“Nuestra Canción” is a collaboration between Colombian music group Monsieur Periné and Dominican singer Vicente García. It appears on Monsieur Periné’s second album Caja de Música, released in 2015.
‘algún día’ – Just as one would expect from the literal meaning of the words (‘some’ and ‘day’), this phrase means ‘someday’ or ‘one day’.
‘llevarse’ – The verb ‘llevar’ means ‘to have spent time’, ‘to carry’, ‘to take’, ‘to lead’, ‘to bring’, or ‘to wear’. The pronominal ‘llevarse’ means ‘to make off with’, ‘to take’, ‘to steal’, ‘to get along’, ‘to hit it off’ or ‘to be in style/fashion’.
‘a ciegas’ – Literally translating as ‘at blind’, this phrase means ‘blindly’.
‘entregarse’ – The verb ‘entregar’ means ‘to deliver’, ‘to hand over’, ‘to entrust’ or ‘to betray’. The pronominal ‘entregarse’ means ‘to turn oneself in’, ‘to surrender’, ‘to devote oneself to’, ‘to dedicate oneself to’ or ‘to have sex with’. In this song, I have translated the phrase “A ciegas, nos entregamos” as “Blindly, we surrendered to each other”, however, the meaning ‘to have sex’ would also make sense in this context.
‘oponerse’ – The verb ‘oponer’ means ‘to resist’ or ‘to oppose’. The pronominal ‘oponerse’ means ‘to be against’, ‘to disagree with’, ‘to object’ or ‘to be the opposite of’.
‘Aunque muchos se opusieran’ – The conjunction ‘aunque’ means ‘although’, ‘even though’ or ‘even if’, and can be followed by either the indicative or the subjunctive. If what follows is a known fact, or the outcome is known, the indicative will be used, otherwise, it will be followed by the subjunctive. The use of the imperfect subjunctive here implies that many people being opposed to their relationship is not a sure thing, just a possibility.
‘inventar’ vs ‘inventarse’ – While these both mean ‘to invent’ or ‘to make up’, ‘inventarse’ is more commonly used in spoken Spanish for intangible things such as ideas, excuses or stories.
‘quién lo diría’ – Literally translating as ‘who would say it’, this phrase translates along the lines of ‘who’d have thought’, ‘who knew’, ‘lo and behold’ or ‘what do you know’
‘por sorpresa’ – This phrase carries the literal meaning ‘by surprise’.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Nuestranuestroours | adj, poss | fem singCancióncanciónsong | noun | fem sing
[Verse 1] Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexdijedecirto say, tell | verb, irreg | first pers sing pretadiósadiósgoodbye | adv Llegastellegarto arrive, reach | verb, spl chg | sec pers sing prettardetardelate | advparaparafor, to, in order to | prepdespedirnosdespedirseto say goodbye | verb, stm chg + pron | infin + first pers pl reflex pron Yyand | conjsisiif | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singdestinodestinodestiny, fate; destination | noun | masc singapresuradoapresuradohurried, hasty | adj | masc singquisoquererto want, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | third pers sing pretherirnosherir + nosto wound, injure, hurt | verb, stm chg + pron | infin + first pers pl dir obj YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subdescubrídescubrirto discover, find; find out, realize | verb, reg | first pers sing pretunaunaa, an | art, indef | fem singsoluciónsoluciónsolution, answer | noun | fem singparaparafor, to, in order to | prepelelthe | art, def | masc singdolordolorpain, sorrow, grief | noun | masc sing Hicehacerto do; make; cause; prepare | verb, irreg | first pers sing pretlalathe | art, def | fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem singquequethat, than; because; let | conjmememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singpedíaspedirto ask for, request; demand; order | verb, stm chg | sec pers sing imperf Cuandocuandowhen | advaúnaúnstill, yet, even | advnononot | advteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexqueríaquererto want, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing imperf Yyand | conjprometisteprometerto promise, pledge, assure | verb, reg | sec pers sing pretenamorarmeenamorar + meto win s.o.'s heart, win s.o.'s love, make s.o. fall in love | verb, reg + pron | infin + first pers sing dir objalgúnalgunosome | adj | masc sing | algún día = someday, one daydíadíaday | noun | masc sing | algún día = someday, one day Mienrasmientraswhile; if | conj | while when followed by pres, if when followed by subjreías,reírto laugh | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperfelelthe | art, def | masc singsolsolsun | noun | masc singacaricióacariciarto caress, stroke | verb, reg | third pers sing pretmimimy | adj, poss | masc and fem singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc sing
