The quarantine in Spain has led to the release of quite a few songs. And I guess since I started this project while under a stay at home order myself I feel a connection to these songs.
“Barrer a casa” is a song by Spanish singers and couple Sofía Ellar and Álvaro Soler. Recorded in their home and released in April of 2020, it is a response to the quarantine in Spain caused by Covid 19.
The video information says: “Estos días hay que barrer a casa, hay que recogerse entre nuestras cuatro paredes, guardarnos besos y abrazos para cuando este sueño termine, aplaudir desde las terrazas, pensar en los nuestros… y cuidarnos los unos a los otros.” (These days we need to sweep the house, need to go home between our four walls, to save our kisses and hugs for when this dream ends, to applaud from the balconies, to think of others… and to take care of each other.)
About the Artists
Sophía Ellar
Sofía Lecubarri y Ruigómez who performs as Sofia Ellar, is a British singer/songwriter of Spanish descent. She was born and raised in London, but around the age of 10 she moved to Madrid, where she started performing in various small singing concerts. She released her first album, entitled Segundas partes entre suicidas in February of 2017. Her videos have reached several million views on YouTube, and her tracks on Spotify have reached three million.
Álvaro Tauchert Soler is a singer/songwriter of Spanish and German descent. Born in Barcelona, he lived in Tokio Japan from the time he was en until he was seventeen. After returning to Barcelona he started the band Urban Lights with his brother and some friends, which established a local following. In 2014 he broke up the band and moved to Germany, where he released the single “El mismo sol” in April of 2015. The single was a hit across Europe and Latin America, especially in Italy, Switzerland and Mexico, and its success led him to release his first album Eterno Agosto in June of 2015. He has since released a second album which also saw success.
‘A las ocho caen las redes, se llenan las terrazas’ – This is a reference to the quarantine practice in many cities of people going out to their balconies at 8:00 to applaud healthcare workers.
‘se llenan las terrazas’ – Meaning ‘the terraces fill up’ this is an example of the passive ‘se’, which tells something that happened or is happening without telling who or what performs the action. It is like using the passive voice in English, for example ‘the books were opened’ (someone opened them, but we don’t know who). Here no specific people are mentioned as being the ones filling the terraces. The verb conjugates for whatever item is being acted upon. ‘Se resuelvan las problemas’ (plural), and ‘el amor se ve’ (singular).
‘terraza’ – This word can mean either ‘balcony’ or ‘terrace’, and I think both meanings are used in this song. In the regular chorus the reference is to people filling their balconies to applaud healthcare workers, but in the outro/altered chorus, terraces, likely terraces in places like cafés, are being filled up as the sun comes up and people are able to go out again.
‘asomarse’ – While this phrase often means ‘to lean out’ or ‘to look out’, there is another colloquial meaning that makes more sense in this context. This phrase can also mean ‘to get tipsy’, implying drinking but not reaching drunkenness.
‘los de siempre’ – Translating literally as ‘the of always’, this phrase is refering to the people who frequent a bar, or ‘the regulars’.
‘dejar hacer algo a alguien’ – This phrase means ‘to let someone do something’ or ‘to allow someone to do something’. This phrase is seen in this song in ‘que no me dejan pagar’, meaning ‘that don’t let me pay’.
‘de caña en tapa’ – This is a reference to the Spanish custom of caña and tapas. A ‘caña’ is a glass of beer, whether referring more loosely to a glass of beer in general, or more specifically to a 5 oz. draft beer. ‘Tapas’ are an assortment of appetizers provided with the ‘caña’.
‘servilleta’ – There are two definitions of this word that could both fit in this context. The more well-known meaning is ‘napkin’, which makes sense with the reference to bars and tapas. However, ‘Servilleta’ is also the name of a kind goat cheese in Spain, which could also make sense with the reference to tapas. I think the first meaning is still more likely, but wanted to at least address both meanings.
