“Die Guten Zeiten” is a song by German singer-songwriters Wincent Weiss and Johannes Oerding. It was released in June of 2021 and reached number 14 on the German singles chart.
‘Morgen’ – The noun ‘Morgen’ is a masculine noun (Der Morgen) meaning ‘the morning’. However, ‘Morgen’ can also be a neuter noun (das Morgen) meaning ‘tomorrow’ in the sense of the future. In this song, we see “Ich kann das Gestern und das Morgen eh nicht lenken” meaning “I can’t control yesterday and tomorrow anyway” in the sense of ‘I can’t control the past and the future anyway’.
‘ein Mal’ – German usually uses the term ‘einmal’ to mean ‘once’. However, this term developed from ‘ein Mal’ literally meaning ‘one time’. ‘Ein Mal’ can still be used to add emphasis.
‘die sind jetzt’ – You might look at this and wonder why it isn’t ‘sie sind jetzt’. In colloquial German, it is common to use the direct articles as pronouns. These are a form of demonstrative pronoun. They can specify a specific item in comparison to others, or they can add emphasis.
‘sich fragen’ – Literally translating as ‘to ask oneself’, this phrase means ‘to wonder’.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plgutengutgood, ok, all right | adjZeitenZeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem pl
[Verse 1] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomdenkedenkento think, believe | verb, irreg | first pers sing presvielvielmuch, a lot | advzuzutoo | advoftoftoften, frequently | advananon, at, in; by, near; with; during | prep | triggers dat or accmorgenmorgentomorrow | adv Wowowhere | advwillwollento want | verb, mod | first pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhinhinthere, to | advundundand | conjwerwerwho | pron | interr or relwillwollento want | verb, mod | first pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomsein?seinto be | verb, irreg | infin Istseinto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmeinemeinmy | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plZukunftZukunft (no pl)future | noun | fem singschonschonalready, yet | advgeschrieben?schreibento write | verb, irreg | pp Treff’treffento hit, strike; hurt; affect; meet, find; reach; make | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (treffe)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomdichdichyou, yourself | pron | acc of du (sec pers sing)oderoderor | conjbleib’bleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (bleibe)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomdochdochbut, however, yet | conjallein?alleinalone, lonely | adj Esesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advgleichengleichsame; equal | adjFragenFrage (pl Fragen)question; test | noun | fem pl IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomschlafeschlafento sleep, stay (overnight) | verb, irreg | first pers sing preswiederwiederagain | advmalmal (pl male)time; occasion, occurrence | noun | neut sing | ein mal = oncenichtnichtnot | adveineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut sing | ein mal = once Ey,Tooltip contentfind’findento find; think | verb, irreg | first pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomLiebe?Liebe (pl Lieben)love | noun | fem singFind’findento find; think | verb, irreg | first pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomFrieden?Frieden (pl Frieden)peace; tranquillity; peace agreement | noun | masc sing Waswaswhat; that which; what, how much, why | pron | interr or relichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomweiß?wissento know; be aware of | verb, irreg | first pers sing presDassdassthat, so that | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomgargarat all; even; really, indeed | advnichtsnichtsnothing, none | pronweißwissento know; be aware of | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres
[Pre-Chorus] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomkannkönnenbe able to do, know how to do; be allowed to | verb, mod | third pers sing presdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singGesternGestern (no pl)yesterday | noun | neut singundundand | conjdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singMorgenMorgen (pl Morgen)tomorrow | noun | neut singehehanyway | advnichtnichtnot | advlenkenlenkento guide, direct, influence; steer | verb, reg | infin Alsoalsoso, therefore; thus | conjdenk’denkento think, believe | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (denke)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accMomentenMoment (pl Momente)moment | noun | masc pl, dat form
[Chorus] Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plgutengutgood, ok, all right | adjZeiten,Zeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem pldiediethat, which, who, whom, whose; this, that, these, those; she her, it they, them | pron | rel or dem, fem singsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presjetztjetztnow | adv IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhoff’,hoffento hope | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (hoffe)dassdassthat, so that | conjduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accnienienever | advvergisstvergessento forget; to leave behind | verb, irreg | sec and third pers sing pres Ey,Tooltip contentkommkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperawirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomhaltenhaltencatch, hold; stop; hold up, support; keep, maintain; adhere to, follow | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singHierHier (no pl)here | noun | neut singfestfestfirmly, tightly; faithfully, definitely; permanently | adv Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plgutengutgood, ok, all right | adjZeiten,Zeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem pldiediethat, which, who, whom, whose; this, that, these, those; she her, it they, them | pron | rel or dem, fem singsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presjetztjetztnow | adv
