“Évidemment” is a single by French singer Kendji Girac. It appears on his 2020 album Mi vida. It reached number one on both the French and Belgian charts. This week it is sitting at number 27 on the French radio hits chart, having spent 24 weeks on the chart, and is number 98 on the French singles chart.
Kendji Jason Maillié, who performs as Kendji Girac, is a singer and guitarist from Périgueux, in France’s Dordogne region. Girac is his mother’s family name. Born into a Catalan Romani family, he grew up in a caravan, traveling during the summer and passing winters in Dordogne, and speaking Catalan as his first language. His grandfather taught him to play guitar. In 2013 his grandfather published a video of him singing the Maître Gims song “Bella” online. The video went viral, getting almost 3.8 million views, and got him onto the third season of The Voice : La Plus Belle Voix in 2014. He would go on to win the competition. He released his first album entitled Kenji in September of 2014. It was number one in French album sales for 12 weeks, eventually sold over 1 million copies, and was certified three times Diamond. He has won four NRJ Music Awards and joined the group Les Enfoirés in 2016.
Biographical information from Wikipedia (French and English).
Cultural References, Idioms and Explanations
‘à peine’ – Literally translating as ‘at pain, effort, or difficulty’, this phrase means ‘hardly’, ‘barely’ or ‘scarcely’.
‘se tromper’ – The verb ‘tromper’ means ‘to mislead’, ‘to cheat’ or ‘to deceive’. The reflexive form ‘se tromper’ (literally to deceive or mislead oneself) means ‘to make a mistake’, ‘to be mistaken’ or ‘to get wrong’.
‘à deux’ – Literally translating as ‘in two’, this phrase means ‘together’ or ‘as a couple’.
‘se perdre’ – ‘Perdre’ means to lose, and ‘se perdre’ (reflexive) means ‘to get lost’, ‘to be lost’, ‘to disappear’ or ‘to go to waste’.
‘s’aimer’ – Reflexive pronouns reflect that an action is being performed on oneself. For example ‘je me leve’ means ‘I get (myself) up’ or ‘il se brosse les dents’ means ‘he brushes (his own) teeth’. However, they can also have a reciprocal meaning of ‘each other’. For example ‘on se parle’ can mean either ‘we are speaking to ourselves‘, or more likely ‘we are speaking to each other’. In this song we see ‘C’est pas donné à tous ceux qui s’aiment‘ and ‘Pour mieux s’aimer‘ meaning ‘It’s not a given that everyone who loves each other‘ and ‘To love each other better‘.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
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Évidemmentévidemmentobviously, clearly, of course, evidently | adv
[Verse 1] C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | ppààat, to, in | preptoustousall, all of, every | adj | masc plleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plhumainshumainhuman, human being | noun | masc pl Dedeof; from | preppardonnerpardonnerto forgive, to overlook | verb, reg | infinleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plmauvaismauvaiswrong, incorrect; bad, poor | adj | masc sing or plcheminscheminpath, way | noun | masc pl Mêmemêmeeven | advd’deof; from | prep | used before vowelsununa | art, indef | masc singrienrienmere nothing, slightest thing | noun | masc sing C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | ppààat, to, in | preptoustouseveryone, everybody | pronceuxceuxthose, the ones | pron | demquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or rels’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsaimentaimerto like, to love | verb, reg | third pers pl pres Dedeof; from | preprangerrangertidy, clean, put away | verb, sp ch | infinleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plerreurserreurerror, mistake; misunderstanding | noun | fem plquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or reltraînenttraînerto drag, touch, hang down to; lie around; hang around | verb, reg | third pers pl pres Mêmemêmeeven | advààat, to, in | preppeinepeinesorrow, grief, pain; effort, exertion; difficulty, trouble; punishment | noun | fem sing | à peine = hardly, barely, scarcely
[Pre-Chorus 1] Moi,moime | pron | first pers sing, disjj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelsaiavoirto have | verb, irreg | first pers sing prespupouvoirto be able to | verb, irreg | ppmememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflextrompertrompermislead, cheat, deceive | verb, reg | infin | se tromper = make a mistake, be mistaken, get wrongdedeof; from | preprouterouteroad; way, route; journey, trip | noun | fem sing Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | third pers sing, subj | conjugates third pers sing, even when means 'we'aavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.pupouvoirto be able to | verb, irreg | ppsesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers, sing and pl, reflextrompertrompermislead, cheat, deceive | verb, reg | infin | se tromper = make a mistake, be mistaken, get wrongsanssanswithout | prepdoutedoutedoubt, uncertainty | noun | masc sing Touttoutall, entirely, very | advça,çathis, that, it | pron | indef demc’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presvieuxvieuxold | adj | masc sing and pl C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelétaitêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing imperfpasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechnousnouswe, us | pron | first pers pl, sub, dir obj, indir obj, disjdeuxdeuxtwo | adj
