“La recette” is a song by French singer/songwriter Slimane. It appears on his 2022 album Chroniques d’un cupidon. It is currently sitting at number 2 on the French radio hits chart.
tout le monde – This phrase means everyone or everybody. It translates literally as all the world or all the people.
tant que – This phrase means as long as, for as long as or while. It would translate literally as so much that.
faut pas – A shortened form of il ne faut pas, this is the negative present of the verb falloir. It is a unique verb, as it is only ever used in the third person singular. It conveys a necessity, or something that has to happen. It will be followed by a verb in the infinitive or by que and a verb in the subjunctive mood. We see an example of the infinitive in this song with faut pas l’oublier meaning you must not forget it. Examples of the subjunctive are il faut que j’aille meaning I have to go or il faut que tu fasses tes devoirs meaning you have to do your homework.
laisser [qqn] faire [qch] – When the verb laisser is followed by another verb, it means to let or to allow someone to do the action of the second verb. For example laisse-moi dormir means let me sleep. It would translate literally as to leave someone to do something.
aller + infinitive – The verb aller means to go. As in English, when this verb is used with a place, it implies movement towards that place. But when it is used with another verb, it implies that that action will be preformed in the future. For example je vais au magasin meaning I am going to the store implying movement vs ‘I am going to eat’ (‘je vais manger’).
il y a – This phrase means there is or there are. It would translate literally as it has there. It appears in this song in the negative form il (n)’y a que.
s’il te plaît – This is the informal way of saying please in French, the formal being s’il vous plaît. Both translate literally as if it pleases you.
tout en douceur – This phrase means very gently or very softly. It would translate literally as all in gentleness or all in softness.
ne … que – This is a common form of negation. Used in the same way as ne … pas (sandwiched around the verb), it means only.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
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Lalathe | art, def | fem singrecetterecetterecipe; formula; revenue, income; takings | noun | fem sing
[Verse 1] Tutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subjsais,savoirto know | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing prestouttoutall, all of, every one of, the whole | adj | masc sing | tout le monde = everyone, everybody; alllelethe | art, def | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc sing | tout le monde = everyone, everybody; allautourautouraround, all around | advpourraitpouvoirto be able to | verb, irreg | third pers sing condmememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquitterquitterto leave | verb, reg | infin Tanttantso much; so (adj) … that, such (noun) … that | adv | | tant que = as long as, for as long as, while quequethat, than; let; so, so that | conj | | tant que = as long as, for as long as, while t’tuyou | pron | sec person sing inform | may be shortened to t' before vowels in coll langesêtreto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing preslà,làthere; here | advj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelssuisêtreto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presbienbiengood, fine | adj | masc and fem singmonmonmy | adj, poss | masc singamour,amourlove | noun | masc when sing, fem when pletetand | conjfautfalloirto need, have to, must | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | only used in third pers singpasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechl’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsoublieroublierto forget | verb, reg | infin Etetand | conjmêmemêmeeven | advsisiif | conjdansdansin | preptontonyour | adj, poss | masc singmonde,mondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singtouttoutall, all of, every one of, the whole | adj | masc singestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing pressourdsourddeaf, hard of hearing; dull, muffled; faint, muted, gnawing | adj | masc sing Laisse-laisserto leave | verb, reg | sec pers sing impera | laisser (qqn) faire (qch) = to let/allow someone to do somethingmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjlelethe | art, def | masc singchangerchangerto change | verb, reg | infin Maismaisbut | conjquandquandwhen | adv, conjjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subt’teyou | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to t' before vowelsaime,aimerto like, to love | verb, reg | first and third pers sing prestutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subjdoutes,douterto doubt | verb, reg | sec pers sing presmonmonmy | adj, poss | masc singamouramourlove | noun | masc when singular, fem when plural Moi,moime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelspeuxpouvoirto be able to | verb, irreg | sec pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speecht’teyou | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to t' before vowelsoublieroublierto forget | verb, reg | infin
