Released in 2001, the original “Color Esperanza” appeared on Diego Torres’s fifth album Un Mundo Diferente. Its message of hope and overcoming hard times resonated, and it became a staple throughout the Spanish-speaking world at events meant to inspire, such as graduations and conferences.
Sony Music Latin and Global Citizen teamed up to release this brand-new version of “Color Esperanza” featuring artists from all genres and styles. Diego Torres takes the lead, followed by Coti Sorokin, who cowrote the original track. Aside from being a reminder that we’ll get through this difficult time, proceeds from the song will benefit the Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) COVID-19 relief efforts throughout the Americas. Just stream the song on any platform, watch the video, or use at least one of three hashtags on social media (#streamforhope, #streamforesperanza, or #coloresperanza2020) and PAHO will receive donations.
If you’d like to see the original video by Diego Torres, it can be found here. If you’d like to know who is singing at a particular point in the song, Genius Lyrics does a great job breaking it down.
Rubén Blades, Camila, Camilo, Pedro Capó, Coti, Dilsinho, El Cigala, Farruko, Fonseca, Kany García, Leonel García, Gente de Zona, Leslie Grace, Nicky Jam, Lali, Ara Malikian, Dani Martín, Mau y Ricky, Prince Royce, Rauw Alejandro, Reik, Río Roma, Carlos Rivera, Ivete Sangalo, Thalía, Angela Torres, Diego Torres, Manuel Turizo, Jorge Villamizar & Carlos Vives.
Diego Torres
Diego Antonio Caccia, who performs as Diego Torres, is a singer/songwriter and actor from Burenos Aires, Argentina. He is the son of Argentine singer and actress Lolita Torres. He began his musical career in 1989 as part of the band “La Marca”. He released his first solo album Diego Torres in 1992, which was certified three times platinum in Argentina. Two years later he would gain international fame with his second album Tratar de estar mejor, which was certified gold and platinum in several Latin American markets. His most successful song so far, “Color Esperanza” appeared on his fifth album Un Mundo Diferente in 2001. It stayed at the top of the Argentine Singles/Airplay Chart for twelve consecutive weeks. In 2005 he received the Platinum Konex Award for Best Argentine male pop/ballad singer, an award he shared with Sandro de América.
‘se pueden abrir’ – meaning ‘can be opened’, this is an example of the passive ‘se’, which tells something that happened or is happening without telling who or what performs the action. It is like using the passive voice in English, for example ‘the books were opened’ (someone opened them, but we don’t know who). Here no specific person or persons is mentioned as doing the opening. The verb conjugates for whatever item is being acted upon. ‘Se resuelvan las problemas’ (plural), and ‘el amor se ve’ (singular).
‘cambiar de aires’ – Literally meaning ‘change of air’ this phrase means ‘a change of environment’ or ‘a change of scenery’.
‘valer la pena’ – Literally translated as ‘to be worth the difficulty/struggle’, this phrase is usually translated as ‘to be worth it’.
‘se puede’ – This is an example of the impersonal ‘se’ which references people in general, rather than a specific person, and is used for general statements or questions about what they, one, or you do. It can be used to talk about how things are done according to custom, rule, or general consensus, asking for directions, finding out how to say things (cómo se dice/how do you say), or asking about the rules or customs in a specific place. Another very common phrase using the impersonal ‘se’ is ‘se habla español’ (Spanish is spoken here).
‘querer que se pueda’ – The verb ‘querer’ meaning ‘to want’ is a verb that needs to be followed by the subjunctive mood.
‘salir adelante’ – Literally translating as ‘to leave forward’, this phrase means ‘to move forward’, ‘to keep on going’ or ‘to get ahead’.
‘dar mente’ – Literally translating as ‘to give mind’, the phrase means ‘to analyze’ or ‘to study’.
Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
[Verse 1] Sésaberto know | verb | first pers sing presquéquéwhich, what, how | adv | invariablehayhaberthere is, are | verb | third pers sing impersonal presenenin, on, during | preptustusyour | adj | masc and fem plojosojoeye | noun | masc plconconwith | prepsolosoloalone | advmirarmirarlook, watch | verb | infin Quequethat, than | conjestasestosthese | pron | fem plcansadacansadotired, exhausted, worn out | adj | fem singdedefrom, of | prepandarandarto walk; go, travel; work; be, feel; be about, be around; date, go out with | verb | infinyyand | conjdedefrom, of | prepandarandarto walk; go, travel; work; be, feel; be about, be around; date, go out with | verb | infin Yyand | conjcaminarcaminarto walk | verb | infingirandogirarto spin, twirl, turn; revolve around, be about | verb | gersiempresiempreevery time, whenever, always | advenenin, on, during | prepununa | indef art | masc singlugarlugarplace | noun | masc sing
[Verse 2] Sésaberto know | verb | first pers sing presquequethat, than | conjlaslasthe | def art | fem plventanasventanawindow | noun | fem plsesepassive se | pron | talks about something that happened without saying who or what carried out the actionpuedenpoderto be able to | verb | third pers pl presabrirabrirto open | verb | infin Cambiarcambiarto change | verb | infin | cambiar de aires = change of environment, change of sceneryelelthe | def art | masc singaireaireair, wind, breeze; resemblance, look, demeanour | noun | masc singdependedependerdepend, rely, need, be dependent | verb | third pers sing presdedefrom, of | preptitiyou | pron | obj of a prep Ay, teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singayudaráayudarto help | verb | third pers sing fut Valevalerto cost, be worth | verb | third pers sing pres | valer la pena = be worth itlalathe | def art | fem singpenapenasorrow; embarrassment, shame; difficulty, struggle; punishment, sentence | noun | fem singunaunaindef art | fem singvezveztime | noun | fem singmásmásmore, plus | adv
[Chorus 1] Sabersaberto know | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjseseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generalpuede,poderto be able to | verb | third pers sing presquererquererto want; to love | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjseseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generalpuedapoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing subj Quitarnosquitar + nosto take, take from, remove + us | verb + pron | infinloslosthe | def art | masc plmiedos,miedofear | noun | masc pldejarlosdejar + losto let, allow; to leave + them | verb + pron | infinafueraafueraout, outside | adv Pintarsepintarseto put on/wear makeup; be capable; leave, take off | verb | infinlalathe | def art | fem singcaracaraface | noun | fem singcolorcolorcolor | noun | masc singesperanzaesperanzahope; expectation | noun | fem sing Tentarto tempt; to prove, goad; to feel (one's way)verb | infinala + elto the | prep + def art | masc singfuturofuturofuture | noun | masc singconconwith | prepelelthe | def art | masc singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc sing
[Verse 3] Valevalerto cost, be worth | verb | third pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | advelelthe | def art | masc singpresentepresentepresent | noun | masc singquequethat, than | conjelelthe | def art | masc singfuturofuturofuture | noun | masc sing Daledar + legive it | verb + pron | sec pers sing imperasuavesuavesoft, smooth; gentle, light | adj | masc and fem singquequethat, than | conjaquíaquíhere, now | advnononot | advhayhaberthere is, are | verb | third pers sing impersonal presapuroapuropredicament, difficult situation; hardship; embarrassment; rush | noun | masc sing Yayanow, already | advsalimo’salir (salimos)leave; come from, arise; date, go out with; go out; escape from; rise from; go, turn out | verb | third pers sing pres | salir adelante = move forward, keep on going; get aheadadelante,adelanteforwards, ahead, further | adv | | salir adelante = move forward, keep on going; get aheadyayanow, already | advnononot | advlele(to) him, (to) her, (to) them, it, you | pron | indir obj, third pers singde’dar (des)to give | verb | sec pers sing impera (neg) | dar mente = analyze, studymentementemind | noun | fem sing | dar mente = analyze, study Yyand | conjabrazo’abrazo (abrazos)hug, embrace | noun | masc plpa’parafor, to, in order to | preptodatodoevery, each; whole, entire | adj | fem singmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singgentegentepeople | noun | fem sing
[Verse 4] Éserto be | verb | third pers sing pres | Portuguesemelhormelhorbetter | adj | Portugueseperderseperderseto get lost, miss | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjnuncanuncanever | advembarcarembarcarto board, embark | verb | infin Mejormejorbetter; best | adj | masc and fem singtentarsetentarto tempt; to prove, goad; to feel (one's way) | verb | infinaato, into, by | prepdejardejarto let, allow; to leave | verb | infindedefrom, of | prepintentar,intentarto try | verb | infin Yyand | conjasíasílike this, like that, this way | advseráserto be | verb | third person sing fut Lalathe | def art | fem singvidavidalife | noun | fem singmudamudarto change | verb | third pers sing presyyand | conjmudarámudarto change | verb | third pers sing fut
[Verse 5] Sésaberto know | verb | first pers sing presquequethat, than | conjlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterimposibleimposibleimpossible | adjseseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generalpuedepoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing preslograrlograrto manage, reach | verb | infin Quequethat, than | conjlalathe | def art | fem singtristezatristezasadness, sorrow, grief | noun | fem singalgúnalgunosome | adj | masc sing | algún día = someday, one daydíadíaday | noun | masc sing | algún día = someday, one daysesehimself, herself, itself, themselves | pron | reflex, third pers sing and pliráirto go | verb | third pers sing fut | irse = to leave Yyand | conjasíasílike this, like that, this way | advseráserto be | verb | third person sing fut Lalathe | def art | fem singvidavidalife | noun | fem singcambiacambiarto change | verb | third pers sing presyyand | conjcambiarácambiarto change | verb | third pers sing fut