[Pre-Chorus] Conconwith | prepfloresflorflower | noun | fem plteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexllevastellevarto have spent time; to carry, take; to lead, bring; to wear | verb, reg | sec pers sing pret | llevarse = make off with, take, steal; get along, hit it off; be in style/fashionmimimy | adj, poss | masc and fem singtristezatristezasadness, sorrow, grief | noun | fem sing Conconwith | prepcolorescolorcolor | noun | masc pldibujastedibujarto draw, sketch | verb, reg | sec pers sing pretlalathe | art, def | fem singnoblezanoblezanobility, quality, elegance; aristocracy | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | preplalathe | art, def | fem singmanomanohand | noun | fem sing Aato, into, by | preptutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singladoladoside | noun | masc singcreciócrecerto grow | verb, spl chg | third pers sing pretnuestranuestroours | adj, poss | fem singilusiónilusióndream, hope, wishful thinking; excitement, eagerness; illusion | noun | fem sing
[Chorus] Aato, into, by | prepciegasciegoblind | adj | fem pl | a ciegas = blindlynosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexentregamosentregarto deliver, hand over; entrust; betray | verb, spl chg | first pers pl pret | entregarse = to turn oneself in, surrender; devote oneself to, dedicate oneself to; have sex with aunqueaunqueeven though, although, even if | conjmuchosmuchomany | pronsesepart of pronominal verb | pronopusieranoponerto resist, oppose | verb, irreg | third pers pl imperf subj | oponerse = to be against, disagree with; object; be the opposite of Disimulamosdisimularto conceal, hide disguise; cover up | verb, reg | first pers pl pretnuestronuestroours | adj, poss | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc sing Nosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexinventamosinventarseto invent; make up | verb, reg | first pers pl pret | Inventarse = to invent; make upenenin, on, during | prepcadacadaeach, every | adj | invariablerincónrincóncorner | noun | masc singnuestranuestroours | adj, poss | fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem sing
[Verse 2] Nononot | advfueserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing pretelelthe | art, def | masc singadiósadiósgoodbye | adv Suficientesuficienteenough, sufficient | adj | masc and fem singparaparafor, to, in order to | prepdespedirnosdespedirseto say goodbye | verb, stm chg + pron | infin + first pers pl reflex pron Yyand | conjsisiif | conjelelthe | art, def | masc singdestinodestinodestiny, fate; destination | noun | masc singnononot | advlograbalograrto manage, reach | verb, reg | first and third pers sing imperfpredecirlopredecir + loto predict + it | verb, irreg + pron | infin + dir obj, masc sing, neuter Tútúyou | pron | sec pers sing, submememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singenseñasteenseñarto teach | verb, reg | sec pers sing pretunaunaa, an | art, indef | fem singsoluciónsoluciónsolution, answer | noun | fem singparaparafor, to, in order to | prepelelthe | art, def | masc singdolordolorpain, sorrow, grief | noun | masc sing Fueserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing pretlalathe | art, def | fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem sing Quequethat, than; because; let | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexpedíapedirto ask for, request; demand; order | verb, stm chg | first and third pers sing imperfcuandocuandowhen | advaúnaúnstill, yet, even | advnononot | advmememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singqueríasquererto want, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | sec pers sing imperf Cuandocuandowhen | adveraserto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing imperftodotodoeverything | pronpurapuropure | adj | fem singfantasíafantasíaimagination, fantasy | noun | fem sing Quiénquiénwho, whom | pron | interr | quién lo diría = who'd have thought, who knew, lo and behold, what do you knowlolohim, it, you | pron | masc sing, neuter, dir objdiríadecirto say, tell | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing condelelthe | art, def | masc singsolsolsun | noun | masc singhizohacerto do; make; cause; prepare | verb, irreg | third pers sing pretvirarvirarto turn, veer, swerve | verb, reg | infintutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc sing