[Chorus] Évidemmentévidemmentobviously, clearly, of course, evidently | adv Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | third pers sing, subj | conjugates third pers sing, even when means 'we'pleurepleurerto cry | verb, reg | third pers sing presununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | adv Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'smieuxmieuxbetter, best | noun | masc sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsaimeraimerto like, to love | verb, reg | infin Êtreêtreto be | verb, reg | infinààat, to, in | prepdeux,deuxtwo | adj | | à deux = together, as a couplec’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | pp Évidemmentévidemmentobviously, clearly, of course, evidently | adv Fermerfermerclose, shut; turn off; shut down | verb, reg | infinleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plyeuxœileye | noun | masc pl Sursuron, upon; on top of, above | preplelethe | art, def | masc singpassépassépast, history | noun | masc sing Êtreêtreto be | verb, irreg | infinààat, to, in | prepdeux,deuxtwo | adj | | à deux = together, as a couplec’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | pp
[Verse 2] C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | ppdedeof; from | preptenirtenirto hold; to manage; to control; to stand | verb, irreg | infinlongtempslongtemps(for) a long time | adv Maismaisbut | conjtutuyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, subm’meme; myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to m' before vowelsasavoirto have | verb, irreg | sec pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp to form the p.c.donnédonnerto give | verb, reg | ppdude + lefrom the, of the | prep + artsouriresouriresmile | noun | masc singsouventsouventoften, frequently | adv Infinimentinfinimentendlessly, infinitely; extremely, totally | adv C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | ppdedeof; from | prepbraverbraverbrave; defy; confront, face; stand up to | verb, reg | infinleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plmersmersea | noun | fem pl JejeI | pron | first pers sing, submememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexferaifaireto do, to make | verb, irreg | first pers sing futtontonyour | adj, poss | masc singphare,pharelighthouse, beacon, light; headlight | noun | masc singtatayour | adj, poss | fem singlumièrelumièrelight; sunlight, daylight; lights, lighting; understanding, knowledge; guiding light | noun | fem sing Sisiif | conjtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subteteyou; yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflexperdsperdrelose, misplace; be deprived of; waste, squander | verb, reg | first and sec pers sing pres | se perdre = to get lost, be lost; disappear; go to waste
[Pre-Chorus 2] Moi,moime | pron | first pers sing, disjj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelsaiavoirto have | verb, irreg | first pers sing prespupouvoirto be able to | verb, irreg | ppmememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflextrompertrompermislead, cheat, deceive | verb, reg | infin | se tromper = make a mistake, be mistaken, get wrongparfoisparfoissometimes, occasionally | adv Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | third pers sing, subj | conjugates third pers sing, even when means 'we'aavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.pupouvoirto be able to | verb, irreg | ppsesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflextrompertrompermislead, cheat, deceive | verb, reg | infin | se tromper = make a mistake, be mistaken, get wrongcentcentone hundred | adjfoisfoistime | noun | fem sing and pl Touttoutall, entirely, very | advça,çathis, that, it | pron | indef demc’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presvieuxvieuxold | adj | masc sing and pl C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelétaitêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing imperfpasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechnousnouswe, us | pron | first pers pl, sub, dir obj, indir obj, disjdeuxdeuxtwo | adj
[Chorus] Évidemmentévidemmentobviously, clearly, of course, evidently | adv Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | third pers sing, subj | conjugates third pers sing, even when means 'we'pleurepleurerto cry | verb, reg | third pers sing presununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | adv Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'smieuxmieuxbetter, best | noun | masc sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsaimeraimerto like, to love | verb, reg | infin Êtreêtreto be | verb, reg | infinààat, to, in | prepdeux,deuxtwo | adj | | à deux = together, as a couplec’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | pp Évidemmentévidemmentobviously, clearly, of course, evidently | adv Fermerfermerclose, shut; turn off; shut down | verb, reg | infinleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plyeuxœileye | noun | masc pl Sursuron, upon; on top of, above | preplelethe | art, def | masc singpassépassépast, history | noun | masc sing Êtreêtreto be | verb, irreg | infinààat, to, in | prepdeux,deuxtwo | adj | | à deux = together, as a couplec’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | pp