[Pre-Chorus] Sentirássentirto feel; sense; hear; taste; feel about, think about; feel sorry about | verb | sec pers sing futquequethat, than | conjelelthe | def art | masc singalmaalmasoul | noun | masc singvuelavolarto fly; do in a rush; blow up, explode; steal; skip, play hooky | verb | third pers sing pres Porporfor; because of; by | prepcantarcantarto sing; to confess | verb | infinunaunaone | indef art | fem singvezveztime | noun | fem singmásmásmore, plus | adv
[Chorus 2] Sabersaberto know | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjseseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generalpuede,poderto be able to | verb | third pers sing presquererquererto want; to love | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjseseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generalpuedapoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing subj Quitarsequitar + seto take, take from, remove + him, her, it | verb | infinloslosthe | def art | masc plmiedos,miedofear | noun | masc plecharlosechar + losgive, hand out; kick out; drop; throw | verb + pron | infinpa’parafor, to, in order to | prepafueraafueraout, outside | adv Pintarsepintarseto put on/wear makeup; be capable; leave, take off | verb | infinlalathe | def art | fem singcaracaraface | noun | fem singcolorcolorcolor | noun | masc singesperanzaesperanzahope; expectation | noun | fem sing Tentarto tempt; to prove, goad; to feel (one's way)verb | infinala + elto the | prep + def art | masc singfuturofuturofuture | noun | masc singconconwith | prepelelthe | def art | masc singcorazón,corazónheart | noun | masc singconconwith | prepelelthe | def art | masc singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc sing
[Chorus 3] x 2 Sabersaberto know | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjseseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generalpuede,poderto be able to | verb | third pers sing presquererquererto want; to love | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjseseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generalpuedapoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing subj Quitarsequitar + seto take, take from, remove + him, her, it | verb | infinloslosthe | def art | masc plmiedos,miedofear | noun | masc plsacarlossacar + losto kick out, throw out; remove; extract; take out + them | verb + pron | infinafueraafueraout, outside | adv Pintarsepintarseto put on/wear makeup; be capable; leave, take off | verb | infinlalathe | def art | fem singcaracaraface | noun | fem singcolorcolorcolor | noun | masc singesperanzaesperanzahope; expectation | noun | fem sing Tentarto tempt; to prove, goad; to feel (one's way)verb | infinala + elto the | prep + def art | masc singfuturofuturofuture | noun | masc singconconwith | prepelelthe | def art | masc singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc sing
[Chorus 4] x 2 Sabersaberto know | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjseseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generalpuedepoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing pres Quererquererto want; to love | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjseseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generalpuedapoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing subj Pintarsepintarseto put on/wear makeup; be capable; leave, take off | verb | infinlalathe | def art | fem singcaracaraface | noun | fem singcolorcolorcolor | noun | masc singesperanzaesperanzahope; expectation | noun | fem sing Tentarto tempt; to prove, goad; to feel (one's way)verb | infinala + elto the | prep + def art | masc singfuturofuturofuture | noun | masc singconconwith | prepelelthe | def art | masc singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc sing
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Color Esperanza (2020) Color of Hope (2020)
[Verse 1] Sé qué hay en tus ojos con solo mirar I know what’s in your eyes with just a look Que estas cansada de andar y de andar That you’re tired of walking and walking Y caminar girando siempre en un lugar And walking always circling in one place
[Verse 2] Sé que las ventanas se pueden abrir I know windows can be opened Cambiar el aire depende de ti Changing the scenery is up to you Ay, te ayudará Oh, it’ll help you Vale la pena una vez más It’s worth it one more time
[Chorus 1] Saber que se puede, querer que se pueda To know that we can, to want to be able to Quitarnos los miedos, dejarlos afuera To get rid of our fears, to throw them out Pintarse la cara color esperanza To paint our faces the color of hope Tentar al futuro con el corazón To tempt the future with our hearts
[Verse 3] Vale más el presente que el futuro The present is worth more than the future Dale suave que aquí no hay apuro Give it gently because there’s no rush here Ya salimo’ adelante, ya no le de’ mente Now we’re moving forward, now don’t give it any thought Y abrazo’ pa’ toda mi gente And hugs for all my people
[Verse 4] É melhor perderse que nunca embarcar It’s better to get lost than to never get on board Mejor tentarse a dejar de intentar Better to tempt yourself than to stop trying Y así será And it will be like that La vida muda y mudará Life changes and will change
[Verse 5] Sé que lo imposible se puede lograr I know that the impossible can be achieved Que la tristeza algún día se irá That sadness will one day go away Y así será And it will be like that La vida cambia y cambiará Life changes and will change
[Pre-Chorus] Sentirás que el alma vuela You’ll feel your soul fly Por cantar una vez más For singing one more time
[Chorus 2] Saber que se puede, querer que se pueda To know that we can, to want to be able to Quitarse los miedos, echarlos pa’ afuera To get rid of our fears, to throw them out Pintarse la cara color esperanza To paint our faces the color of hope Tentar al futuro con el corazón, con el corazón To temp the future with our hearts, with our hearts
[Chorus 3] x 2 Saber que se puede, querer que se pueda To know that we can, to want to be able to Quitarse los miedos, sacarlos afuera To get rid of our fears, to throw them out Pintarse la cara color esperanza To paint our faces the color of hope Tentar al futuro con el corazón To tempt the future with our hearts
[Chorus 4] x 2 Saber que se puede To know that we can Querer que se pueda To want to be able to Pintarse la cara color esperanza To paint our faces the color of hope Tentar al futuro con el corazón To tempt the future with our hearts
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