‘que tiemble la corona’ – This is an example of the imperative tense being used in the third person to suggest or order that a third party or parties be allowed or made to do something. A famous example of this in English would be “Let them eat cake”. Here the phrase means ‘let corona(virus) tremble’ (see note on ‘corona’ below).
‘corona’ – While this word does translate as ‘crown’, I feel that in this instance it is far more likely to be a reference to Coronavirus.
Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Barrerbarrerto sweep; do away with; wipe you | verb | infinaato, into, by | prepCasacasahouse | noun | fem sing
[Verse 1] Podrépoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing futmirartemirarlook, watch + you | verb + pron | infinaato, into, by | prep | a través de = throughtravéstravésmisfortune, mishap, setback; crossbeam; protective wall; tilt | noun | masc sing | a través de = throughdedefrom, of | prep | a través de = througheseesethat | adj | masc singcristalcristalcrystal; window (pane) | noun | masc sing Saludarnossaludar + nosto greet + each other | verb + pron | infindedefrom, of | prepotraotroother; another, one more | adj | fem singformaformaway; shape, form, figure | noun | fem sing Sinsinwithout | prepmiedomiedofear, apprehension | noun | masc singaato, into, by | preprespirarrespirarto breathe | verb | infin Podrépoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing futabrazarteabrazar + tehug, embrace + you | verb + pron | infinconconwith | preplaslasthe | def art | fem plganasganadesire, interest, urge | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | prepolvidarolvidarto forget | verb | infin Quequethat, than | conjunaunaa, an | indef art | fem singpuertapuertadoor; gate | noun | fem singnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | dir obj, indir obj, reflex, first pers plseparasepararseparate, divide; sort, classify | verb | third pers sing pres Dedefrom, of | preplaslasthe | def art | fem plganasganadesire, interest, urge | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | prepsoñarsoñarto dream | verb | infin
[Pre-Chorus 1] Despertardespertarto wake up; come to one's senses | verb | infindedefrom, of | prepestaestethis | adj | fem singnochenochenight | noun | fem singquequethat, than | conjesserto be | verb | third pers sing presrealrealreal, true; royal | adj | masc and fem sing Quequethat, than | conjlalathe | def art | fem singmagiamagiamagic | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | prepvolarvolarto fly; to steal | verb | infinnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | dir obj, indir obj, reflex, first pers pllalathe | def art | fem singhahaberto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp in the pret perfquitadoquitarto take, take from, remove | verb | pp | quitar a algn de hacer algo= to stop or prevent sb (from) doing sthlalathe | def art | fem singlibertadlibertadfreedom, liberty, right | noun | fem sing Yyand | conjpensarpensarto think | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjesteestethis | adj | masc singsueñosueñodream; sleep; drowsiness, sleepiness | noun | masc singnononot | advesserto be | verb | third pers sing presrealrealreal, true; royal | adj | masc and fem sing Quequethat, than | conjesteestethis | adj | masc singsueñosueñodream; sleep; drowsiness, sleepiness | noun | masc singnononot | advesserto be | verb | third pers sing presrealrealreal, true; royal | adj | masc and fem sing
[Chorus] Yyand | conjahoraahoranow, right now; in a minute, very soon | advMadridMadridMadrid | prop noun | city in Spainsesehimself, herself, itself, themselves | pron | reflex, third pers singnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | dir obj, indir obj, reflex, first pers plvistevestirto wear; to dress; to cover | verb | third pers sing pres | vestirse = get dressed, dress up, disguise oneself; embellishdedefrom, of | prepfantasmafantasmaghost, phantom | noun | masc sing Aato, into, by | preplaslasthe | def art | fem plochoochoeight | adj | invariablecaencaerto fall; fall down, collapse; catch on, realize | verb | third pers pl preslaslasthe | def art | fem plredes,rednetwork; net; trap | noun | fem plsesepassive se | pron | talks about something that happened without saying who or what carried out the actionllenanllenarto fill (up) | verb | third pers pl preslaslasthe | def art | fem plterrazasterrazaterrace, balcony | noun | fem pl Yyand | conjahoraahoranow, right now; in a minute, very soon | advaprendíaprenderto learn | verb | first pers sing pretporporfor; because of; by | prep | por qué = why?quéquéwhich, what, how | adv | invariable | por qué = why?hayhaberthere is, are | verb | third pers sing impersonal pres | haber que hacer algo = need to do sth, have to do sth, should do sthquequethat, than | conjbarrerbarrerto sweep; do away with; wipe you | verb | infinaato, into, by | prepcasacasahouse | noun | fem sing Porqueporquebecause | conjlalathe | def art | fem singmejormejorbetter | best | adj | masc and fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem singnononot | adventiendeentenderunderstand | verb | third pers sing pres | entender de = to know about, understanddedefrom, of | prepmurallasmurallawall; barrier | noun | fem pl Nononot | adventiendeentenderunderstand | verb | third pers sing pres | entender de = to know about, understanddedefrom, of | prepmurallasmurallawall; barrier | noun | fem pl
[Verse 2] Podrépoderto be able to | verb | first pers sing futasomarmeasomar + meto put out, stick out, lean out; appear | verb + pron | infin | asomarse = to lean out; to look out; to get tipsyaato, into, by | preplalathe | def art | fem singesquinaesquinacorner | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | prepeseesethat | adj | masc singbarbarbar | noun | masc sing Otraotroother; another, one more | adj | fem singrondarondaround | noun | fem singaato, into, by | preploslosthe | def art | masc pldedefrom, of | prepsiempresiempreevery time, whenever, always | advquequethat, than | conjnononot | advmememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singdejandejarto let, allow; to leave | verb | third pers pl pres | dejar hacer algo a alguien = to let/allow someone to do somethingpagarpagarto pay | verb | infin Dedefrom, of | prepcañacañacane, reed; rod; beer, small draft beer; cannoli | noun | fem singenenin, on, during | preptapatapacover, lid; bar snack | noun | fem singservilletaservilletanapkin; type of cheese | noun | fem singenenin, on, during | prepotrootroother, another | adjbarbarbar | noun | masc sing Yyand | conjquequethat, than | conjtiembletemblarto tremble, shake; shiver | verb | third pers sing imperalalathe | def art | fem singcoronacoronacrown | noun | fem sing | likely refers here to Coronavirusviéndonosver + nostoo see + us | verb | gersaborearsaborearto savor, enjoy; to taste | verb | infin
[Pre-Chorus 2] Despertardespertarto wake up; come to one's senses | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjesaesethat | adj | fem singnochenochenight | noun | fem singfueserto be | verb | third pers sing pretrealrealreal, true; royal | adj | masc and fem sing Quequethat, than | conjlaslasthe | def art | fem plganasganadesire, interest, urge | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | prepvolarvolarto fly; to steal | verb | infinnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | dir obj, indir obj, reflex, first pers pllaslasthe | def art | fem plquitóquitarto take, take from, remove | verb | third pers sing pret | quitar a algn de hacer algo = to stop or prevent sb (from) doing sthlalathe | def art | fem singlibertadlibertadfreedom, liberty, right | noun | fem sing Yyand | conjpensarpensarto think | verb | infinquequethat, than | conjeseesethat | adj | masc singsueñosueñodream; sleep; drowsiness, sleepiness | noun | masc singfueserto be | verb | third pers sing pretrealrealreal, true; royal | adj | masc and fem sing Quequethat, than | conjeseesethat | adj | masc singsueñosueñodream; sleep; drowsiness, sleepiness | noun | masc singfueserto be | verb | third pers sing pretrealrealreal, true; royal | adj | masc and fem sing
