“Übermorgen” is a non-album single by German singer/songwriter Mark Forster that was released in May of 2020. It has spend 54 weeks on the German singles chart, peaking at number 7. This week it is sitting at number 86.
Mark Ćwiertnia, who performs as Mark Forster, is a singer, songwriter and television personality from Kaiserslautern in southwest Germany. He started out writing jingles for television including for the show Krömer – Die Internationale Show. From 2007 to 2010, he was the pianist sidekick of actor and comedian Kurt Krömer. Early in his career he was the frontman for the band Balboa and was also in Kurt Krömer’s Kröm De La Kröm. In 2012 he released his first album Karton which included the singles “Auf dem Weg” and “Zu dir (weit weg)”. In 2013 he released his much more successful album Bauch und Kopf, including the hit single “Au revoir”, a collaboration with rapper Sido. The album’s title track “Bauch und Kopf” won the 2015 Bundesvision Song Contest. In 2015 he collaborated with DJ and music producer Felix Jaehn on the musical project Eff (a reference to Felix and Forster). Their debut single, entitled “Stimme”, topped the German Singles Chart for three consecutive weeks.
‘es gibt’ – Literally translating as ‘it exists’, this phrase means ‘there is’ or ‘there are’. As ‘es’ is the subject, whatever follows will be in the accusative case.
‘drauf sein’ – Literally this phrase mean ‘to be on top of’, however it carries other meanings as well. It is also used to talk about people’s mood or character traits, for example ‘ich bin gut drauf’, meaning ‘I’m in a good mood’. Lastly, when used without an adjective in colloquial language it means ‘to be on drugs’ or ‘to be high’.
‘Dickschädel’ – This is an example of one of the many words in German that was created by combining two other words. A combination of ‘dick’ meaning ‘thick’ and ‘Schädel’ meaning ‘scull’, this term means ‘stubborn person’ or ‘pigheaded person’.
‘komm nicht aus dem Staunen’ – Literally translating as ‘don’t come out of the amazement’, this phrase means ‘don’t be surprised’.
‘Raketenschub’ – In German it is quite common to combine words to form a single word. While some compound words, like ‘Dickschädel’ above, are established terms in their own right, pretty much an two (or more) words can be combined when desired. This noun is created by combing two other nouns: ‘Raketen’, the plural form of ‘Rakete’ meaning ‘rocket’, and ‘schub’, meaning ‘thrust’.
‘mit uns reden’ – This is an example of the reflexive being used reciprocally. While this could mean ‘speak with ourselves’, I find it more likely that the ‘uns’ here, rather than meaning ‘ourselves’, means ‘each other’. So this phrase means ‘speak with each other’.
‘vor’ – The preposition ‘vor’ is a two-way preposition, meaning that it can be followed by either the accusative or the dative case depending on the usage. I’ve highlighted it here because this song gives examples of both usages. As with all two-way prepositions, if there is movement from one place to another the accusative case is used. If it shows location or a static position the dative case is used. If we look at this song, “Ich seh’ 2050 vor meinen Augen” shows location, 2050 is ‘before my eyes’. Therefore we see the possessive adjective ‘meinen’ in the dative case. However, in the second example “Und wenn wir alles vor die Wand fahren”, the verb ‘fahren’ implies movement. Everything is being driven into the wall, implying movement towards the wall, so the definite article ‘die’ is in the accusative case.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Übermorgenübermorgenday after tomorrow|adv
[Intro] Heute,heutetoday|advmorgenmorgentomorrow|advundundand|conjübermorgenübermorgenday after tomorrow|adv
