Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin has been extremely influential to Latin music, so it’s long past time that he be included on this site. He released the duet “Recuerdo” with Carla Morrison on July 23, 2020. It appears on his EP Pausa which was released on May 29, 2020, and reached number twelve on the Billboard Latin Pop Songs chart.
Enrique Martín Morales, who performs as Ricky Martin, is a singer, songwriter and actor from San Juan, Puerto Rico. Martin got his start in music at the age of twelve when he joined the Puerto Rican boy band Menudo. At seventeen years old he left the group and began a solo career while also pursing acting. His first solo album, the Spanish-language Ricky Martin was released in November of 1991. After releasing several Spanish language albums he wrote “La copa de la vida” for the 1998 FIFA World Cup. His performance at the World Cup final was broadcast to over a billion viewers in 187 countries and reached number one on the charts around the word, going gold and platinum in various countries. In 1999 he performed this song at the 41st Annual Grammy Awards, and was credited with bringing Latin pop to mainstream American audiences and sparking nationwide interest in Latin music.
Following this success, Martin attained worldwide success with the release of his first English-language album Ricky Martin, which included the single “Livin’ la Vida Loca”. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, sold 661,000 copies in the first week, and became the most successful album debut on the Billboard charts by a Hispanic artist. It is his best selling album to date, reaching number one in many countries around the world and having sold 15 million copies worldwide, earning 7× platinum certification in the US. The single “Livin’ la Vida Loca” is generally seen as the song that began the Latin pop explosion of 1999 and paved the way for other Spanish-speaking artists like Enrique Iglesias and Shakira to move into the English-speaking market.
Ricky Martin has received numerous awards, including 2 Grammy Awards, 4 Latin Grammy Awards, 5 MTV Video Music Awards, 3 Billboard Music Awards, 9 Billboard Latin Music Awards, 2 American Music Awards, and 2 Latin American Music Awards. He is known as the “King of Latin Pop” and is one of the best-selling and most influential Latin music artists of all time with over 70 million records worldwide.
Carla Patricia Morrison Flores, known as Carla Morrison, is an indie-pop singer and composer from Tecate, Baja California, Mexico. When she was 17 she decided to move to Phoenix, Arizona to dedicate herself to music. She began studying music at Mesa Community College, but she soon dropped out of school because her approach to music was more spiritual, emotional and self taught than academic. She performed for a short time locally in a band called Babaluca. In 2009 and 2010 she released two EPs, entitled Aprendiendo a Aprender and Mientras Tú Dormías, which led to performances throughout Mexico and in some areas of the US and Colombia. She released her first full album Déjenme Llorar in March of 2012, which was certified Gold in Mexico. The album won a Latin Grammy Awards for Best Alternative Album and it’s title track won the Latin Grammy Award for Best Alternative Song.
‘recuerdo’ – The word ‘recuerdo’ can either be a noun meaning ‘memory’ or the first person singular (yo) present tense conjugation of the verb ‘recordar’ meaning ‘to remember’. As both meanings appear in this song the title could mean either, though I have chosen ‘memory’ as it appears both in the chorus and more times throughout the song.
‘no tengo saciedad’ – Translating literally as ‘I don’t have satiation’, a better translation for this phrase would be ‘I can’t get enough of you’.
‘lo que’ – Literally translating as ‘it that’, this phrase better translates as ‘what’, ‘whatever’, or ‘which’.
‘pedir’ – This verb usually means ‘to ask for’, however it can also mean ‘to need’, ‘to want’ or ‘to cry out for’, for example ‘estas paredes están pidiendo una mano de pintura’ meaning ‘these walls are needing a coat of paint’ or even ‘these walls are crying out for a coat of paint’.
‘al dormir’ – The contraction ‘al’ (a + el) means that something is done at the time of the accompanying noun or verb. For example ‘al amanecer’ means ‘at dawn’, ‘al llegar’ means ‘on arrival’ and here ‘al dormir’ means ‘when at sleep’.
Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Recuerdorecuerdomemory, memories; souvenir, momento | noun | masc sing
[Verse 1] Vengovenirto come, to arrive; to return, come back | verb | first pers sing presaato, into, by | prepti,tiyou | pron | sec pers sing, obj of prepconfiesoconfesarconfess, admit | verb | first pers sing pres Cadacadaeach, every | adjemociónemociónemotion, feeling; excitement, anticipation | noun | fem singlatiendolatirto beat | verb | ger Estoestothis | pron | masc singmememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singimpideimpedirprevent, block, hinder, impede | verb | third pers sing presrespirarrespirarto breathe | verb | infin Yayanow, already | advnononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing pres Mememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singperdíperderto lose | verb | first pers sing pret | perderse = to get lost; to missenenin, on, during | preptutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singcuerpocuerpobody | noun | masc sing Cadacadaeach, every | adjrincónrincóncorner | noun | masc singsecretosecretosecret, hidden | adj | masc sing Dedefrom, of | preptitiyou | pron | obj of a prepnononot | advtengotenerto have | verb | first pers sing pressaciedadsaciedadsatiation, fullness | noun | fem sing Sonserto be | verb | third pers pl prestustusyour | adj | masc and fem plbesosbesokiss | noun | masc pl
[Pre-Chorus] Nononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing presfingirfingirto pretend, feign, fake, imitate | verb | infin Lolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuter | lo que = what, whatever, whichquequethat, than | conj | lo que = what, whatever, whichvesverto see, to watch | verb | sec pers sing presenenin, on, during | prepmímíme | pron | first pers sing, obj of prepesserto be | verb | third pers sing presporporfor; because of; by | preptitiyou | pron | obj of a prep Déjamedejar + meto let, allow; to leave + me | verb + pron | sec pers sing imperasentirsentirto feel; sense; hear; taste; feel about, think about; feel sorry about | verb | infin Solosoloonly, just | advacércateacercarseapproach; take interest; go to | verb | sec pers sing impera
[Chorus] Porqueporquebecause | conjenenin, on, during | preptitiyou | pron | obj of a preppudepoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing pretververto see | verb | infinmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singreflejoreflejoreflection, reflex | noun | masc sing Lalathe | def art | fem singmitadmitadhalf; middle | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | prepmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singvidavidalife | noun | fem singhechahechomade | adj | fem singversoversoverse, poetry | noun | masc sing Cadacadaeach, every | adjsol,solsun | noun | masc singcadacadaeach, every | adjlunalunamoon | noun | fem singenenin, on, during | prepmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singcielocielosky, heaven | noun | masc sing Yyand | conjenenin, on, during | preptustusyour | adj | masc and fem plojosojoeye | noun | masc plmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singsustentosustentosustenance, food; foundation, support | noun | masc sing Fueserto be | verb | third pers sing prettutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singluzluzlight | noun | fem singlalathe | def art | fem singilusión,ilusióndream, hope, wishful thinking; excitement, eagerness; illusion | noun | fem singlalathe | def art | fem singcariciacariciastroke, pat, caress; pet | noun | fem sing Tustusyour | adj | masc and fem plpalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plbesandobesarto kiss | verb | gerlaslasthe | def art | fem plmíasmíasmine | poss adj | fem pl Fueserto be | verb | third pers sing prettutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singaroma,aromascent, aroma | noun | masc singpociónpociónpotion, medicine | noun | fem singtantanso, such; as | advdivinadivinodivine, heavenly, delightful | adj | fem sing Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singrecuerdorecuerdomemory, memories; souvenir, momento | noun | masc singnononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing presolvidarolvidarto forget | verb | infin
[Verse 2] Buscobuscarlook for, search for; pick up, collect | verb | first pers sing presenenin, on, during | prepmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singsilenciosilenciosilence | noun | masc sing Cadacadaeach, every | adjrazónrazónreason | noun | fem singquequethat, than | conjpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing pres Mimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singmentementemind | noun | fem singpidepedirto ask for, request; demand; order | verb | third pers sing presolvidarolvidarto forget | verb | infin YoyoI | pron | first pers singnononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing pres Fuisteirto go | verb | sec pers sing pretelelthe | def art | masc singfirmamentofirmamentosky, firmament | noun | masc sing Ununa | indef art | masc singbálsamo,bálsamobalm | noun | masc singununa | indef art | masc singmisteriomisteriomystery | noun | masc sing Contigocontigowith you | pronhicehacerto do, make | verb | first pers sing pretmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singverdadverdadtruth | noun | fem sing Yyand | conjmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singcredocredocreed | noun | masc sing
