“Die Welt steht auf Pause” is a single by German singer, songwriter and producer Adel Tawil. It is a non-album single that was released in July of 2021.
‘hin und her’ – This phrase means ‘to and fro’, ‘back and forth’ or ‘in and out’. It would translate literally as ‘to there and to here’.
‘ganz egal, was passiert’ – The phrase ‘ganz egal’ means ‘no matter’ or ‘it doesn’t matter’. The larger phrase ‘ganz egal, was passiert’ means ‘no matter what happens’. The literal translation would be ‘completely same what happened’.
‘für immer’ – This phrase means ‘forever’. It would translate literally as ‘for always’.
‘auf einmal’ – This phrase means ‘suddenly’, ‘all at once’ or ‘all of a sudden’. It would translate literally as ‘on one time’.
Compound Words:
‘zuhause’ – This adverb means ‘home’ or ‘at home’. It is a combination of the preposition ‘zu’ meaning ‘to’ or ‘towards’ and the noun ‘Haus’ meaning ‘house’ or ‘home’.
‘Augenblick’ – This compound noun, meaning ‘moment’ or ‘second’, is made up of the nouns ‘Augen’, meaning ‘eyes’ and ‘Blick’ meaning ‘glance’.
‘Hintergrund’ – This compound noun meaning ‘background’ is a combination of the preposition ‘hinter’ meaning ‘behind’ and the noun ‘Grund’ meaning ‘ground’.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing
[Intro] Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plLippenLippe (pl Lippen)lip | noun | fem plkomm’nkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers pl presnähernähercloser, nearer; more closely, in more detail | adv Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing
[Verse 1] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhalt’saushalten + esto bear, stand, endure; withstand + it | verb, irreg + pron | first pers sing pres + third pers sing impers, acckaumkaumhardly, scarcely, barely | advaus,aushaltento bear, stand, endure; withstand | verb, irreg | separable prefixallesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)leerleerempty; blank | adj Wirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presschonschonalready, yet | advvielvielmuch, a lot | advzuzutoo | advlanglanglong; far | adjzuzutoo | advweitweitfar, extensive | adjentferntentferntdistant; remote | adj Dochdochbut, however, yet | conjtrotzdemtrotzdemstill; regardless, nevertheless, anyway | advfliegenfliegento fly, travel | verb, irreg | infinFunkenFunke (pl Funken)spark | noun | masc plhinhinthere, to | adv | | hin und her = to and fro, back and forth, in and outundundand | conjherherto here; ago | adv | | hin und her = to and fro, back and forth, in and out Undundand | conjwaswaswhat; that which | pronichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomgradgeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formfühl’fühlento feel (sensation) | verb, reg | first pers sing presundundand | conjduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomgradgeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formfühlst,fühlento feel (sensation) | verb, reg | sec pers sing preskönn’nkönnenbe able to do, know how to do; be allowed to | verb, mod | first and third pers pl preswirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomnichtnichtnot | adverklär’nerklärento explain; account for; declare, announce | verb, reg | first and third pers pl pres
[Pre-Chorus] Duduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomsagstsagento say, tell; mean | verb, reg | sec pers sing presmir,mirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)„Dasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretnochnochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advnichtnichtnot | advalles“allesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefinite Undundand | conjduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomsagstsagento say, tell; mean | verb, reg | sec pers sing presmir,mirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)„Dasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretnochnochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advnichtnichtnot | advalles“allesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefinite
[Chorus] Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plLippenLippe (pl Lippen)lip | noun | fem plkomm’nkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers pl presnäher,nähercloser, nearer; more closely, in more detail | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing Undundand | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfühl’fühlento feel (sensation) | verb, reg | first pers sing presmichmichme, I | pron | acc of ich (first pers sing)beibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)direktdirektdirectly, right | advwiewieas, how, like | advzuhausezuhause(at) home | adv Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plLippenLippe (pl Lippen)lip | noun | fem plkomm’nkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers pl presnäher,nähercloser, nearer; more closely, in more detail | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing Ganzganzquite; completely; really | adv | | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happensegal,egalunimportant; all the same to me; same, identical | adj | | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happenswaswaswhat; that which | pron | | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happenspassiert,passierento happen; pass, cross | verb, reg | pp | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happensduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nombist,seinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing preswaswaswhat; that which | pronichichI | pron | first pers sing, nombrauchebrauchento need, require; need to, have to | verb, reg | first pers sing pres