[Verse1] Guck,guckento look, watch|verb, reg|sec pers sing imperawiewiehow|advweitweitfar, extensive|adjwir’swir + eswe + it|pron + pron|nom first pers pl + impers third pers singschonschonalready, yet|advgeschafftschaffencreate, produce, make, cause, establish, handle, manage, complete|verb, irreg|pp|aux verb used with pp to form perf hab’nhabento have, to get|verb, irreg|first & third pers pl pres Dochdochbut, however, yet|conjichichI|pron|first pers sing, nomglaub’,glaubento believe, think, guess|verb, reg|first pers sing presdas’daswho, that, which; this, that, it|pronnurnuronly, just|advderderthe|art, def|nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plAnfangAnfang (Anfänge)beginning, start|noun|masc sing Keinekeinno, no one, not|adj|nom and acc fem and plTräneTräne (Tränen)tear, teardrop|noun|fem singistseinto be|verb, irreg|third pers sing preshierhierhere, now|advumsonstumsonstfree (of charge); for nothing, in vain|adv IchichI|pron|first pers sing, nomwein’weinento cry|verb, reg|first pers sing pres (weine)vorvorbefore, prior to; in front of; for, from|prep|acc with movement, dat with locationGlückGlück (no pl)(good) luck; happiness|noun|neut singwegenwegenbecause of, due to|prep|triggers gen or datdem,derthe|art, def|dat masc and neut singwaswaswhat; that which|pronkommtkommenarrive, come; come from|verb, irreg|third pers sing pres Wennwennwhen, if|conjduduyou|pron|sec pers sing inform, nomauchauchalso, even, really|conjdenkst,denkento think, believe|verb, irreg|sec pers sing presdassdassthat, so that|conjdu’sdu + esyou + it|pron + pron|nom sec pers sing inform + impers third pers singnichtnichtnot|advmehrmehrmore, anymore|advschaffstschaffencreate, produce, make, cause, establish, handle, manage, complete|verb, irreg|sec pers sing pres Trag’tragento carry, take; hold, support; wear|verb, irreg|first pers sing pres (trage)ichichI|pron|first pers sing, nomunsunsto us, us|pron|acc and dat of wir (first person pl)zwei,zweitwo|adjnehm’nehmento take; have, choose; accept; claim; swallow|verb, irreg|first pers sing presdichdichyou, yourself|pron|acc of du (sec pers sing)huckepackhuckepackpiggyback|adv Wirwirwe|pron|first pers pl, nommüssenmüssento have to, need to, must|verb, mod|first and third pers pl presmitmitwith, at, including|prep|triggers datunsunsto us, us|pron|acc and dat of wir (first person pl)reden’redento speak, talk; say; talk about, discuss|verb, reg|infinwiewielike, the way, how|conjDickschädelDickschädel (pl Dickschädel)stubborn person, pigheaded person|noun|masc pl Undundand|conjwennwennwhen, if|conjichichI|pron|first pers sing, nomfalle,fallento fall; trip, stumble, fall down; drop; decline; come into a situation|verb, irreg|first pers sing preswirstwerdento get, become|verb, irreg|sec pers sing presduduyou|pron|sec pers sing inform, nommichmichme, I|pron|acc of ich (first pers sing)hebenhebenlift, raise|verb, irreg|infin
[Pre-Chorus] Hab’habento have; own; suffer from|verb, irreg|first pers sing pres (habe)|aux verb used with pp to form perfmirmirme, to me|pron|dat of ich (first pers sing)verbotenverbietenforbid, prohibit, ban|verb, irreg|ppzuzuto|part|used with verb infinitivesglauben,glaubento believe, think, guess|verb, reg|infindassdassthat, so that|conjesesit, he, she, him, her|pron|third pers sing neut or impers, nom or acc|es gibt = there is, there aredichdichyou, yourself|pron|acc of du (sec pers sing)gibtgebento give, to be (exist); hand, pass; present, bestow|verb, irreg|third pers sing pres|es gibt = there is, there are Dochdochbut, however, yet|conjjetztjetztnow|advkneif’kneifento pinch, squeeze; chicken out, back out|verb, irreg|first pers sing pres (kneife)ichichI|pron|first pers sing, nommeinenmeinmy|adj, poss|acc masc sing, dat plArm,Arm (pl Arme)arm|noun|masc singininin, at, to|prep|triggers dat or accdemderthe|art, def|dat masc and neut singduduyou|pron|sec pers sing inform, nomgradgeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly|adv|alt coll formliegstliegento lie; to be located|verb, irreg|sec pers sing pres