[Pre-Chorus] Conconwith | prepfloresflorflower | noun | fem plrecordabarecordarto remember, recall; remind | verb, stm chg | first and third pers sing imperftutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singbellezabellezabeauty | noun | fem sing Conconwith | prepcolorescolorcolor | noun | masc plteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflextomabatomarto take; to drink | verb, reg | first and third pers sing imperfporporfor; because of; by; through | prep | | por sorpresa = by surprisesorpresasorpresasurprise | noun | fem sing | por sorpresa = by surprisededefrom, of | preplalathe | art, def | fem singmanomanohand | noun | fem sing Aato, into, by | preptutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singladoladoside | noun | masc singcreciócrecerto grow | verb, spl chg | third pers sing pretnuestranuestroours | adj, poss | fem singilusiónilusióndream, hope, wishful thinking; excitement, eagerness; illusion | noun | fem sing
[Chorus] Aato, into, by | prepciegasciegoblind | adj | fem pl | a ciegas = blindlynosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexentregamosentregarto deliver, hand over; entrust; betray | verb, spl chg | first pers pl pret | entregarse = to turn oneself in, surrender; devote oneself to, dedicate oneself to; have sex with aunqueaunqueeven though, although, even if | conjmuchosmuchomany | pronsesepart of pronominal verb | pronopusieranoponerto resist, oppose | verb, irreg | third pers pl imperf subj | oponerse = to be against, disagree with; object; be the opposite of Disimulamosdisimularto conceal, hide disguise; cover up | verb, reg | first pers pl pretnuestronuestroours | adj, poss | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc sing Nosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexinventamosinventarseto invent; make up | verb, reg | first pers pl pret | Inventarse = to invent; make upenenin, on, during | prepcadacadaeach, every | adj | invariablerincónrincóncorner | noun | masc singnuestranuestroours | adj, poss | fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem sing
[Bridge] Diledecir + leto say, tell + him/her | verb + pron | sec pers sing impera + third pers sing indir objaato, into, by | preplalathe | art, def | fem singjardinerajardinerawindow box, planter; open cart, open-topped bus; gardner, landscaper | noun | fem singquequethat, than; because; let | conjtraigotraerto bring, wear | verb, irreg | first pers sing presfloresflorflower | noun | fem pl Diledecir + leto say, tell + him/her | verb + pron | sec pers sing impera + third pers sing indir objaato, into, by | preplalathe | art, def | fem singjardinerajardinerawindow box, planter; open cart, open-topped bus; gardner, landscaper | noun | fem singquequethat, than; because; let | conjtraigotraerto bring, wear | verb, irreg | first pers sing presamoramorlove | noun | masc sing Diledecir + leto say, tell + him/her | verb + pron | sec pers sing impera + third pers sing indir objaato, into, by | preplalathe | art, def | fem singjardinerajardinerawindow box, planter; open cart, open-topped bus; gardner, landscaper | noun | fem singquequethat, than; because; let | conjtraigotraerto bring, wear | verb, irreg | first pers sing presfloresflorflower | noun | fem pl Diledecir + leto say, tell + him/her | verb + pron | sec pers sing impera + third pers sing indir objaato, into, by | preplalathe | art, def | fem singjardinerajardinerawindow box, planter; open cart, open-topped bus; gardner, landscaper | noun | fem singquequethat, than; because; let | conjtraigotraerto bring, wear | verb, irreg | first pers sing presamoramorlove | noun | masc sing
[Pre-Chorus] Conconwith | prepfloresflorflower | noun | fem plteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexllevastellevarto have spent time; to carry, take; to lead, bring; to wear | verb, reg | sec pers sing pret | llevarse = make off with, take, steal; get along, hit it off; be in style/fashionmimimy | adj, poss | masc and fem singtristezatristezasadness, sorrow, grief | noun | fem sing Conconwith | prepcolorescolorcolor | noun | masc pldibujastedibujarto draw, sketch | verb, reg | sec pers sing pretlalathe | art, def | fem singnoblezanoblezanobility, quality, elegance; aristocracy | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | preplalathe | art, def | fem singmanomanohand | noun | fem sing Aato, into, by | preptutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singladoladoside | noun | masc singcreciócrecerto grow | verb, spl chg | third pers sing pretnuestranuestroours | adj, poss | fem singilusiónilusióndream, hope, wishful thinking; excitement, eagerness; illusion | noun | fem sing