[Pre-Chorus] Nononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing presfingirfingirto pretend, feign, fake, imitate | verb | infin Lolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuter | lo que = what, whatever, whichquequethat, than | conj | lo que = what, whatever, whichvesverto see, to watch | verb | sec pers sing presenenin, on, during | prepmímíme | pron | first pers sing, obj of prepesserto be | verb | third pers sing presporporfor; because of; by | preptitiyou | pron | obj of a prep Déjamedejar + meto let, allow; to leave + me | verb + pron | sec pers sing imperasentirsentirto feel; sense; hear; taste; feel about, think about; feel sorry about | verb | infin Solosoloonly, just | advacércateacercarseapproach; take interest; go to | verb | sec pers sing impera
[Chorus] Porqueporquebecause | conjenenin, on, during | preptitiyou | pron | obj of a preppudepoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing pretververto see | verb | infinmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singreflejoreflejoreflection, reflex | noun | masc sing Lalathe | def art | fem singmitadmitadhalf; middle | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | prepmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singvidavidalife | noun | fem singhechahechomade | adj | fem singversoversoverse, poetry | noun | masc sing Cadacadaeach, every | adjsol,solsun | noun | masc singcadacadaeach, every | adjlunalunamoon | noun | fem singenenin, on, during | prepmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singcielocielosky, heaven | noun | masc sing Yyand | conjenenin, on, during | preptustusyour | adj | masc and fem plojosojoeye | noun | masc plmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singsustentosustentosustenance, food; foundation, support | noun | masc sing Fueserto be | verb | third pers sing prettutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singluzluzlight | noun | fem singlalathe | def art | fem singilusión,ilusióndream, hope, wishful thinking; excitement, eagerness; illusion | noun | fem singlalathe | def art | fem singcariciacariciastroke, pat, caress; pet | noun | fem sing Tustusyour | adj | masc and fem plpalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plbesandobesarto kiss | verb | gerlaslasthe | def art | fem plmíasmíasmine | poss adj | fem pl Fueserto be | verb | third pers sing prettutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singaroma,aromascent, aroma | noun | masc singpociónpociónpotion, medicine | noun | fem singtantanso, such; as | advdivinadivinodivine, heavenly, delightful | adj | fem sing Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singrecuerdorecuerdomemory, memories; souvenir, momento | noun | masc singnononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing presolvidarolvidarto forget | verb | infin
[Post-Chorus] No-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singrecuerdorecuerdomemory, memories; souvenir, momento | noun | masc singnononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing presolvidarolvidarto forget | verb | infin
[Bridge] Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singvozvozvoice | noun | fem singhabitahabitarto live (in), dwell, inhabit | verb | third pers sing presenenin, on, during | prepmímíme | pron | first pers sing, obj of prep Mimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singpielpielskin; peel; leather | noun | fem singmememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singpidepedirto ask for, request; demand; order | verb | third pers sing prestitiyou | pron | obj of a prep Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singmiromirarlook, watch | verb | first pers sing presenenin, on, during | prepmismismy | poss adj | masc and fem plsueñossueñosleep; sleepiness, drowsiness; dream | noun | masc pl Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singbuscobuscarlook for, search for; pick up, collect | verb | first pers sing presala + elto the | prep + def art | masc singdormirdormirverb | infin Nononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing presescribirescribirto write | verb | infin Hoyhoytoday; nowadays, now | advsolosoloonly, just | advsésaberto know | verb | first pers sing pressentirsentirto feel; sense; hear; taste; feel about, think about; feel sorry about | verb | infin Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singpido,pedirask for, request; order; demand; need, cry out for | verb | first pers sing presteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singrecuerdorecordarto remember | verb | first pers sing pres