[Chorus] Ananon, at, in; by, near; with; during|prep|triggers dat or accdeinerdeinyour|adj, poss|gen/dat fem sing, gen plSeiteSeite (pl Seiten)side; page|noun|fem singwillwollento want|verb, mod|first pers sing presichichI|pron|first pers sing, nombleibenbleibenstay, remain|verb, irreg|infin Geh’gehento go, walk; leave; work, function; be possible|verb, irreg|first pers sing pres (gehe)durchdurchthrough|prep|triggers accFeuerFeuer (pl Feuer)fire; shooting; lighter|noun|neut singundundand|conjalleallall; every|adj|nom/acc fem sing, nom/acc plZweifelZweifel (pl Zweifel)uncertainty, doubt|noun|masc sing or pl Mitmitwith, at, including|prep|triggers datallenallall, every|adj|acc masc sing, dat pl, gen masc and neutTräumenTraum (pl Träumen)dream|noun|masc plundundand|conjallallall; every|adj|used with articles and pronounsdenderthe|art, def|acc masc sing, dat plSorgenSorge (pl Sorgen)worry, concern, trouble, problem|noun|fem pl Heute,heutetoday|advmorgenmorgentomorrow|advundundand|conjübermorgenübermorgenday after tomorrow|adv Ananon, at, in; by, near; with; during|prep|triggers dat or accdeinerdeinyour|adj, poss|gen/dat fem sing, gen plSeiteSeite (pl Seiten)side; page|noun|fem singwillwollento want|verb, mod|first pers sing presichichI|pron|first pers sing, nomseinseinto be|verb, irreg|infin Unsunsto us, us|pron|acc and dat of wir (first person pl)alleallall; every|adj|nom/acc fem sing, nom/acc plFehlerFehler (pl Fehler)mistake; fault, flaw|noun|masc sing or plverzeih’nverzeihento forgive, pardon, excuse|verb, irreg|infin Mitmitwith, at, including|prep|triggers datallenallesall, everything, anything; everyone|adj|acc masc sing, dat pl, gen masc and neutTräumenTraum (pl Träumen)dream|noun|masc plundundand|conjallallall; every|adj|used with articles and pronounsdenderthe|art, def|acc masc sing, dat plSorgenSorge (pl Sorgen)worry, concern, trouble, problem|noun|fem pl Heute,heutetoday|advmorgenmorgentomorrow|advundundand|conjübermorgenübermorgenday after tomorrow|adv
[Verse 2] IchichI|pron|first pers sing, nomdachtedenkento think, believe|verb, irreg|first/third pers sing pretimmer,immeralways, constantly, all the time|advallesallesall, everything, anything; everyone|pron|indefinitemussmüssento have to, need to, must|verb, mod|first and third pers sing presendenendenend, finish; expire|verb, reg|infin Dochdochbut, however, yet|conjfürfürfor|prep|triggers accunsunsto us, us|pron|acc and dat of wir (first person pl)gibt’sgeben + esto give, to be (exist); hand, pass; present, bestow + it|verb,irreg + pron|third pers sing pres + impers third pers sing|es gibt = there is, there arekeinekeinno, no one, not|adj|nom and acc fem and plGrenzenGrenze (pl Grenzen)boundary, border; limit|noun|fem pl IchichI|pron|first pers sing, nomseh’sehento see, look at; watch; recognize; notice; meet; know|verb, irreg|first pers sing pres (sehe)20502050zweitausendfünfzig|numvorvorbefore, prior to; in front of; for, from|prep|acc with movement, dat with locationmeinenmeinmy|adj, poss|acc masc sing, dat plAugenAuge (pl Augen)eye|noun|neut pl Binseinto be|verb, irreg|first pers sing presjedenjedereach, every, any|adj|acc masc singTagTag (Tage)day; daytime|noun|masc singdrauf,draufon top of|adv||drauf sein = to be on top of; to be in a mood; to be high, on drugskommkommenarrive, come; come from|verb, irreg|sec pers sing imperanichtnichtnot|advausausout of; from; of, made of|prep|triggers datdemderthe|art, def|dat masc and neut singStaunenStaunen (no pl)astonishment, amazement, wonder|noun|neut sing Wennwennwhen, if|conjichichI|pron|first pers sing, nomdiediethe|art, def|nom fem sing and plganzeganzentire, whole, complete; all; intact; true, real|adjWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth|noun|fem singverfluch’verfluchento curse|verb, reg|first pers sing pres (verfluche) Holstholento (go) get, fetch|verb, reg|sec pers sing presduduyou|pron|sec pers sing inform, nommichmichme, I|pron|acc of ich (first pers sing)rausrausout|advmitmitwith, at, including|prep|triggers datRaketenschubRaketen + schubrocket, missile + thrust|noun|masc sing Undundand|conjwennwennwhen, if|conjwirwirwe|pron|first pers pl, nomallesallesall, everything, anything; everyone|pron|indefinitevorvorbefore, prior to; in front of; for, from|prep|acc with movement, dat with locationdiediethe|art, def|nom fem sing and plWandWand (pl Wände)wall|noun|fem singfahrenfahrento drive, go, travel; ride|verb, irreg|infin Wirdwerdento get, become|verb, irreg|third pers sing presjederjedereach, every; everyone, anyone|pron|nom masc sing and gen/dat fem singsehensehento see, look at; watch; recognize; notice; meet; know|verb, irreg|infinwie’swie + eshow + it|adv + pron|third pers sing, impersbrennt,brennento burn; shine|verb, irreg|third pers sing presweilweilsince, because|conjwir’swir + eswe + it|pron + pron|nom first pers pl + third pers sing, imperswar’nseinto be|verb, irreg|first and third pers pl pret
