“Tout l’univers” is a single by Swiss singer Gjon’s Tears that was released in March of 2021. The song represented Switzerland in the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The song finished in 3rd place, the best result for Switzerland since 1993.
‘Ne pas te retenir’ – With the verb in the infinitive here, there are a couple possible meanings for the phrase. One option is that the ‘te’ is a direct object being held back by an undefined subject. So the translation would be ‘To not hold onto you’ or ‘To not hold you back’. The other option is that this is a version of the reflexive ‘se retenir’ meaning to hold oneself back. So it could also mean ‘To not hold yourself back’.
‘Nous nous retrouvons au point d’impact’ – This is a reflexive verb that could either be reflexive or reciprocal in this context. ‘Se retrouver’ can either mean ‘to meet each other’, or ‘to find oneself’, ‘to get one’s bearings’ or ‘to be found’. So it could mean that after they will meet each other at the impact point, or that they will find themselves. I feel it is more likely however that the song is saying they will lose each other and then they will find each other again. This is also an example of the present tense being used as the implied future. Even though the present tense is used, the meaning is ‘we will meet’.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Touttoutall, all of, every one of, the whole | adj | masc singl’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsuniversuniversuniverse | noun | masc sing
[Verse 1] Laisserlaisserto leave; to let, allow | verb, reg | infinlelethe | art, def | masc singventventwind, breeze; air circulation; air, feeling, atmosphere | noun | masc singquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or relfrôlefrôlerbrush past/against; verge on, be close to, approach | verb, reg | first and third pers sing pres Sasahis, her, its, one's | adj, poss | fem singmainmainhand | noun | fem singsursuron, upon; on top of, above | prepmonmonmy | adj, poss | masc singépauleépauleshoulder | noun | fem plural Lelethe | art, def | masc singvidevideemptiness, empty space, void, vacuum, nothingness | noun | masc singdansdansin | prepmamamy | adj, poss | fem singtêtetêtehead | noun | fem sing Pasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechlalathe | art, def | fem singmoindremoindrelower; lesser, least | adj | masc and fem singcachettecachettehiding place, hideout | noun | fem sing
[Verse 2] C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presl’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsaubeaubedawn, daybreak | noun | fem singquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or reldéclinedéclinerweaken, sicken, become weaker; decline; reject, refuse; state, give | verb, reg | first and third pers sing pres Derrièrederrièrebehind | prepununa | art, indef | masc singchampchampfield | noun | masc singdedeof; from | prepruineruinedegradation, decline, deterioration; ruin; bankruptcy | noun | fem sing Lelethe | art, def | masc singmomentmomenttime, moment, period | noun | masc singdedeof; from | prepgrandirgrandirto get bigger/taller, grow; increase; grow up | verb, reg | infin Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'pasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in col speechteteyou; yourself | pron | dir obj, indir obj, and reflex, sec pers singretenirretenircatch; hold on to, hold back | verb, irreg | infin
[Pre-Chorus] JejeI | pron | first pers sing, subvoisvoirto see, watch | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing presderrièrederrièrebehind | prepnousnouswe, us | pron | first pers pl, sub, dir obj, indir obj, disjdesdessome | art, indef | masc and fem plmorceauxmorceaupiece, bit, fragment | noun | masc pldedeof; from | preptoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj Etetand | conjcecethis, that | adj, dem | masc singquequethat, than | conj | | ce que = whatlalathe | art, def | fem singdouleurdouleurpain | noun | fem singaavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.faitfaireto do, to make | verb, irreg | ppdedeof; from | prepmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj
[Chorus] Touttoutall, all of, every one of, the whole | adj | masc singl’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsuniversuniversuniverse | noun | masc sing Nosnosour | adj, poss | masc and fem pldeuxdeuxtwo | adjcœurscœurheart | noun | masc plsoussousunder, underneath | preplalathe | art, def | fem singterreterreearth; soil; land, property | noun | fem sing Auà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singmilieumilieumiddle | noun | masc singdesdessome | art, indef | masc and fem plfaillesfaillefault, rift; flaw | noun | fem ploùoùwhere; at that time, when | advtouttouteverything; anything | pronéclateéclaterto smash, break, crack; split, divide; pulverize; burst, explode, shatter; break out; erupt, come out | verb, reg | first and third pers sing pres Sesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflextrouvertrouverto find | verb, reg | infin | se trouver = be located; happen; find oneself, think you look auà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singpointpointdot, spot, point; period; place, position | noun | masc singd’deof; from | prep | used before vowelsimpactimpactimpact; chip, mark; effect; influence | noun | masc sing Sanssanswithout | preptoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj
[Verse 3] Quequewhat, that, whom | prondeviendrontdevenirto become; happen to | verb, irreg | third pers pl futnosnosour | adj, poss | masc and fem plsoufflessoufflebreath; breeze, puff of wind, blast of air | noun | masc sing S’siif | conj | shortened to s' before vowelsilsilsthey | pron | third pers pl masc or mixed gender, subrestentresterto remain, be left | verb, reg | third pers pl pressursuron, upon; on top of, above | preplelethe | art, def | masc singbord ?bordedge, rim; (river) bank | noun | masc sing Cetcetthis, that | adj, dem | masc sing before vowelsamouramourlove | noun | masc when singular, fem when pluralquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or relnousnouswe, us | pron | first pers pl, sub, dir obj, indir obj, disjtordtordreto wring, twist, contort | verb, reg | third pers sing pres