[Chorus] Yyand | conjahoraahoranow, right now; in a minute, very soon | advMadridMadridMadrid | prop noun | city in Spainsesehimself, herself, itself, themselves | pron | reflex, third pers singnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | dir obj, indir obj, reflex, first pers plvistevestirto wear; to dress; to cover | verb | third pers sing pres | vestirse = get dressed, dress up, disguise oneself; embellishdedefrom, of | prepfantasmafantasmaghost, phantom | noun | masc sing Aato, into, by | preplaslasthe | def art | fem plochoochoeight | adj | invariablecaencaerto fall; fall down, collapse; catch on, realize | verb | third pers pl preslaslasthe | def art | fem plredes,rednetwork; net; trap | noun | fem plsesepassive se | pron | talks about something that happened without saying who or what carried out the actionllenanllenarto fill (up) | verb | third pers pl preslaslasthe | def art | fem plterrazasterrazaterrace, balcony | noun | fem pl Yyand | conjahoraahoranow, right now; in a minute, very soon | advaprendíaprenderto learn | verb | first pers sing pretporporfor; because of; by | prep | por qué = why?quéquéwhich, what, how | adv | invariable | por qué = why?hayhaberthere is, are | verb | third pers sing impersonal pres | haber que hacer algo = need to do sth, have to do sth, should do sthquequethat, than | conjbarrerbarrerto sweep; do away with; wipe you | verb | infinaato, into, by | prepcasacasahouse | noun | fem sing Porqueporquebecause | conjlalathe | def art | fem singmejormejorbetter | best | adj | masc and fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem singnononot | adventiendeentenderunderstand | verb | third pers sing pres | entender de = to know about, understanddedefrom, of | prepmurallasmurallawall; barrier | noun | fem pl
[Outro] Yyand | conjahoraahoranow, right now; in a minute, very soon | advMadridMadridMadrid | prop noun | city in Spainsesehimself, herself, itself, themselves | pron | reflex, third pers singemocionaemocionarthrill, excite, move, stimulate | verb | third pers sing pres | emocionarse = get excited, feel thrilledenenin, on, during | prepotraotroother; another, one more | adj | fem singplazaplazaplaza, square; market(place); job, post | noun | fem sing Aato, into, by | preplaslasthe | def art | fem plochoochoeight | adj | invariablesalesalirto leave; rise, come up | verb | third pers sing preselelthe | def art | masc singsol,solsun | noun | masc singsesepassive se | pron | talks about something that happened without saying who or what carried out the actionllenanllenarto fill (up) | verb | third pers pl preslaslasthe | def art | fem plterrazasterrazaterrace, balcony | noun | fem pl Yyand | conjahoraahoranow, right now; in a minute, very soon | advaprendíaprenderto learn | verb | first pers sing pretporporfor; because of; by | prep | por qué = why?quéquéwhich, what, how | adv | invariable | por qué = why?hayhaberthere is, are | verb | third pers sing impersonal pres | haber que hacer algo = need to do sth, have to do sth, should do sthquequethat, than | conjbarrerbarrerto sweep; do away with; wipe you | verb | infinaato, into, by | prepcasacasahouse | noun | fem sing Porqueporquebecause | conjlalathe | def art | fem singmejormejorbetter | best | adj | masc and fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem singnononot | adventiendeentenderunderstand | verb | third pers sing pres | entender de = to know about, understanddedefrom, of | prepmurallasmurallawall; barrier | noun | fem pl Nononot | adventiendeentenderunderstand | verb | third pers sing pres | entender de = to know about, understanddedefrom, of | prepmurallasmurallawall; barrier | noun | fem pl Nononot | adventiendeentenderunderstand | verb | third pers sing pres | entender de = to know about, understanddedefrom, of | prepbatallasbatallabattle | noun | fem pl Nononot | adventiendeentenderunderstand | verb | third pers sing pres | entender de = to know about, understanddedefrom, of | prepbatallasbatallabattle | noun | fem pl
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Barrer a Casa Sweep the House