[Chorus] Porqueporquebecause | conjenenin, on, during | preptitiyou | pron | obj of a preppudepoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing pretververto see | verb | infinmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singreflejoreflejoreflection, reflex | noun | masc sing Lalathe | def art | fem singmitadmitadhalf; middle | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | prepmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singvidavidalife | noun | fem singhechahechomade | adj | fem singversoversoverse, poetry | noun | masc sing Cadacadaeach, every | adjsol,solsun | noun | masc singcadacadaeach, every | adjlunalunamoon | noun | fem singenenin, on, during | prepmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singcielocielosky, heaven | noun | masc sing Yyand | conjenenin, on, during | preptustusyour | adj | masc and fem plojosojoeye | noun | masc plmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singsustentosustentosustenance, food; foundation, support | noun | masc sing Fueserto be | verb | third pers sing prettutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singluzluzlight | noun | fem singlalathe | def art | fem singilusión,ilusióndream, hope, wishful thinking; excitement, eagerness; illusion | noun | fem singlalathe | def art | fem singcariciacariciastroke, pat, caress; pet | noun | fem sing Tustusyour | adj | masc and fem plpalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plbesandobesarto kiss | verb | gerlaslasthe | def art | fem plmíasmíasmine | poss adj | fem pl Fueserto be | verb | third pers sing prettutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singaroma,aromascent, aroma | noun | masc singpociónpociónpotion, medicine | noun | fem singtantanso, such; as | advdivinadivinodivine, heavenly, delightful | adj | fem sing Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singrecuerdorecuerdomemory, memories; souvenir, momento | noun | masc singnononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing presolvidarolvidarto forget | verb | infin
[Post-Chorus] x 2 No-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singrecuerdorecuerdomemory, memories; souvenir, momento | noun | masc singnononot | advpuedopoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing presolvidarolvidarto forget | verb | infin
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Recuerdo Memory
[Verse 1] Vengo a ti, confieso I come to you, I confess Cada emoción latiendo Every emotion beating Esto me impide respirar This keeps me from breathing Ya no puedo I can’t anymore Me perdí en tu cuerpo I got lost in your body Cada rincón secreto Every secret corner De ti no tengo saciedad I can’t get enough of you Son tus besos It’s your kisses
[Pre-Chorus] No puedo fingir I can’t pretend Lo que ves en mí es por ti What you see in me is because of you Déjame sentir Let me feel Solo acércate Just come closer
[Chorus] Porque en ti pude ver mi reflejo Because in you I could see my reflection La mitad de mi vida hecha verso Half my life put into poetry Cada sol, cada luna en mi cielo Every sun, every moon in my sky Y en tus ojos mi sustento And in your eyes my foundation Fue tu luz la ilusión, la caricia Your light was the illusion, the caress Tus palabras besando las mías Your words kissing mine Fue tu aroma, poción tan divina It was your aroma, such a divine potion Tu recuerdo no puedo olvidar I can’t forget your memory
[Verse 2] Busco en mi silencio I search my silence Cada razón que puedo Every reason I can Mi mente pide olvidar My mind asks to forget Yo no puedo I can’t Fuiste el firmamento You were the firmament Un bálsamo, un misterio A balm, a mystery Contigo hice mi verdad With you I made my truth Y mi credo And my creed
[Pre-Chorus] No puedo fingir I can’t pretend Lo que ves en mí es por ti What you see in me is because of you Déjame sentir Let me feel Solo acércate Just come closer
[Chorus] Porque en ti pude ver mi reflejo Because in you I could see my reflection La mitad de mi vida hecha verso Half my life put into poetry Cada sol, cada luna en mi cielo Every sun, every moon in my sky Y en tus ojos mi sustento And in your eyes my foundation Fue tu luz la ilusión, la caricia Your light was the illusion, the caress Tus palabras besando las mías Your words kissing mine Fue tu aroma, poción tan divina It was your aroma, such a divine potion Tu recuerdo no puedo olvidar I can’t forget your memory
[Post-Chorus] No-oh-oh-oh-oh No-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Tu recuerdo no puedo olvidar I can’t forget your memory
[Bridge] Tu voz habita en mí Your voice lives in me Mi piel me pide ti My skin asks me for you Te miro en mis sueños I watch you in my dreams Te busco al dormir I look for you when I sleep No puedo escribir I can’t write Hoy solo sé sentir Now I only know ow to feel Te pido, te recuerdo I need you, I remember you
[Chorus] Porque en ti pude ver mi reflejo Because in you I could see my reflection La mitad de mi vida hecha verso Half my life put into poetry Cada sol, cada luna en mi cielo Every sun, every moon in my sky Y en tus ojos mi sustento And in your eyes my foundation Fue tu luz la ilusión, la caricia Your light was the illusion, the caress Tus palabras besando las mías Your words kissing mine Fue tu aroma, poción tan divina It was your aroma, such a divine potion Tu recuerdo no puedo olvidar I can’t forget your memory
[Post-Chorus] x 2 No-oh-oh-oh-oh No-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Tu recuerdo no puedo olvidar I can’t forget your memory
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