[Post-Chorus] Das,daswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nombеidebeideboth; two | pronhierhierhere, now | advhabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | first & third pers pl pres Willwollento want | verb, mod | first and third pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomTagTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc singundundand | conjNachtNacht (pl Nächte)night | noun | fem singundundand | conjesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or acchörtaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | third pers sing presnichtnichtnot | advaufaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | separable prefix Das,daswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nombeidebeideboth | pronhierhierhere, now | advhabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | first & third pers pl pres Willwollento want | verb, mod | first and third pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomTagTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc singundundand | conjNachtNacht (pl Nächte)night | noun | fem singundundand | conjesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or acchörtaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | third pers sing presnichtnichtnot | advaufaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | separable prefix
[Verse 2] Deindeinyour | adj, poss | nom masc and nom and acc neutHerzHerzheart | noun | neut singsetztaussetzento abandon; offer, bequeath, leave; interrupt, adjourn; suspend, defer; stop, break off, give out | verb, reg | sec and third pers sing and sec pers pl presaus,aushaltento bear, stand, endure; withstand | verb, irreg | separable prefixdenndennbecause | conjininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accderderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plLuftLuft (no pl)air; breath; breeze; room, space | noun | fem sing Istseinto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing preskaumkaumhardly, scarcely, barelyeineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut singZentimeterZentimeter (pl Zentimeter)centimeter | noun | masc singzwischenzwischenbetween, among | prep | triggers acc or datunsunsto us, us | pron | acc and dat of wir (first person pl) Eineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut singAugenblickAugenblickmoment, second | noun | masc singhälthaltencatch, hold; stop; hold up, support; keep, maintain; adhere to, follow | verb, irreg | third pers sing presunsunsto us, us | pron | acc and dat of wir (first person pl)fürfürfor | prep | triggers acc | für immer = foreverimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | adv | | für immer = foreverjungjungyoung, new | adj Undundand | conjaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or dat | auf einmal = suddenly, all at once, all of a suddeneinmaleinmalonce, one time; one day; suddenly | adv | | auf einmal = suddenly, all at once, all of a suddenrücktrückento move | verb, reg | third pers sing and sec pers pl preswaswaswhat; that which | pronumumaround, at, by, for, because | prep | triggers accunsunsto us, us | pron | acc and dat of wir (first person pl)istseinto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accdenderthe | art, def | acc masc sing, dat plHintergrundHintergrund (pl Hintergünde)background | noun | masc sing
[Pre-Chorus] Duduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomsagstsagento say, tell; mean | verb, reg | sec pers sing presmir,mirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)„Dasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretnochnochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advnichtnichtnot | advalles“allesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefinite Undundand | conjduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomsagstsagento say, tell; mean | verb, reg | sec pers sing presmir,mirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)„Dasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretnochnochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advnichtnichtnot | advalles“allesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefinite
[Chorus] Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plLippenLippe (pl Lippen)lip | noun | fem plkomm’nkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers pl presnäher,nähercloser, nearer; more closely, in more detail | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing Undundand | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfühl’fühlento feel (sensation) | verb, reg | first pers sing presmichmichme, I | pron | acc of ich (first pers sing)beibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)direktdirektdirectly, right | advwiewieas, how, like | advzuhausezuhause(at) home | adv Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plLippenLippe (pl Lippen)lip | noun | fem plkomm’nkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers pl presnäher,nähercloser, nearer; more closely, in more detail | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing Ganzganzquite; completely; really | adv | | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happensegal,egalunimportant; all the same to me; same, identical | adj | | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happenswaswaswhat; that which | pron | | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happenspassiert,passierento happen; pass, cross | verb, reg | pp | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happensduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nombist,seinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing preswaswaswhat; that which | pronichichI | pron | first pers sing, nombrauchebrauchento need, require; need to, have to | verb, reg | first pers sing pres