[Pre-chorus] Çaçathis, that, it | proncrie,crierscream, yell, shout, cry out | verb, reg | third pers sing presçaçathis, that, it | proncassecasserbreak, crack, rip | verb, reg | first pers sing prestouttoutall, all of, every one of, the whole | adj | masc singdansdansin | preplalathe | art, def | fem singmaisonmaisonhouse, home; household | noun | fem sing Pourtant,pourtantyet, however | advononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used to mean 'we'aavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp to form the p. c. comptécompterto count; to have, include; to count on; to intent to do sth; to matter | verb, reg | ppleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plsaisonssaisonseason; harvest season | noun | fem pl Tutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subvasallerto go | verb, irreg | sec pers sing pres | aller + inf = to be going to do somethingpasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechpartirpartirto leave | verb, irreg | infinsanssanswithout | prepraisonraisonreason; senses; motive, excuse | noun | fem singnonnonno, not | adv
[Chorus] Dedeof; from | prepquoiquoiwhat | prontutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subm’meme; myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to m' before vowelsparles ?parlerto speak | verb, reg | sec pers sing pres Dansdansin | prepmamamy | adj, poss | fem singtête,têtehead | noun | fem singyyhere, there | adv | | il y a = there is/there areaavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | il y a = there is/there arequ’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelstoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Lalathe | art, def | fem singrecette,recetterecipe; formula; revenue, income; takings | noun | fem singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used to mean 'we'l’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelssaitsavoirto know | verb, irreg | third pers sing presdéjàdéjàalready, yet | adv Pourquoipourquoiwhy, what for | advtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subjpars ?partirto leave | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing pres Ààat, to, in | preplalathe | art, def | fem singfête,fêteparty, festival, celebration | noun | fem singjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subn’nenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas' | shortened to n' before vowelspensepenserto think, believe | verb, reg | first and third pers sing presqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelsààat, to, in | preptoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj Lalathe | art, def | fem singrecette,recetterecipe; formula; revenue, income; takings | noun | fem singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speech
[Post-Chorus] Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelst’teyou | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to t' before vowelsaiavoirto have | verb, irreg | first pers sing presdansdansin | preplalathe | art, def | fem singtêtetêtehead | noun | fem sing Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subsais,savoirto know | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing presdansdansin | prepmamamy | adj, poss | fem singtêtetêtehead | noun | fem sing C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Justejustejust; exactly, right | advtoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj
[Verse 2] Etetand | conjmaintenant,maintenantnow, right now; today, these days; from now on | advposonsposerto put, place, put/set down; install, put up/in | verb, reg | first pers pl imperaleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plcartescartecard | noun | fem plsursuron, upon; on top of, above | preplalathe | art, def | fem singtabletabletable | noun | fem sing Donne-donnerto give | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperamoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjdesdessome | art, indef | masc and fem plraisonsraisonreason; senses; motive, excuse | noun | fem plvalablesvalablevalid; usable; acceptable; useful, valuable | adj | masc and fem pl JejeI | pron | first pers sing, subcomprendraiscomprendreto understand | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing cond Etetand | conjmaintenant,maintenantnow, right now; today, these days; from now on | advdis-direto say, tell | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperamoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjpourquoipourquoiwhy, what for | advtoutestoutall | adj | fem plcescesthese, those | adj, dem | masc and fem plpeurspeurfear | noun | fem pl Maismaisbut | conjs’siif | conj | shortened to s' before vowels | s'il te plaît = pleaseteteyou; yourself | pron | dir obj, indir obj, and reflex, sec pers sing | s'il te plaît = pleaseplaît,plaireto please, delight | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | s'il te plaît = pleasetouttoutall, all of, every one of, the whole | adj | masc sing | tout en douceur = very gently, very softlyenento, in | prep | | tout en douceur = very gently, very softlydouceurdouceursoftness, gentleness, sweetness; contentment, comfort, ease; mildness, balminess, warmth | noun | fem sing | tout en douceur = very gently, very softly Carcarbecause, as | conjjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subcomprendraiscomprendreto understand | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing cond