[Verse 1] Podré mirarte a través de ese cristal I’ll be able to look at you through that windowpane Saludarnos de otra forma To greet each other in another way Sin miedo a respirar Without fear of breathing Podré abrazarte con las ganas de olvidar I’ll be able to hug you with the desire to forget Que una puerta nos separa That a door separates us De las ganas de soñar From the desire to dream
[Pre-Chorus 1] Despertar de esta noche que es real Waking up from this night which is real Que la magia de volar nos la ha quitado la libertad That the magic of flying has taken away our freedom Y pensar que este sueño no es real And to think that this dream is not real Que este sueño no es real That this dream is not real
[Chorus] Y ahora Madrid se nos viste de fantasma And now Madrid disguises itself as a ghost to us A las ocho caen las redes, se llenan las terrazas At eight o’clock the networks go down, the balconies fill up Y ahora aprendí por qué hay que barrer a casa And now I’ve learned why you have to sweep the house Porque la mejor canción no entiende de murallas Because the best song doesn’t understand walls No entiende de murallas Doesn’t understand walls
[Verse 2] Podré asomarme a la esquina de ese bar I’ll be able to get tipsy at the corner of that bar Otra ronda a los de siempre que no me dejan pagar Another round for the regulars who won’t let me pay De caña en tapa, servilleta en otro bar From beer to tapa, napkin in another bar Y que tiemble la corona viéndonos saborear And let corona(virus) tremble watching us savor
[Pre-Chorus 2] Despertar que esa noche fue real Waking up, that that night was real Que las ganas de volar nos las quitó la libertad That the desire to fly took away our freedom Y pensar que ese sueño fue real And to think that that dream was real Que ese sueño fue real That that dream was real
[Chorus] Y ahora Madrid se nos viste de fantasma And now Madrid disguises itself as a ghost to us A las ocho caen las redes, se llenan las terrazas At eight o’clock the networks go down, the balconies fill up Y ahora aprendí por qué hay que barrer a casa And now I’ve learned why you have to sweep the house Porque la mejor canción no entiende de murallas Because the best song doesn’t understand walls
[Outro] Y ahora Madrid se emociona en otra plaza And now Madrid is excited in another square A las ocho sale el sol, se llenan las terrazas At eight o’clock the sun rises, the terraces fill up Y ahora aprendí por qué hay que barrer a casa And now I’ve learned why you have to sweep the house Porque la mejor canción no entiende de murallas Because the best song doesn’t understand walls No entiende de murallas Doesn’t understand walls No entiende de batallas Doesn’t understand battles No entiende de batallas Doesn’t understand battles
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Object Pronouns:
Podré mirarte a través de ese cristal
Que una puerta nos separa
Podré abrazarte con las ganas de olvidar
Que la magia de volar nos la ha quitado la libertad
Otra ronda a los de siempre que no me dejan pagar
Y que tiemble la corona viéndonos saborear
Que las ganas de volar nos las quitó la libertad
Y ahora Madrid se nos viste de fantasma
Despertar de esta noche que es real
Y pensar que este sueño no es real
Y ahora aprendí por qué hay que barrer a casa
‘e’ to ‘i’:
Y ahora Madrid se nos viste de fantasma
‘e’ to ‘ie’:
Porque la mejor canción no entiende de murallas
Y que tiemble la corona viéndonos saborear
Y que tiemble la corona viéndonos saborear
Saludarnos de otra forma
Y ahora Madrid se nos viste de fantasma
A las ocho caen las redes, se llenan las terrazas
Podré asomarme a la esquina de ese bar
Y ahora Madrid se emociona en otra plaza
A las ocho sale el sol, se llenan las terrazas
Y ahora aprendí por qué hay que barrer a casa
Despertar que esa noche fue real
Y pensar que ese sueño fue real
Que las ganas de volar nos las quitó la libertad
Podré mirarte a través de ese cristal
Podré abrazarte con las ganas de olvidar
Podré asomarme a la esquina de ese bar
Preterite Perfect:
Que la magia de volar nos la ha quitado la libertad
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