Keen’V is great about telling stories in his videos. This one is definitely worth a watch.
“Elle a” is a song by French singer/songwriter Keen’V. It appears on his 2017 album 7 and reached number 31 on French charts. It was listed among the songs of the year at the NRJ Music Awards.
About the Artist
Kevin Bonnet, who performs as Keen’V, is a singer/songwriter from Rouen, France. After high school he was a volunteer firefighter and a DJ and dance club host. He began by producing and sharing his own music, and, thanks to his two million views on video-sharing sites, was discovered by Universal Music. In November of 2008 he released his first album Phenom’N , containing the single “À l’horizontale” which had success in dance clubs. His breakthrough came in 2011 with the release of his single “J’aimerais trop”, which reached number three on the charts. His fourth album Ange ou Démon not only topped the French charts, but stayed on the charts for more than a year.
As of April 2020, six of his eight albums have gone platinum. In 2012 he received the award for “Francophone Revelation of the Year” at the NRJ Music Awards.
Aside from his music career, Keen’V appeared on the fourth season of France’s Dancing with the Stars (Danse avec les stars), where he placed 4th.
‘ne … plus que’ – This is a common form of negation. Used in the same way as ‘ne … pas’ (sandwiched around the verb), it means ‘only’.
‘se fier à’ = While ‘se fier’ means to trust, ‘se fier à’ means ‘to count on’ or ‘to rely on’.
‘à vrai dire‘ = Meaning ‘to tell the truth’, this phrase is used like ‘in truth’, ‘in fact’ or ‘to be honest’.
‘se demander’ – Literally meaning ‘to ask oneself’, this phrase means ‘to wonder’.
‘de toute évidence’ – Translating literally as ‘of all evidence’ this phrase means ‘quite evidently’.
‘aller + inf’ – The verb ‘aller’ means ‘to go’. As in English, when this verb is used with a place, it implies movement towards that place. But when it is used with another verb, it implies that that action will be preformed in the future. For example ‘I am going to the store’ ‘(je vais au magasin’) vs ‘I am going to eat’ (‘je vais manger’).
‘afin que + subj’ – This phrase means ‘so’, ‘so that’ or ‘in order that’. It will be followed by a verb in the subjunctive tense.
‘tomber amoureux’ – As in English, this phrase means ‘to fall in love’.
Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres
[Verse 1] Quandquandwhen | adv, conjl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsamouramourlove | noun | masc when singular, fem when pluralfrappefrapperto hit, strike; to knock | verb | third pers sing presààat, to, in | preptatayour | poss adj | used before fem sing nounsporteportedoor | noun | fem sing Tutuyou | pron | sec pers sing, informaln’nenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas' | shortened to n' before vowelsasavoirto have | verb | sec pers sing presplusplusmore | adv | | ne … plus que = onlyqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowels | ne … plus que = onlyààat, to, in | preplalathe | def art | fem singlaisserlaisserto leave; to let, allow | verb | infinentrerentrerenter | verb | infin Tutuyou | pron | sec pers sing, informnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'saissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechcecethis, that | dem adj | used before masc sing nounsqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelsililhe, it | pron | third pers singt’tuyou | pron | sec pers sing inform | may be shortened to t' before vowels in colloquial speechapporteapporterto bring | verb | third pers sing pres Pourtantpourtantyet, however | advtutuyou | pron | sec pers sing, informveuxvouloirto want | verb | first and sec pers sing presteteyou; yourself | pron | dir obj, indir obj, and reflex, sec pers sing informlaisserlaisserto leave; to let, allow | verb | first pers sing infintentertenterto try | verb | infin Çaçathis, that, it | pronpeutpouvoirto be able to | verb | third pers sing presdurerdurerto last | verb | infinununa | indef art | masc singjourjourday | noun | masc sing Ououor | conjpeut-êtrepeut-êtremaybe, perhaps, possibly | advpourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pronstoujourstoujoursalways | adv J’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsétaisêtreto be | verb | first pers sing imperfsûrsûrsure, certain; guaranteed; safe, secure; reliable, trustworthy, dependable | adj | masc singquequethat, than | conjjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'seraisêtreto be | first pers sing condpasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechdéçudéçudisappointed | adj | masc singetetand | conjj’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsaiavoirto have | verb | first pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp to form the p. c.susavoirto know | verb | ppquequethat, than | conjc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelétaitêtreto be | verb | third pers sing imperflalathe | def art | fem singbonnebongood; right, correct | adj | fem singquandquandwhen | adv, conjjejeI | pron | first pers singmemepron, dir obj, indir obj, reflex | first pers singdisaisdireto say, to tell | verb | first pers sing imperf