[Verse 2] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomlaufelaufento run, walk; work, function, operate; pass, go by | verb, irreg | first pers sing presdurchdurchthrough | prep | triggers accdenderthe | art, def | acc masc sing, dat plSchneeSchnee (no pl)snow | noun | masc singvonvonfrom; off; of, by | prep | triggers datgesterngesternyesterday | adv Undundand | conjfrag’fragen | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (frage) | sich fragen = to wondermich,michto ask | pron | acc of ich (first pers sing)„Hab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe) | aux verb used with pp to form perfichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwasetwassomething; some, a (little) bit | pron | colloquial shorteningversäumt?“versäumento miss, lose; neglect; delay, hold up | verb, reg | pp Ey,Tooltip contentbleibenbleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presmeinemeinmy | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plSpur’nSpur (pl Spuren)track, trace, sign, trail; lane | noun | fem plfürfürfor | prep | triggers accewig?ewigfor ever, eternally | adv Dochdochbut, however, yet | conjdadathere; then; here, present; so | advistseinto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presnichts,nichtsnothing, none | pronwaswaswhat; that which | pronichichI | pron | first pers sing, nombereu’bereuento regret, repent | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (bereue) Esesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advgleichengleichsame; equal | adjFragenFrage (pl Fragen)question; test | noun | fem pl IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomschlafeschlafento sleep, stay (overnight) | verb, irreg | first pers sing preswiederwiederagain | advmalmal (pl male)time; occasion, occurrence | noun | neut sing | ein mal = oncenichtnichtnot | adveineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut sing | ein mal = once Ey,Tooltip contenthab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomLiebe?Liebe (pl Lieben)love | noun | fem singHab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomFrieden?Frieden (pl Frieden)peace; tranquillity; peace agreement | noun | masc sing Waswaswhat; that which | pronichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomweiß?wissento know; be aware of | verb, irreg | first pers sing presDassdassthat, so that | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomgargarat all; even; really, indeed | advnichtsnichtsnothing, none | pronweißwissento know; be aware of | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres
[Pre-Chorus] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomkannkönnenbe able to do, know how to do; be allowed to | verb, mod | third pers sing presdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singGesternGestern (no pl)yesterday | noun | neut singundundand | conjdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singMorgenMorgen (pl Morgen)tomorrow | noun | neut singehehanyway | advnichtnichtnot | advlenkenlenkento guide, direct, influence; steer | verb, reg | infin Alsoalsoso, therefore; thus | conjdenk’denkento think, believe | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (denke)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accMomentenMoment (pl Momente)moment | noun | masc pl, dat form
[Chorus] Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plgutengutgood, ok, all right | adjZeiten,Zeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem pldiediethat, which, who, whom, whose; this, that, these, those; she her, it they, them | pron | rel or dem, fem singsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presjetztjetztnow | adv IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhoff’,hoffento hope | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (hoffe)dassdassthat, so that | conjduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accnienienever | advvergisstvergessento forget; to leave behind | verb, irreg | sec and third pers sing pres Ey,Tooltip contentkommkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperawirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomhaltenhaltencatch, hold; stop; hold up, support; keep, maintain; adhere to, follow | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singHierHier (no pl)here | noun | neut singfestfestfirmly, tightly; faithfully, definitely; permanently | adv Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plgutengutgood, ok, all right | adjZeiten,Zeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem pldiediethat, which, who, whom, whose; this, that, these, those; she her, it they, them | pron | rel or dem, fem singsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presjetztjetztnow | adv