[Pre-Chorus] JejeI | pron | first pers sing, subvoisvoirto see, watch | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing presderrièrederrièrebehind | prepnousnouswe, us | pron | first pers pl, sub, dir obj, indir obj, disjdesdessome | art, indef | masc and fem plmorceauxmorceaupiece, bit, fragment | noun | masc pldedeof; from | preptoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj Etetand | conjcecethis, that | adj, dem | masc singquequethat, than | conj | | ce que = whatlalathe | art, def | fem singdouleurdouleurpain | noun | fem singaavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.faitfaireto do, to make | verb, irreg | ppdedeof; from | prepmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj
[Chorus] Touttoutall, all of, every one of, the whole | adj | masc singl’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsuniversuniversuniverse | noun | masc sing Nosnosour | adj, poss | masc and fem pldeuxdeuxtwo | adjcœurscœurheart | noun | masc plsoussousunder, underneath | preplalathe | art, def | fem singterreterreearth; soil; land, property | noun | fem sing Auà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singmilieumilieumiddle | noun | masc singdesdessome | art, indef | masc and fem plfaillesfaillefault, rift; flaw | noun | fem ploùoùwhere; at that time, when | advtouttouteverything; anything | pronéclateéclaterto smash, break, crack; split, divide; pulverize; burst, explode, shatter; break out; erupt, come out | verb, reg | first and third pers sing pres Sesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflextrouvertrouverto find | verb, reg | infin | se trouver = be located; happen; find oneself, think you look auà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singpointpointdot, spot, point; period; place, position | noun | masc singd’deof; from | prep | used before vowelsimpactimpactimpact; chip, mark; effect; influence | noun | masc sing Sanssanswithout | preptoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj
[Bridge] Derrièrederrièrebehind | prepmesmesmy | adj, poss | masc and fem plpaupièrespaupièreeyelid | noun | fem pl Trouvertrouverto find | verb, reg | infindedeof; from | prepl’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsairairair, atmosphere; appearance; tune | noun | masc sing
[Final Chorus] Touttouteverything; anything | pronl’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsuniversuniversuniverse | noun | masc sing Nosnosour | adj, poss | masc and fem pldeuxdeuxtwo | adjcœurscœurheart | noun | masc plsoussousunder, underneath | preplalathe | art, def | fem singterreterreearth; soil; land, property | noun | fem sing Auà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singmilieumilieumiddle | noun | masc singdesdessome | art, indef | masc and fem plfaillesfaillefault, rift; flaw | noun | fem pletetand | conjdesdessome | art, indef | masc and fem plressacsressacbackwash, receding waves | noun | masc pl Nousnouswe, us | pron | first pers pl, sub, dir obj, indir obj, disjnousnouswe, us | pron | first pers pl, sub, dir obj, indir obj, disjretrouvonsretrouverfind; encounter, meet; get back; remember; get back (to) | verb, reg | first pers pl pres | se retrouver = to meet each other; find oneself; get one's bearings; be foundauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singpointpointdot, spot, point; period; place, position | noun | masc singd’deof; from | prep | used before vowelsimpactimpactimpact; chip, mark; effect; influence | noun | masc sing Commentcommenthow | advsoignersoignerto treat; care for, look after; be a cure for | verb, reg | infinnosnosour | adj, poss | masc and fem plcœurscœurheart | noun | masc plquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or reléclatent?éclaterto smash, break, crack; split, divide; pulverize; burst, explode, shatter; break out; erupt, come out | verb, reg | third pers pl pres
[Outro] Touttouteverything; anything | pronl’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsuniversuniversuniverse | noun | masc sing
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Tout l’univers The whole universe
[Verse 1] Laisser le vent qui frôle Let the wind that brushes Sa main sur mon épaule Its hand on my shoulder Le vide dans ma tête The emptiness in my head Pas la moindre cachette Not the slightest hiding place
[Verse 2] C’est l’aube qui décline It’s the dawn that is waning Derrière un champ de ruine Behind a field of ruin Le moment de grandir The time to grow up Ne pas te retenir To not hold onto you
[Pre-Chorus] Je vois derrière nous des morceaux de toi I see pieces of you behind us Et ce que la douleur a fait de moi And what pain has done to me
[Chorus] Tout l’univers The whole universe Nos deux cœurs sous la terre Our two hearts under the ground Au milieu des failles où tout éclate In the middle of the rifts where everything shatters Se trouver au point d’impact Being at the point of impact Sans toi Without you
[Verse 3] Que deviendront nos souffles What will become of our breaths S’ils restent sur le bord ? Should they stay on the edge? Cet amour qui nous tord This love that contorts us
[Pre-Chorus] Je vois derrière nous des morceaux de toi I see pieces of you behind us Et ce que la douleur a fait de moi And what pain has done to me
[Chorus] Tout l’univers The whole universe Nos deux cœurs sous la terre Our two hearts under the ground Au milieu des failles où tout éclate In the middle of the rifts where everything shatters Se trouver au point d’impact Being at the point of impact Sans toi Without you
[Bridge] Derrière mes paupières Behind my eyelids Trouver de l’air Finding some air
[Final Chorus] Tout l’univers The whole universe Nos deux cœurs sous la terre Our two hearts under the ground Au milieu des failles et des ressacs In the middle of the rifts and the receding waves Nous nous retrouvons au point d’impact We’ll meet at the point of impact Comment soigner nos cœurs qui éclatent ? How can we heal our shattering hearts?
[Outro] Tout l’univers The whole universe
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