[Chorus] Elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing prescecethis, that | dem adj | masc singpetitpetitsmall, little | adj | masc singjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'saissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pron, quiquiwho, which, that | pron, interr or relmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singfaitfaireto do, to make | verb | third pers sing presvrillervrillerto coil; to twist, turn, spin | verb | infin Parceparce quebecause, since | conj | not used without quequequethat, than | conjuneunea | indef art | fem singsecondesecondesecond | noun | fem singloinloinfar, distant | adv | usually followed by 'de' dedeof; from | prepsesseshis, her its, one's | poss adj | masc and fem plbrasbrasarm | noun | masc sing and pl, peutpouvoirto be able to | verb | third pers sing presmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singfairefaireto do; to make | verb | infinplierplierto bend, fold; yield, submit | verb | infin Quandquandwhen | adv, conjnosnosour | poss adj | masc and fem plcorpscorpsbody | noun | masc sing and plsesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | reflex pron | third pers, sing and plconfondentconfondreget mixed up, merge, blend; confuse, confound, baffle; thwart, foil | verb | third pers pl pressoussousunder, underneath | prepleslesthe | def art | masc and fem pldrapsdrapsheet | noun | masc pl J’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsaimeaimerto like, to love | verb | first pers sing presl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsentendreentendreto hear | verb | infincriercrierscream, yell, shout, cry out | verb | infin, ohTooltip contentnannanno, nope | adv Jamaisjamaisnever, ever | advjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'pourraispouvoirto be able to | verb | first pers condl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsoublieroublierto forget | verb | infincarcarbecause, as | conjelleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singetetand | conjmoimoime | pron | dir, indir objsommesêtreto be | verb | first pers pl presliésliéattached, linked, connected, joined | adj | masc pl
[Verse 2] Avantavantbefore | prepelleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singj’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsaimaisaimerto like, to love | verb | first pers sing imperfêtreêtreto be | verb | infinseulseulonly, single; alone | adj, quiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or relauraitavoirto have | verb | third pers sing cond | aux verb used with a pp in the past condpupouvoirto be able to | verb | ppimaginerimaginerto imagine | verb | infin Qu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelselleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singdeviendraitdevenirto become | verb | third pers sing condununa | indef art | masc singjourjourday | noun | masc singmamamy | poss adj | fem singboussoleboussolecompass | noun | fem sing Ààat, to, in | preplaquellelaquellewhich, which one, who | pron | fem singjejeI | pron | first pers singpourraispouvoirto be able to (would be) | verb | first pers condmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singfierse fierto trust | verb | infin | se fier à = to count on, rely on Carcarbecause, as | conjprèsprèsnear, close to | advd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelselleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers sing, moimoime | pron | dir, indir obj, enfinenfinfinally, at last | advjejeI | pron | first pers singmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singsenssentirto feel; to smell | verb | first pers sing presvivantvivantliving, alive; lively, spirited, full of life | adj | masc sing Lalathe | def art | fem singseuleseulonly, single; alone | adj | fem singchosechosething | noun | fem singmieuxmieuxbetter | advqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelsununa | indef art | masc singdedeof; from | prepsesseshis, her its, one's | poss adj | masc and fem plbaisersbaiserkiss | noun | masc plc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers singlelethe | def art | masc singsuivantsuivantnext, next person, following | noun | masc sing Chaquechaqueeach, every | adjjourjourday | noun | masc singononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'sesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers, sing and pl reflexdécouvredécouvrirdiscover, find out | verb | third pers sing pres | se découvrir = to find, discover, c’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers singvraivraitrue, truth | adj | masc sing, maismaisbut | conjpourtantpourtantyet, however | advjejeI | pron | first pers singlalathe | def art | fem singconnaisconnaîtreto know, be acquainted with | verb | first pers sing presparparby, through | prepcœurcœurheart | noun | masc sing