[Pre-chorus] Çaçathis, that, it | proncrie,crierscream, yell, shout, cry out | verb, reg | third pers sing presçaçathis, that, it | proncassecasserbreak, crack, rip | verb, reg | first pers sing prestouttoutall, all of, every one of, the whole | adj | masc singdansdansin | preplalathe | art, def | fem singmaisonmaisonhouse, home; household | noun | fem sing Pourtant,pourtantyet, however | advononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used to mean 'we'aavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp to form the p. c. comptécompterto count; to have, include; to count on; to intent to do sth; to matter | verb, reg | ppleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plsaisonssaisonseason; harvest season | noun | fem pl Tutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subvasallerto go | verb, irreg | sec pers sing pres | aller + inf = to be going to do somethingpasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechpartirpartirto leave | verb, irreg | infinsanssanswithout | prepraisonraisonreason; senses; motive, excuse | noun | fem singnonnonno, not | adv
[Chorus] Dedeof; from | prepquoiquoiwhat | prontutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subm’meme; myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to m' before vowelsparles ?parlerto speak | verb, reg | sec pers sing pres Dansdansin | prepmamamy | adj, poss | fem singtête,têtehead | noun | fem singyyhere, there | adv | | il y a = there is/there areaavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | il y a = there is/there arequ’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelstoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Lalathe | art, def | fem singrecette,recetterecipe; formula; revenue, income; takings | noun | fem singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used to mean 'we'l’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelssaitsavoirto know | verb, irreg | third pers sing presdéjàdéjàalready, yet | adv Pourquoipourquoiwhy, what for | advtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subjpars ?partirto leave | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing pres Ààat, to, in | preplalathe | art, def | fem singfête,fêteparty, festival, celebration | noun | fem singjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subn’nenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas' | shortened to n' before vowelspensepenserto think, believe | verb, reg | first and third pers sing presqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelsààat, to, in | preptoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj Lalathe | art, def | fem singrecette,recetterecipe; formula; revenue, income; takings | noun | fem singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speech
[Post-Chorus] Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelst’teyou | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to t' before vowelsaiavoirto have | verb, irreg | first pers sing presdansdansin | preplalathe | art, def | fem singtêtetêtehead | noun | fem sing Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subsais,savoirto know | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing presdansdansin | prepmamamy | adj, poss | fem singtêtetêtehead | noun | fem sing C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Justejustejust; exactly, right | advtoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj
[Verse 3] Tutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subsais,savoirto know | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing prestouttoutall, all of, every one of, the whole | adj | masc sing | tout le monde = everyone, everybody; alllelethe | art, def | masc sing | tout le monde = everyone, everybody; allmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc sing | tout le monde = everyone, everybody; allautourautouraround, all around | advpourraitpouvoirto be able to | verb, irreg | third pers sing condmememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquitterquitterto leave | verb, reg | infin Tanttantso much; so (adj) … that, such (noun) … that | adv | | tant que = as long as, for as long as, while quequethat, than; let; so, so that | conj | | tant que = as long as, for as long as, while t’tuyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, sub | may be shortened to t' before vowels in coll langesêtreto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing preslà,làthere; here | advj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelssuisêtreto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presbienbiengood, fine | adj | masc and fem singmonmonmy | adj, poss | masc singamouramourlove | noun | masc when singular, fem when plural Fautfalloirto need, have to, must | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | only used in third pers singpasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechl’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsoublieroublierto forget | verb, reg | infin