[Pre-Chorus] Hab’habento have; own; suffer from|verb, irreg|first pers sing pres (habe)|aux verb used with pp to form perfmirmirme, to me|pron|dat of ich (first pers sing)verbotenverbietenforbid, prohibit, ban|verb, irreg|ppzuzuto|part|used with verb infinitivesglauben,glaubento believe, think, guess|verb, reg|infindassdassthat, so that|conjesesit, he, she, him, her|pron|third pers sing neut or impers, nom or acc|es gibt = there is, there aredichdichyou, yourself|pron|acc of du (sec pers sing)gibtgebento give, to be (exist); hand, pass; present, bestow|verb, irreg|third pers sing pres|es gibt = there is, there are Dochdochbut, however, yet|conjjetztjetztnow|advkneif’kneifento pinch, squeeze; chicken out, back out|verb, irreg|first pers sing pres (kneife)ichichI|pron|first pers sing, nommeinenmeinmy|adj, poss|acc masc sing, dat plArm,Arm (pl Arme)arm|noun|masc singininin, at, to|prep|triggers dat or accdemderthe|art, def|dat masc and neut singduduyou|pron|sec pers sing inform, nomgradgeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly|adv|alt coll formliegstliegento lie; to be located|verb, irreg|sec pers sing pres
[Chorus] Ananon, at, in; by, near; with; during|prep|triggers dat or accdeinerdeinyour|adj, poss|gen/dat fem sing, gen plSeiteSeite (pl Seiten)side; page|noun|fem singwillwollento want|verb, mod|first pers sing presichichI|pron|first pers sing, nombleibenbleibenstay, remain|verb, irreg|infin Geh’gehento go, walk; leave; work, function; be possible|verb, irreg|first pers sing pres (gehe)durchdurchthrough|prep|triggers accFeuerFeuer (pl Feuer)fire; shooting; lighter|noun|neut singundundand|conjalleallall; every|adj|nom/acc fem sing, nom/acc plZweifelZweifel (pl Zweifel)uncertainty, doubt|noun|masc sing or pl Mitmitwith, at, including|prep|triggers datallenallall, every|adj|acc masc sing, dat pl, gen masc and neutTräumenTraum (pl Träumen)dream|noun|masc plundundand|conjallallall; every|adj|used with articles and pronounsdenderthe|art, def|acc masc sing, dat plSorgenSorge (pl Sorgen)worry, concern, trouble, problem|noun|fem pl Heute,heutetoday|advmorgenmorgentomorrow|advundundand|conjübermorgenübermorgenday after tomorrow|adv Ananon, at, in; by, near; with; during|prep|triggers dat or accdeinerdeinyour|adj, poss|gen/dat fem sing, gen plSeiteSeite (pl Seiten)side; page|noun|fem singwillwollento want|verb, mod|first pers sing presichichI|pron|first pers sing, nomseinseinto be|verb, irreg|infin Unsunsto us, us|pron|acc and dat of wir (first person pl)alleallall; every|adj|nom/acc fem sing, nom/acc plFehlerFehler (pl Fehler)mistake; fault, flaw|noun|masc sing or plverzeih’nverzeihento forgive, pardon, excuse|verb, irreg|infin Mitmitwith, at, including|prep|triggers datallenallesall, everything, anything; everyone|adj|acc masc sing, dat pl, gen masc and neutTräumenTraum (pl Träumen)dream|noun|masc plundundand|conjallallall; every|adj|used with articles and pronounsdenderthe|art, def|acc masc sing, dat plSorgenSorge (pl Sorgen)worry, concern, trouble, problem|noun|fem pl Heute,heutetoday|advmorgenmorgentomorrow|advundundand|conjübermorgenübermorgenday after tomorrow|adv
[Outro] Heute,heutetoday|advmorgenmorgentomorrow|advundundand|conjübermorgenübermorgenday after tomorrow|adv Heute,heutetoday|advmorgenmorgentomorrow|advundundand|conjübermorgenübermorgenday after tomorrow|adv
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Übermorgen Day After Tomorrow
[Intro] Heute, morgen und übermorgen Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