[Chorus] Elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing prescecethis, that | dem adj | masc singpetitpetitsmall, little | adj | masc singjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'saissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pron, quiquiwho, which, that | pron, interr or relmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singfaitfaireto do, to make | verb | third pers sing presvrillervrillerto coil; to twist, turn, spin | verb | infin Parceparce quebecause, since | conj | not used without quequequethat, than | conjuneunea | indef art | fem singsecondesecondesecond | noun | fem singloinloinfar, distant | adv | usually followed by 'de' dedeof; from | prepsesseshis, her its, one's | poss adj | masc and fem plbrasbrasarm | noun | masc sing and pl, peutpouvoirto be able to | verb | third pers sing presmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singfairefaireto do; to make | verb | infinplierplierto bend, fold; yield, submit | verb | infin Quandquandwhen | adv, conjnosnosour | poss adj | masc and fem plcorpscorpsbody | noun | masc sing and plsesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | reflex pron | third pers, sing and plconfondentconfondreget mixed up, merge, blend; confuse, confound, baffle; thwart, foil | verb | third pers pl pressoussousunder, underneath | prepleslesthe | def art | masc and fem pldrapsdrapsheet | noun | masc pl J’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsaimeaimerto like, to love | verb | first pers sing presl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsentendreentendreto hear | verb | infincriercrierscream, yell, shout, cry out | verb | infin, ohTooltip contentnannanno, nope | adv Jamaisjamaisnever, ever | advjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'pourraispouvoirto be able to | verb | first pers condl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsoublieroublierto forget | verb | infincarcarbecause, as | conjelleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singetetand | conjmoimoime | pron | dir, indir objsommesêtreto be | verb | first pers pl presliésliéattached, linked, connected, joined | adj | masc pl
[Verse 3] J’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsmemepron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singdemandaisdemanderto ask, request | verb | first pers sing imperf | se demander = to wondersisiif | conjlalathe | def art | fem singvievielife | noun | fem singavaitavoirto have | verb | third pers sing imperfununa | indef art | masc singsenssenssense, meaning, direction, way | noun | masc singetetand | conjt’tuyou | pron | sec pers sing informal | may be shortened to t' before vowels in colloquial speechasavoirto have | verb | sec pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp to form the p.c.donnédonnerto give | verb | ppununa | indef art | masc singsenssenssense, meaning, direction, way | noun | masc singààat, to, in | prepmamamy | poss adj | fem singvievielife | noun | fem sing J’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsétaisêtreto be | verb | first pers sing imperfindécisindécisindecisive, hesitant; undecided, indistinct | adj | masc singmaismaisbut | conjdedeof; from | preptoutetoutall | adj | fem sing | de toute évidence = quite evidentlyévidenceévidenceevidence; foregone conclusion | noun | fem sing | de toute évidence = quite evidentlyc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers singelleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers sing, lelethe | def art | masc singsenssenssense, meaning, direction, way | noun | masc singdedeof; from | prepmesmesmy | poss adj | masc and fem plenviesenvielonging, desire, wish, yearning | noun | fem pl Jamaisjamaisnever, ever | advjejeI | pron | first pers singn’nenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas' | shortened to n' before vowelsauraisavoirto have | verb | first pers sing cond | aux verb used with a pp in the past condpensépenserto think | verb | pptombertomberto fall | verb | infin | tomber amoureux = to fall in loveamoureuxamoureuxin love | adj | masc sing and pl | tomber amoureux = to fall in love Toutestoutall | adj | fem plsesseshis, her its, one's | poss adj | masc and fem plpeinespeinesorrow, grief, pain; effort, exertion; difficulty, trouble; punishment | noun | fem pljejeI | pron | first pers singvaisallerto go | verb | first pers sing pres | aller + inf = to be going to do somethingpanserpanserbandage; heal | verb | infinafinafinto, so that | conj | | afin que + subj = so, so that, in order thatqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelselleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singsoitêtreto be | verb | third pers sing subjheureuseheureuxhappy | adj | fem sing