[Bridge] Dedeof; from | prepquoiquoiwhat | prontutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subm’meme; myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to m' before vowelsparles ?parlerto speak | verb, reg | sec pers sing pres Dansdansin | prepmamamy | adj, poss | fem singtête,têtehead | noun | fem singyyhere, there | adv | | il y a = there is/there areaavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | il y a = there is/there arequ’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowels | ne … que = onlytoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Lalathe | art, def | fem singrecette,recetterecipe; formula; revenue, income; takings | noun | fem singc’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used to mean 'we'saitsavoirto know | verb, irreg | third pers sing presdéjàdéjàalready, yet | adv Pourquoipourquoiwhy, what for | advtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subpars ?partirto leave | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing pres Ààat, to, in | preplalathe | art, def | fem singfête,fêteparty, festival, celebration | noun | fem singjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subn’nenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas' | shortened to n' before vowelspensepenserto think, believe | verb, reg | first and third pers sing presqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowels | ne … que = onlyààat, to, in | preptoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj Lalathe | art, def | fem singrecette,recetterecipe; formula; revenue, income; takings | noun | fem singc’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speech
[Chorus] Dedeof; from | prepquoiquoiwhat | prontutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subm’meme; myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to m' before vowelsparles ?parlerto speak | verb, reg | sec pers sing pres Dansdansin | prepmamamy | adj, poss | fem singtête,têtehead | noun | fem singyyhere, there | adv | | il y a = there is/there areaavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | il y a = there is/there arequ’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelstoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Lalathe | art, def | fem singrecette,recetterecipe; formula; revenue, income; takings | noun | fem singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used to mean 'we'l’le, lathe | art, def | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelssaitsavoirto know | verb, irreg | third pers sing presdéjàdéjàalready, yet | adv Pourquoipourquoiwhy, what for | advtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subjpars ?partirto leave | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing pres Ààat, to, in | preplalathe | art, def | fem singfête,fêteparty, festival, celebration | noun | fem singjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subn’nenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas' | shortened to n' before vowelspensepenserto think, believe | verb, reg | first and third pers sing presqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelsààat, to, in | preptoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disj Lalathe | art, def | fem singrecette,recetterecipe; formula; revenue, income; takings | noun | fem singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speech
[Post-Chorus] Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelst’teyou | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to t' before vowelsaiavoirto have | verb, irreg | first pers sing presdansdansin | preplalathe | art, def | fem singtêtetêtehead | noun | fem sing Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subsais,savoirto know | verb, irreg | first and sec pers sing presdansdansin | prepmamamy | adj, poss | fem singtêtetêtehead | noun | fem sing C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj Justejustejust; exactly, right | advtoitoiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjetetand | conjmoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disj
[Outro] Nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'mememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singquittequitterto leave | verb, reg | first pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speech
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
La recette The formula
[Verse 1] Tu sais, tout le monde autour pourrait me quitter You know, everyone around could leave me Tant que t’es là, j’suis bien, mon amour, et faut pas l’oublier As long as you’re here, I’m fine, my love, and you must not forget it Et même si dans ton monde, tout est sourd And even if in your world, everything is deaf Laisse-moi le changer Let me change it Mais quand je t’aime, tu doutes, mon amour But when I love you, you doubt, my love Moi, j’peux pas t’oublier I can’t forget you