[Verse 1] Guck, wie weit wir’s schon geschafft hab’n Look how far we’ve already come Doch ich glaub’, das’ nur der Anfang But I think this is just the beginning Keine Träne ist hier umsonst No tear is in vain here Ich wein’ vor Glück wegen dem, was kommt I’m crying tears of joy because of what’s to come Wenn du auch denkst, dass du’s nicht mehr schaffst If you think you can’t handle it anymore Trag’ ich uns zwei, nehm’ dich huckepack I’ll carry both of us, give you a piggyback ride Wir müssen mit uns reden wie Dickschädel We need to talk to each other like stubborn people Und wenn ich falle, wirst du mich heben And if I fall, you’ll pick me up
[Pre-Chorus] Hab’ mir verboten zu glauben, dass es dich gibt I forbade myself from believing that you exist Doch jetzt kneif’ ich meinen Arm, in dem du grad liegst But now I pinch my Arm, the one you are lying in
[Chorus] An deiner Seite will ich bleiben I want to stay by your side Geh’ durch Feuer und alle Zweifel Go through fire and all doubts Mit allen Träumen und all den Sorgen With all the dreams and all the worries Heute, morgen und übermorgen Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow An deiner Seite will ich sein I want to be by your side Uns alle Fehler verzeih’n Forgive each other for all our mistakes Mit allen Träumen und all den Sorgen With all the dreams and all the worries Heute, morgen und übermorgen Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
[Verse 2] Ich dachte immer, alles muss enden I always thought everything must end Doch für uns gibt’s keine Grenzen But for us there are no limits Ich seh’ 2050 vor meinen Augen I see 2050 before my eyes Bin jeden Tag drauf, komm nicht aus dem Staunen I’m high every day, don’t be surprised Wenn ich die ganze Welt verfluch’ When I curse the whole world Holst du mich raus mit Raketenschub Will you get me out with a rocket thrust Und wenn wir alles vor die Wand fahren And if we drive everything into the wall Wird jeder sehen, wie’s brennt, weil wir’s war’n Everyone will see how it burns, because it was us
[Pre-Chorus] Hab’ mir verboten zu glauben, dass es dich gibt I forbade myself from believing that you exist Doch jetzt kneif’ ich meinen Arm, in dem du grad liegst But now I pinch my Arm, the one you are lying in
[Chorus] An deiner Seite will ich bleiben I want to stay by your side Geh’ durch Feuer und alle Zweifel Go through fire and all doubts Mit allen Träumen und all den Sorgen With all the dreams and all the worries Heute, morgen und übermorgen Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow An deiner Seite will ich sein I want to be by your side Uns alle Fehler verzeih’n Forgive each other for all our mistakes Mit allen Träumen und all den Sorgen With all the dreams and all the worries Heute, morgen und übermorgen Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
[Outro] Heute, morgen und übermorgen Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow Heute, morgen und übermorgen Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive Adjectives:
Doch jetzt kneif’ ich meinen Arm, in dem du grad liegst
Ich seh’ 2050 vor meinen Augen
An deiner Seite will ich bleiben
An deiner Seite will ich sein
Trag’ ich uns zwei, nehm’ dich huckepack
Und wenn ich falle, wirst du mich heben
Hab’ mir verboten zu glauben, dass es dich gibt
Doch jetzt kneif’ ich meinen Arm, in dem du grad liegst
Geh’ durch Feuer und alle Zweifel
Uns alle Fehler verzeih’n
Doch für uns gibt’s keine Grenzen
Wenn ich die ganze Welt verfluch’
Holst du mich raus mit Raketenschub
Und wenn wir alles vor die Wand fahren
Ich wein’ vor Glück wegen dem, was kommt
Wir müssen mit uns reden wie Dickschädel
Hab’ mir verboten zu glauben, dass es dich gibt
Doch jetzt kneif’ ich meinen Arm, in dem du grad liegst
An deiner Seite will ich bleiben
Mit allen Träumen und all den Sorgen
An deiner Seite will ich sein
Uns alle Fehler verzeih’n
Ich seh’ 2050 vor meinen Augen
Bin jeden Tag drauf, komm nicht aus dem Staunen
Holst du mich raus mit Raketenschub
Perfekt: geschafft, verboten
Guck, wie weit wir’s schon geschafft hab’n
Hab’ mir verboten zu glauben, dass es dich gibt
Guck, wie weit wir’s schon geschafft hab’n (haben)
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