[Bridge] Wirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomkönn’nkönnenbe able to do, know how to do; be allowed to | verb, mod | first and third pers pl presdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singGesternGestern (no pl)yesterday | noun | neut singundundand | conjdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singMorgenMorgen (pl Morgen)tomorrow | noun | neut singehehanyway | advnichtnichtnot | advlenkenlenkento guide, direct, influence; steer | verb, reg | infin Alsoalsoso, therefore; thus | conjdenkdenkento think, believe | verb, irreg | sec pers sing impera | alt form of denkedochdochbut, however, yet | conjininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accMomentenMoment (pl Momente)moment | noun | masc pl, dat form
[Chorus] Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plgutengutgood, ok, all right | adjZeiten,Zeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem pldiediethat, which, who, whom, whose; this, that, these, those; she her, it they, them | pron | rel or dem, fem singsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presjetztjetztnow | adv IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhoff’,hoffento hope | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (hoffe)dassdassthat, so that | conjduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accnienienever | advvergisstvergessento forget; to leave behind | verb, irreg | sec and third pers sing pres Ey,Tooltip contentkommkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperawirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomhaltenhaltencatch, hold; stop; hold up, support; keep, maintain; adhere to, follow | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singHierHier (no pl)here | noun | neut singfestfestfirmly, tightly; faithfully, definitely; permanently | adv Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plgutengutgood, ok, all right | adjZeiten,Zeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem pldiediethat, which, who, whom, whose; this, that, these, those; she her, it they, them | pron | rel or dem, fem singsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presjetztjetztnow | adv
[Outro] Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plgutengutgood, ok, all right | adjZeiten,Zeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem pldiediethat, which, who, whom, whose; this, that, these, those; she her, it they, them | pron | rel or dem, fem singsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl presjetztjetztnow | adv
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Die guten Zeiten The good times
[Verse 1] Ich denke viel zu oft an morgen I think about tomorrow far too often Wo will ich hin und wer will ich sein? Where do I want to go and who do I want to be? Ist meine Zukunft schon geschrieben? Is my future already written? Treff’ ich dich oder bleib’ ich doch allein? Do I meet you or do I stay alone? Es sind die immer gleichen Fragen It’s always the same questions Ich schlafe wieder mal nicht ein Once again I can’t sleep Ey, find’ ich Liebe? Ey, will I find love? Find’ ich Frieden? Will I find peace? Was ich weiß? What do I know? Dass ich gar nichts weiß That I don’t know anything
[Pre-Chorus] Ich kann das Gestern und das Morgen eh nicht lenken I can’t control yesterday and tomorrow anyway Also denk’ ich in Momenten So I think in moments
[Chorus] Die guten Zeiten, die sind jetzt The good times, they’re now Ich hoff’, dass du es nie vergisst I hope you never forget it Ey, komm, wir halten das Hier fest Hey, come on, let’s hold the here tightly Die guten Zeiten, die sind jetzt The good times, they’re now
[Verse 2] Ich laufe durch den Schnee von gestern I walk through yesterday’s snow Und frag’ mich, „Hab’ ich was versäumt?“ And wonder, ” Did I miss something?“ Ey, bleiben meine Spur’n für ewig? Ey, will my tracks stay forever? Doch da ist nichts, was ich bereu’ But there’s nothing I regret Es sind die immer gleichen Fragen It’s always the same questions Ich schlafe wieder mal nicht ein Once again I can’t sleep Ey, hab’ ich Liebe? Ey, do I have love? Hab’ ich Frieden? Do I have peace? Was ich weiß? What do I know? Dass ich gar nichts weiß That I don’t know anything
[Pre-Chorus] Ich kann das Gestern und das Morgen eh nicht lenken I can’t control yesterday and tomorrow anyway Also denk’ ich in Momenten So I think in moments
[Bridge] Wir könn’n das Gestern und das Morgen eh nicht lenken We can’t control yesterday and tomorrow anyway Also denk doch in Momenten So think in moments
[Outro] Die guten Zeiten, die sind jetzt The good times, they’re now
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive Adjectives:
Ist meine Zukunft schon geschrieben?
Ey, bleiben meine Spur’n für ewig?
Treff’ ich dich oder bleib’ ich doch allein?
Ey, find’ ich Liebe?
Find’ ich Frieden?
Ich kann das Gestern und das Morgen eh nicht lenken
Ey, komm, wir halten das Hier fest
Ich laufe durch den Schnee von gestern
Und frag’ mich, „Hab’ ich was versäumt?“
Ey, hab’ ich Liebe?
Hab’ ich Frieden?
Wir könn’n das Gestern und das Morgen eh nicht lenken
Also denk’ ich in Momenten
Also denk doch in Momenten
Irregular Verbs:
Ist meine Zukunft schon geschrieben?
Doch da ist nichts, was ich bereu’
Es sind die immer gleichen Fragen
Die guten Zeiten, die sind jetzt
Treff’ (treffe) ich dich oder bleib’ ich doch allein?
Ich schlafe wieder mal nicht ein
Was ich weiß?
Dass ich gar nichts weiß
Ey, komm, wir halten das Hier fest
Ich laufe durch den Schnee von gestern
Und frag’ mich, „Hab’ (habe) ich was versäumt?“
Ey, hab’ (habe) ich Liebe?
Hab’ (habe) ich Frieden?
Modal Verbs:
Wo will ich hin und wer will ich sein?
Ich kann das Gestern und das Morgen eh nicht lenken
Wir könn’n (können) das Gestern und das Morgen eh nicht lenken
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