[Pre-Chorus] Ça crie, ça casse tout dans la maison It screams, it breaks everything in the house Pourtant, on a compté les saisons Yet, we counted the seasons Tu vas pas partir sans raison, non You’re not going to leave for no reason, no
[Chorus] De quoi tu m’parles ? What are you talking to me about? Dans ma tête, y a qu’toi et moi In my head, there’s just you and me La recette, c’est toi et moi The formula is you and me On l’sait déjà We already know that Pourquoi tu pars ? Why are you leaving? À la fête, je n’pense qu’à toi At the party, I only think of you La recette, c’est toi et moi The formula is you and me Ne mе quitte pas Don’t leave me
[Post-Chorus] Ne me quittе pas, j’t’ai dans la tête Don’t leave me, I’ve got you in my head Ne me quitte pas, tu sais, dans ma tête Don’t leave me, you know, in my head C’est toi et moi It’s you and me Juste toi et moi Just you and me
[Verse 2] Et maintenant, posons les cartes sur la table And now, let’s put the cards on the table Donne-moi des raisons valables Give me valid reasons Je comprendrais I would understand Et maintenant, dis-moi pourquoi toutes ces peurs And now tell me why all these fears Mais s’te plaît, tout en douceur But please, very gently Car je comprendrais Because I would understand
[Pre-Chorus] Ça crie, ça casse tout dans la maison It screams, it breaks everything in the house Pourtant, on a compté les saisons Yet, we counted the seasons Tu vas pas partir sans raison, non You’re not going to leave for no reason, no
[Chorus] De quoi tu m’parles ? What are you talking to me about? Dans ma tête, y a qu’toi et moi In my head, there’s just you and me La recette, c’est toi et moi The formula is you and me On l’sait déjà We already know that Pourquoi tu pars ? Why are you leaving? À la fête, je n’pense qu’à toi At the party, I only think of you La recette, c’est toi et moi The formula is you and me Ne mе quitte pas Don’t leave me
[Post-Chorus] Ne me quittе pas, j’t’ai dans la tête Don’t leave me, I’ve got you in my head Ne me quitte pas, tu sais, dans ma tête Don’t leave me, you know, in my head C’est toi et moi It’s you and me Juste toi et moi Just you and me
[Verse 3] Tu sais, tout le monde autour pourrait me quitter You know, everyone around could leave me Tant que t’es là, j’suis bien mon amour As long as you’re here, I’m fine my love Faut pas l’oublier You must not forget it
[Bridge] De quoi tu m’parles ? What are you talking to me about? Dans ma tête, y a qu’toi et moi In my head, there’s just you and me La recette, c’est toi et moi The formula is you and me On sait déjà We already know Pourquoi tu pars ? Why are you leaving? À la fête, je n’pense qu’à toi At the party, I only think of you La recette, c’est toi et moi The formula is you and me Ne me quitte pas Don’t leave me
[Chorus] De quoi tu m’parles ? What are you talking to me about? Dans ma tête, y a qu’toi et moi In my head, there’s just you and me La recette, c’est toi et moi The formula is you and me On l’sait déjà We already know that Pourquoi tu pars ? Why are you leaving? À la fête, je n’pense qu’à toi At the party, I only think of you La recette, c’est toi et moi The formula is you and me Ne mе quitte pas Don’t leave me
[Post-Chorus] Ne me quittе pas, j’t’ai dans la tête Don’t leave me, I’ve got you in my head Ne me quitte pas, tu sais, dans ma tête Don’t leave me, you know, in my head C’est toi et moi It’s you and me Juste toi et moi Just you and me
[Outro] Ne me quitte pas Don’t leave me
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive Adjective:
Tant que t’es là, j’suis bien, mon amour, et faut pas l’oublier
Et même si dans ton monde, tout est sourd
Mais quand je t’aime, tu doutes, mon amour
Tant que t’es là, j’suis bien mon amour
Dans ma tête, y a qu’toi et moi
Ne me quitte pas, tu sais, dans ma tête
Object Pronouns:
Tu sais, tout le monde autour pourrait me quitter
Tant que t’es là, j’suis bien, mon amour, et faut pas l’oublier
Laisse-moi le changer
Mais quand je t’aime, tu doutes, mon amour
Moi, j’peux pas t’oublier
De quoi tu m’parles ?
On l’sait déjà
Ne mе quitte pas
Ne me quittе pas, j’t’ai dans la tête
Ne me quitte pas, tu sais, dans ma tête
Mais s’te plaît, tout en douceur
Tu sais, tout le monde autour pourrait me quitter
Disjunctive Pronouns:
Laisse-moi le changer
Moi, j’peux pas t’oublier
Dans ma tête, y a qu’toi et moi
La recette, c’est toi et moi
À la fête, je n’pense qu’à toi
C’est toi et moi
Juste toi et moi
Donne-moi des raisons valables
Et maintenant, dis-moi pourquoi toutes ces peurs
Dans ma tête, y a qu’toi et moi
La recette, c’est toi et moi
Tant que t’es là, j’suis bien, mon amour, et faut pas l’oublier
Tant que t’es là, j’suis bien mon amour
Et même si dans ton monde, tout est sourd
La recette, c’est toi et moi
C’est toi et moi
Pourtant, on a compté les saisons
Ne me quittе pas, j’t’ai dans la tête
Tant que t’es là, j’suis bien, mon amour, et faut pas l’oublier
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