegará febrero, yo seré el primero February will come, I will be the first En darte flores y decirte que te quiero To give you flowers and tell you that I love you
[Chorus] Puede que pase un año más de una vez Maybe a year will pass more than once Sin que te pueda ver, pero el amor es más fuerte Without being able to see you, but love is stronger Puede que el tiempo nos aleje otra vez Maybe time will distance us again Sin saber dónde estés, pero el amor es más fuerte Without knowing where you are, but love is stronger Te esperaré porque el amor es más fuerte I’ll wait for you because love is stronger Te esperaré porque el amor es más fuerte I’ll wait for you because love is stronger
[Outro] Yo te conocí en primavera, me miraste tú de primera I met you in the spring, you looked at me first
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive Adjectives:
Llegará diciembre, sigues en mi mente
“Yo no necesito a nadie, sólo tú estás en mi mente”
Ya le dije a mis amigo’
Ya mis primos saben tu apellido
Object Pronouns:
Yo te conocí en primavera, me miraste tú de primera
Fueron seis meses y por fin volveré a verte
En darte flores y decirte que te quiero
Sin que te pueda ver, pero el amor es más fuerte
Puede que el tiempo nos aleje otra vez
Te esperaré porque el amor es más fuerte
Ya le dije a mis amigo’
A lo lejos puedo verte
Espero que también te pase a ti
Disjunctive Pronouns:
Noviembre sin ti me dolió también
Sólo pienso, sólo pienso en ti
Que por ti yo estoy perdido
Espero que también te pase a ti
Irregular Verbs:
Sin que te pueda ver, pero el amor es más fuerte
Sin saber dónde estés, pero el amor es más fuerte
Te esperaré porque el amor es más fuerte
“Yo no necesito a nadie, sólo tú estás en mi mente”
Que por ti yo estoy perdido
Ya mis primos saben tu apellido
poder (o > ue)
Puede que pase un año más de una vez
Puede que el tiempo nos aleje otra vez
A lo lejos puedo verte
sentir (e > ie):
Y esa despedida en septiembre, en octubre sí que se siente
querer (e > ie):
En darte flores y decirte que te quiero
pensar (e > ie):
Sólo pienso, sólo pienso en ti
Spelling and Stem-Changing:
seguir (e > i):
Llegará diciembre, sigues en mi mente
De un verano eterno me enamoré
Y esa despedida en septiembre, en octubre sí que se siente
Mil kilómetros se restan, cuando dos almas se suman
Yo te conocí en primavera, me miraste tú de primera
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