[Post-Chorus] Das,daswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nombеidebeideboth; two | pronhierhierhere, now | advhabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | first & third pers pl pres Willwollento want | verb, mod | first and third pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomTagTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc singundundand | conjNachtNacht (pl Nächte)night | noun | fem singundundand | conjesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or acchörtaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | third pers sing presnichtnichtnot | advaufaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | separable prefix Das,daswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nombeidebeideboth | pronhierhierhere, now | advhabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | first & third pers pl pres Willwollento want | verb, mod | first and third pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomTagTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc singundundand | conjNachtNacht (pl Nächte)night | noun | fem singundundand | conjesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or acchörtaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | third pers sing presnichtnichtnot | advaufaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | separable prefix
[Bridge] Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plLippenLippe (pl Lippen)lip | noun | fem plkomm’nkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers pl presnäher,nähercloser, nearer; more closely, in more detail | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing Undundand | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfühl’fühlento feel (sensation) | verb, reg | first pers sing presmichmichme, I | pron | acc of ich (first pers sing)beibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)direktdirektdirectly, right | advwiewieas, how, like | advzuhausezuhause(at) home | adv Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plLippenLippe (pl Lippen)lip | noun | fem plkomm’nkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers pl presnäher,nähercloser, nearer; more closely, in more detail | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing Undundand | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfühl’fühlento feel (sensation) | verb, reg | first pers sing presmichmichme, I | pron | acc of ich (first pers sing)beibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)direktdirektdirectly, right | advwiewieas, how, like | advzuhausezuhause(at) home | adv
[Chorus] Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plLippenLippe (pl Lippen)lip | noun | fem plkomm’nkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers pl presnäher,nähercloser, nearer; more closely, in more detail | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing Ganzganzquite; completely; really | adv | | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happensegal,egalunimportant; all the same to me; same, identical | adj | | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happenswaswaswhat; that which | pron | | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happenspassiert,passierento happen; pass, cross | verb, reg | pp | ganz egal, was passiert = no matter what happensduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nombist,seinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing preswaswaswhat; that which | pronichichI | pron | first pers sing, nombrauchebrauchento need, require; need to, have to | verb, reg | first pers sing pres Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plLippenLippe (pl Lippen)lip | noun | fem plkomm’nkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers pl presnäher,nähercloser, nearer; more closely, in more detail | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plWeltWelt (Welten)world, earth | noun | fem singstehtstehento stand; wait; to be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datPausePause (pl Pausen)break, rest, pause; intermission; recess | noun | fem sing Undundand | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfühl’fühlento feel (sensation) | verb, reg | first pers sing presmichmichme, I | pron | acc of ich (first pers sing)beibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)direktdirektdirectly, right | advwiewieas, how, like | advzuhausezuhause(at) home | adv