[Chorus] Aato, into, by | prepciegasciegoblind | adj | fem pl | a ciegas = blindlynosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexentregamosentregarto deliver, hand over; entrust; betray | verb, spl chg | first pers pl pret | entregarse = to turn oneself in, surrender; devote oneself to, dedicate oneself to; have sex with aunqueaunqueeven though, although, even if | conjmuchosmuchomany | pronsesepart of pronominal verb | pronopusieranoponerto resist, oppose | verb, irreg | third pers pl imperf subj | oponerse = to be against, disagree with; object; be the opposite of Disimulamosdisimularto conceal, hide disguise; cover up | verb, reg | first pers pl pretnuestronuestroours | adj, poss | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc sing Nosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexinventamosinventarseto invent; make up | verb, reg | first pers pl pret | Inventarse = to invent; make upenenin, on, during | prepcadacadaeach, every | adj | invariablerincónrincóncorner | noun | masc singnuestranuestroours | adj, poss | fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem sing
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Nuestra Canción Our Song
[Verse 1] Te dije adiós I said goodbye to you Llegaste tarde para despedirnos You arrived late to say goodbye Y si el destino apresurado quiso herirnos And if hasty fate wanted to hurt us Yo descubrí una solución para el dolor I discovered a solution to the pain Hice la canción que me pedías I made the song you asked for Cuando aún no te quería When I didn’t love you yet Y prometiste enamorarme algún día And you promised to make me fall in love someday Mientras reías, el sol acarició mi corazón While you were laughing, the sun caressed my heart
[Pre-Chorus] Con flores, te llevaste mi tristeza With flowers, you took away my sadness Con colores, dibujaste la nobleza de la mano With colors, you drew the elegance of the hand A tu lado creció nuestra ilusión By your side our dream grew
[Chorus] A ciegas, nos entregamos Blindly, we surrendered to each other Aunque muchos se opusieran Even if many opposed it Disimulamos nuestro amor We hide our love Nos inventamos en cada rincón nuestra canción In every corner we invented our song
[Verse 2] No fue el adiós It wasn’t the goodbye Suficiente para despedirnos Sufficient to say goodbye to each other Y si el destino no lograba predecirlo And if fate couldn’t predict it Tú me enseñaste una solución para el dolor You taught me a solution to the pain Fue la canción It was the song Que te pedía cuando aún no me querías That I asked you for when you still didn’t love me Cuando era todo pura fantasía When it was all pure fantasy Quién lo diría el sol hizo virar tu corazón Who knew the sun made your heart turn
[Pre-Chorus] Con flores, recordaba tu belleza With flowers, I remembered your beauty Con colores, te tomaba por sorpresa de la mano With colors, I took you by surprise by the hand A tu lado creció nuestra ilusión By your side our dream grew
[Chorus] A ciegas, nos entregamos Blindly, we surrendered to each other Aunque muchos se opusieran Even if many opposed it Disimulamos nuestro amor We hide our love Nos inventamos en cada rincón nuestra canción In every corner we invented our song
[Bridge] Dile a la jardinera que traigo flores Tell the gardener I’m bringing flowers Dile a la jardinera que traigo amor Tell the gardener that I’m bringing love Dile a la jardinera que traigo flores Tell the gardener I’m bringing flowers Dile a la jardinera que traigo amor Tell the gardener that I’m bringing love
[Pre-Chorus] Con flores, te llevaste mi tristeza With flowers, you took away my sadness Con colores, dibujaste la nobleza de la mano With colors, you drew the elegance of the hand A tu lado creció nuestra ilusión By your side our dream grew
[Chorus] A ciegas, nos entregamos Blindly, we surrendered to each other Aunque muchos se opusieran Even if many opposed it Disimulamos nuestro amor We hide our love Nos inventamos en cada rincón nuestra canción In every corner we invented our song
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