[Chorus] Elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing prescecethis, that | dem adj | masc singpetitpetitsmall, little | adj | masc singjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'saissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pron, quiquiwho, which, that | pron, interr or relmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singfaitfaireto do, to make | verb | third pers sing presvrillervrillerto coil; to twist, turn, spin | verb | infin Parceparce quebecause, since | conj | not used without quequequethat, than | conjuneunea | indef art | fem singsecondesecondesecond | noun | fem singloinloinfar, distant | adv | usually followed by 'de' dedeof; from | prepsesseshis, her its, one's | poss adj | masc and fem plbrasbrasarm | noun | masc sing and pl, peutpouvoirto be able to | verb | third pers sing presmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singfairefaireto do; to make | verb | infinplierplierto bend, fold; yield, submit | verb | infin Quandquandwhen | adv, conjnosnosour | poss adj | masc and fem plcorpscorpsbody | noun | masc sing and plsesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | reflex pron | third pers, sing and plconfondentconfondreget mixed up, merge, blend; confuse, confound, baffle; thwart, foil | verb | third pers pl pressoussousunder, underneath | prepleslesthe | def art | masc and fem pldrapsdrapsheet | noun | masc pl J’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsaimeaimerto like, to love | verb | first pers sing presl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsentendreentendreto hear | verb | infincriercrierscream, yell, shout, cry out | verb | infin, ohTooltip contentnannanno, nope | adv Jamaisjamaisnever, ever | advjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'pourraispouvoirto be able to | verb | first pers condl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsoublieroublierto forget | verb | infincarcarbecause, as | conjelleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singetetand | conjmoimoime | pron | dir, indir objsommesêtreto be | verb | first pers pl presliésliéattached, linked, connected, joined | adj | masc pl
[Bridge] Elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, cecethis, that | dem adj | masc singp’titpetitsmall, little | adj | masc singp’titpetitsmall, little | adj | masc singjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'saissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pron Elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, cecethis, that | dem adj | masc singquequethat, than | conjd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelsautresautreanother, other | adj | masc and fem pln’nenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas' | shortened to n' before vowelsontavoirto have | verb | third pers pl prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speech Elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, cecethis, that | dem adj | used before masc sing nounsp’titpetitsmall, little | adj | masc singp’titpetitsmall, little | adj | masc singjejeI | pron | first pers singnenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'saissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pron Elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres, cecethis, that | dem adj | used before masc sing nounsquequethat, than | conjd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelsautresautreanother, other | adj | masc and fem pln’nenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas' | shortened to n' before vowelsontavoirto have | verb | third pers pl prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speech
[Chorus] x 2 Elleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing prescecethis, that | dem adj | masc singpetitpetitsmall, little | adj | masc singjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'saissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pron, quiquiwho, which, that | pron, interr or relmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singfaitfaireto do, to make | verb | third pers sing presvrillervrillerto coil; to twist, turn, spin | verb | infin Parceparce quebecause, since | conj | not used without quequequethat, than | conjuneunea | indef art | fem singsecondesecondesecond | noun | fem singloinloinfar, distant | adv | usually followed by 'de' dedeof; from | prepsesseshis, her its, one's | poss adj | masc and fem plbrasbrasarm | noun | masc sing and pl, peutpouvoirto be able to | verb | third pers sing presmememe, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singfairefaireto do; to make | verb | infinplierplierto bend, fold; yield, submit | verb | infin Quandquandwhen | adv, conjnosnosour | poss adj | masc and fem plcorpscorpsbody | noun | masc sing and plsesehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | reflex pron | third pers, sing and plconfondentconfondreget mixed up, merge, blend; confuse, confound, baffle; thwart, foil | verb | third pers pl pressoussousunder, underneath | prepleslesthe | def art | masc and fem pldrapsdrapsheet | noun | masc pl J’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsaimeaimerto like, to love | verb | first pers sing presl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsentendreentendreto hear | verb | infincriercrierscream, yell, shout, cry out | verb | infin, ohTooltip contentnannanno, nope | adv Jamaisjamaisnever, ever | advjejeI | pron | first pers singnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'pourraispouvoirto be able to | verb | first pers condl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsoublieroublierto forget | verb | infincarcarbecause, as | conjelleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singetetand | conjmoimoime | pron | dir, indir objsommesêtreto be | verb | first pers pl presliésliéattached, linked, connected, joined | adj | masc pl
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Elle a She has
[Verse 1] Quand l’amour frappe à ta porte When love knocks on your door Tu n’as plus qu’à la laisser entrer All you have to do is let it in Tu ne sais pas ce qu’il t’apporte You don’t know what it brings/is bringing you Pourtant tu veux te laisser tenter Yet you want to let yourself try Ça peut durer un jour It can last a day Ou peut-être pour toujours Or maybe forever J’étais sûr que je ne serais pas déçu et j’ai su que c’était la bonne quand je me disais I was sure I would not be disappointed and I knew it was the right one when I told myself
[Chorus] Elle a ce petit je ne sais quoi, qui me fait vriller She has that little I don’t know what that makes me spin Parce que une seconde loin de ses bras, peut me faire plier Because a second away from her arms, can make me bend/submit Quand nos corps se confondent sous les draps When our bodies merge under the sheets J’aime l’entendre crier, oh nan I like to hear her scream/cry out, oh no Jamais je ne pourrais l’oublier car elle et moi sommes liés I could never forget her because she and I are connected
[Verse 2] Avant elle j’aimais être seul, qui aurait pu imaginer Before her I loved to be alone, who could have imagined Qu’elle deviendrait un jour ma boussole That she would one day become my compass À laquelle je pourrais me fier Which I could rely on Car près d’elle, moi, enfin je me sens vivant Because close to her, I finally feel alive La seule chose mieux qu’un de ses baisers c’est le suivant The only thing better than one of her kisses is the next one Chaque jour on se découvre, c’est vrai, mais pourtant je la connais par cœur Every day we discover each other, it’s true, but yet I know her by heart
[Chorus] Elle a ce petit je ne sais quoi, qui me fait vriller She has that little I don’t know what that makes me spin Parce que une seconde loin de ses bras, peut me faire plier Because a second away from her arms, can make me bend/submit Quand nos corps se confondent sous les draps When our bodies merge under the sheets J’aime l’entendre crier, oh nan I like to hear her scream/cry out, oh no Jamais je ne pourrais l’oublier car elle et moi sommes liés I could never forget her because she and I are connected
[Verse 3] J’me demandais si la vie avait un sens et t’as donné un sens à ma vie I was wondering if life had meaning and you gave my life meaning J’étais indécis mais de toute évidence c’est elle, le sens de mes envies I was hesitant but quite obviously it’s her, the meaning of my desires Jamais je n’aurais pensé tomber amoureux I never would have thought I’d fall in love Toutes ses peines je vais panser afin qu’elle soit heureuse All her sorrows I will heal so that she is happy
[Chorus] Elle a ce petit je ne sais quoi, qui me fait vriller She has that little I don’t know what that makes me spin Parce que une seconde loin de ses bras, peut me faire plier Because a second away from her arms, can make me bend/submit Quand nos corps se confondent sous les draps When our bodies merge under the sheets J’aime l’entendre crier, oh nan I like to hear her scream/cry out, oh no Jamais je ne pourrais l’oublier car elle et moi sommes liés I could never forget her because she and I are connected
[Bridge] Elle a, elle a, elle a, ce p’tit je ne sais quoi She has, she has, she has, that little I don’t know what Elle a, elle a, elle a, ce que d’autres n’ont pas She has, she has, she has, what others don’t Elle a, elle a, elle a, ce p’tit je ne sais quoi She has, she has, she has, that little I don’t know what Elle a, elle a, elle a, ce que d’autres n’ont pas She has, she has, she has, what others don’t
[Chorus] X 2 Elle a ce petit je ne sais quoi, qui me fait vriller She has that little I don’t know what that makes me spin Parce que une seconde loin de ses bras, peut me faire plier Because a second away from her arms, can make me bend/submit Quand nos corps se confondent sous les draps When our bodies merge under the sheets J’aime l’entendre crier, oh nan I like to hear her scream/cry out, oh no Jamais je ne pourrais l’oublier car elle et moi sommes liés I could never forget her because she and I are connected
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