[Post-Chorus] Das,daswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nombеidebeideboth; two | pronhierhierhere, now | advhabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | first & third pers pl pres Willwollento want | verb, mod | first and third pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomTagTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc singundundand | conjNachtNacht (pl Nächte)night | noun | fem singundundand | conjesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or acchörtaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | third pers sing presnichtnichtnot | advaufaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | separable prefix Das,daswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nombeidebeideboth | pronhierhierhere, now | advhabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | first & third pers pl pres Willwollento want | verb, mod | first and third pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomTagTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc singundundand | conjNachtNacht (pl Nächte)night | noun | fem singundundand | conjesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or acchörtaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | third pers sing presnichtnichtnot | advaufaufhörento stop, finish, come to an end | verb, reg | separable prefix
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Die Welt steht auf Pause The world is paused
[Intro] Deine Lippen komm’n näher Your lips come closer Die Welt steht auf Pause The world is paused
[Verse 1] Ich halt’s kaum aus, alles in mir leer I can hardly bear it, everything in me empty Wir sind schon viel zu lang zu weit entfernt We’re already far too distant for far too long Doch trotzdem fliegen Funken hin und her But sparks still fly back and forth Und was ich grad fühl’ und du grad fühlst, könn’n wir nicht erklär’n And what I’m feeling now and you’re feeling now, we can’t explain
[Pre-Chorus] Du sagst mir, „Das war noch nicht alles“ You tell me, “That wasn’t everything yet” Und du sagst mir, „Das war noch nicht alles“ And you tell me, “That wasn’t everything yet”
[Chorus] Deine Lippen komm’n näher, die Welt steht auf Pause Your lips come closer, the world is paused Und ich fühl’ mich bei dir direkt wie zuhause And I feel right at home with you Deine Lippen komm’n näher, die Welt steht auf Pausе Your lips come closer, the world is paused Ganz egal, was passiert, du bist, was ich brauche No matter what happens, you’re what I need
[Post-Chorus] Das, was wir bеide hier haben What we both have here Will ich Tag und Nacht und es hört nicht auf I want day and night and it doesn’t stop Das, was wir beide hier haben What we both have here Will ich Tag und Nacht und es hört nicht auf I want day and night and it doesn’t stop
[Verse 2] Dein Herz setzt aus, denn in der Luft Your heart stops, because in the air Ist kaum ein Zentimeter zwischen uns Is barely an inch between us Ein Augenblick hält uns für immer jung A moment keeps us forever young Und auf einmal rückt was um uns ist in den Hintergrund And suddenly what is around us fades into the background
[Pre-Chorus] Du sagst mir, „Das war noch nicht alles“ You tell me, “That wasn’t everything yet” Und du sagst mir, „Das war noch nicht alles“ And you tell me, “That wasn’t everything yet”
[Chorus] Deine Lippen komm’n näher, die Welt steht auf Pause Your lips come closer, the world is paused Und ich fühl’ mich bei dir direkt wie zuhause And I feel right at home with you Deine Lippen komm’n näher, die Welt steht auf Pausе Your lips come closer, the world is paused Ganz egal, was passiert, du bist, was ich brauche No matter what happens, you’re what I need
[Post-Chorus] Das, was wir bеide hier haben What we both have here Will ich Tag und Nacht und es hört nicht auf I want day and night and it doesn’t stop Das, was wir beide hier haben What we both have here Will ich Tag und Nacht und es hört nicht auf I want day and night and it doesn’t stop
[Bridge] Deine Lippen komm’n näher, die Welt steht auf Pause Your lips come closer, the world is paused Und ich fühl’ mich bei dir direkt wie zuhause And I feel right at home with you Deine Lippen komm’n näher, die Welt steht auf Pause Your lips come closer, the world is paused Und ich fühl’ mich bei dir direkt wie zuhause And I feel right at home with you
[Chorus] Deine Lippen komm’n näher, die Welt steht auf Pausе Your lips come closer, the world is paused Ganz egal, was passiert, du bist, was ich brauche No matter what happens, you’re what I need Deine Lippen komm’n näher, die Welt steht auf Pause Your lips come closer, the world is paused Und ich fühl’ mich bei dir direkt wie zuhause And I feel right at home with you
[Post-Chorus] Das, was wir bеide hier haben What we both have here Will ich Tag und Nacht und es hört nicht auf I want day and night and it doesn’t stop Das, was wir beide hier haben What we both have here Will ich Tag und Nacht und es hört nicht auf I want day and night and it doesn’t stop
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive Adjectives:
Deine Lippen komm’n näher, die Welt steht auf Pause
Dein Herz setzt aus, denn in der Luft
Accusative Case:
Und ich fühl’ mich bei dir direkt wie zuhause
Ein Augenblick hält uns für immer jung
Und auf einmal rückt was um uns ist in den Hintergrund
Dative Case:
Ich halt’s kaum aus, alles in mir leer
Du sagst mir, „Das war noch nicht alles“
Und ich fühl’ mich bei dir direkt wie zuhause
Dein Herz setzt aus, denn in der Luft
Ist kaum ein Zentimeter zwischen uns
Das, was wir beide hier haben
Wir sind schon viel zu lang zu weit entfernt
Ganz egal, was passiert, du bist, was ich brauche
Ist kaum ein Zentimeter zwischen uns
Und auf einmal rückt was um uns ist in den Hintergrund
Ein Augenblick hält uns für immer jung
Ich halt‘s kaum aus, alles in mir leer
Modal Verbs:
Und was ich grad fühl’ und du grad fühlst, könn’n wir nicht erklär’n
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