[Pre-Chorus 1] Moi,moime | pron | first pers sing, disjj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelsaiavoirto have | verb, irreg | first pers sing prespupouvoirto be able to | verb, irreg | ppmememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflextrompertrompermislead, cheat, deceive | verb, reg | infin | se tromper = make a mistake, be mistaken, get wrongdedeof; from | preprouterouteroad; way, route; journey, trip | noun | fem sing Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | third pers sing, subj | conjugates third pers sing, even when means 'we'aavoirto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.pupouvoirto be able to | verb, irreg | ppsesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers, sing and pl, reflextrompertrompermislead, cheat, deceive | verb, reg | infin | se tromper = make a mistake, be mistaken, get wrongsanssanswithout | prepdoutedoutedoubt, uncertainty | noun | masc sing Touttoutall, entirely, very | advça,çathis, that, it | pron | indef demc’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presvieuxvieuxold | adj | masc sing and pl C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelétaitêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing imperfpasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechnousnouswe, us | pron | first pers pl, sub, dir obj, indir obj, disjdeuxdeuxtwo | adj
[Chorus] Évidemmentévidemmentobviously, clearly, of course, evidently | adv Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | third pers sing, subj | conjugates third pers sing, even when means 'we'pleurepleurerto cry | verb, reg | third pers sing presununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | adv Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'smieuxmieuxbetter, best | noun | masc sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsaimeraimerto like, to love | verb, reg | infin Êtreêtreto be | verb, reg | infinààat, to, in | prepdeux,deuxtwo | adj | | à deux = together, as a couplec’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | pp Évidemmentévidemmentobviously, clearly, of course, evidently | adv Fermerfermerclose, shut; turn off; shut down | verb, reg | infinleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plyeuxœileye | noun | masc pl Sursuron, upon; on top of, above | preplelethe | art, def | masc singpassépassépast, history | noun | masc sing Êtreêtreto be | verb, irreg | infinààat, to, in | prepdeux,deuxtwo | adj | | à deux = together, as a couplec’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | pp
[Outro] C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | pp C’cethis, that, it | pron | indef dem | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechdonnédonnerto give | verb, reg | pp
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Évidemment Obviously
[Verse 1] C’est pas donné à tous les humains It’s not a given that all humans De pardonner les mauvais chemins Will forgive the wrong paths Même d’un rien Even a mere nothing C’est pas donné à tous ceux qui s’aiment It’s not a given that everyone who loves each other De ranger les erreurs qui traînent Will clean up the errors that are lying around Même à peine Even barely
[Pre-Chorus 1] Moi, j’ai pu me tromper de route I could have taken the wrong path On a pu se tromper sans doute We could have been wrong without a doubt Tout ça, c’est vieux All that is old C’était pas nous deux It wasn’t the two of us
[Chorus] Évidemment Obviously On pleure un peu We cry a little bit Pour mieux s’aimer To love each other better Être à deux, c’est pas donné Being together isn’t a given Évidemment Obviously Fеrmer les yeux Closing our eyes Sur lе passé To the past Être à deux, c’est pas donné Being together isn’t a given
[Verse 2] C’est pas donné de tenir longtemps It’s not a given to last a long time Mais tu m’as donné du sourire souvent But you gave me a smile often Infiniment Infinitely C’est pas donné de braver les mers It is not a given to brave the seas Je me ferai ton phare, ta lumière I’ll make myself your beacon, your guiding light Si tu te perds If you get lost
[Pre-Chorus 2] Moi, j’ai pu me tromper parfois I could have been wrong sometimes On a pu se tromper cent fois We could have been wrong a hundred times Tout ça, c’est vieux All that is old C’était pas nous deux It wasn’t the two of us
[Chorus] Évidemment Obviously On pleure un peu We cry a little bit Pour mieux s’aimer To love each other better Être à deux, c’est pas donné Being together isn’t a given Évidemment Obviously Fеrmer les yeux Closing our eyes Sur lе passé To the past Être à deux, c’est pas donné Being together isn’t a given
[Pre-Chorus 1] Moi, j’ai pu me tromper de route I could have taken the wrong path On a pu se tromper sans doute We could have been wrong without a doubt Tout ça, c’est vieux All that is old C’était pas nous deux It wasn’t the two of us
[Chorus] Évidemment Obviously On pleure un peu We cry a little bit Pour mieux s’aimer To love each other better Être à deux, c’est pas donné Being together isn’t a given Évidemment Obviously Fеrmer les yeux Closing our eyes Sur lе passé To the past Être à deux, c’est pas donné Being together isn’t a given
[Outro] C’est pas donné It’s not a given C’est pas donné It’s not a given
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