“Arre Borriquito” is a popular traditional Christmas carol, or villancico. This version is performed by Mexican singer Kalimba, Colombian singer Esteman and Peruvian singer Nicole Favre. It appears on the 2020 Christmas compilation Eterna Navidad Celebremos.
‘borriquito’ – This is the diminutive form of the masculine noun ‘borrico’ meaning ‘donkey’. The diminutive form is achieved by adding ‘-ito’ to the end of masculine nouns, or ‘-ita’ to the end of feminine nouns. While it can mean that the noun is less than or smaller than the normal noun (so here it could be interpreted as ‘little donkey’), often it is simply a stylistic change, with no change in meaning. Here I think it adds a level of playfulness to the lyrics. To try and keep the same playfulness in the translation I have translated it as ‘little donkey’, even though the donkey is not necessarily small.
‘gente’ – This term means ‘people’ in Spanish. However, despite the fact that it refers to more than one person, this is a singular noun and conjugates in the third person singular, like ‘él’ or ‘ella’.
‘Reyes Magos’ – Literally translating as ‘wise kings’, this is the name given to what are referred to in English as the Three Wise Men, the Three Kings, or the Magi.
‘de prisa’ – Litrally translating as ‘of hurry’, this phrase means ‘in a hurry’.
‘Anda más de prisa que llegamos tarde’ – I usually try to keep my translations rather literal to assist with learning vocabulary, however the literal translation of this would be something like ‘go more in a hurry because we are arriving late’, which is very awkward. For this reason I simplified my translation to ‘hurry because we’re late’, though I still think it is helpful to understand the meanings of the various parts of this phrase.
‘el otro’ – The adjective ‘otro’ means ‘other’ or ‘another’, however, when used as a noun it means ‘the other one’.
‘hay’ – This is the impersonal third person singular form of the verb ‘haber’ meaning ‘to have’. It means ‘there is’ or ‘there are’. It would translate literally as ‘it has’.
‘irse’ – The verb ‘ir’ means ‘to go’, however the pronominal ‘irse’ means ‘to leave’.
‘portal’ – In everyday speech this term means ‘vestibule’, ‘hallway’ or ‘entrance hall’. It can also be an information portal in the world of technology. However, in the context of Christmas, and especially when referred to as ‘el portal de Belén’, this term can either refer to a nativity scene or the stable at Bethlehem where Christ was born according to the stories.
‘dirigirse a’ – Literally translating as ‘to direct oneself to’, this phrase means ‘to go to’, ‘to walk to’ or ‘to head for’.
‘pastorcito’ – This is the diminutive form of the masculine noun ‘pastor’. As with ‘borriquito’, I have translated this as ‘little shepherd’ to keep a feeling of playfulness, though it is doubtful the shepherd is actually small.
‘Niño Dios’ – Literally translating as ‘child God’, this is the Spanish name given to the baby Jesus.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
ArreArreGiddy up, Move, Let's go | interjBorriquitoborricodonkey | noun | masc sing | diminutive
[Verse 1] Tengotenerto have | verb, irreg | first pers sing prespuestoponerto put, place | verb, irreg | ppununa | art, indef | masc singnacimientonacimientobirth; origin, start, beginning; nativity | noun | masc sing Enenin, on, during | prepununa | art, indef | masc singrincónrincóncorner | noun | masc singdedefrom, of | prepmimimy | adj, poss | masc and fem singcasacasahouse | noun | fem sing Conconwith | preppastorespastorshepherd; pastor | noun | masc singyyand | conjpastoraspastorashepherdess | noun | masc sing Yyand | conjununa | art, indef | masc singpalaciopalaciopalace; mansion | noun | masc singenenin, on, during | preplalathe | art, def | fem singmontañamontañamountain | noun | fem sing Ahíahíthere, then | advvivevivirto live | verb, reg | third pers sing preselelthe | art, def | masc singreyreyking | noun | masc singHerodesHerodesHerod | noun, prop Ahíahíthere, then | advvivenvivirto live | verb, reg | third pers pl pressussushis, her, its, their | adj, poss | masc and fem singsoldadossoldadosoldier | noun | masc pl Todostodoevery, each; whole, entire | adj | masc plestánestarto be | verb, irreg | third pers pl pres | aux verb used with ger to form pres progesperandoesperarto wait | verb, reg | ger Quequethat, than; because; let | conjlleguenllegarto arrive, reach | verb, spl chg | third pers pl subjloslosthe | art, def | masc plReyesreyking | noun | masc pl | Reyes Magos = Three Wise Men, Three Kings, MagiMagosmagomagician illusionist; genius; wise man, magi | noun | masc pl | Reyes Magos = Three Wise Men, Three Kings, Magi
[Chorus] Arre,arregiddy up, move, let's go | interjborriquito,borricodonkey | noun | masc sing | diminutivearre,arregiddy up, move, let's go | interjburro,burrodonkey | noun | masc singarrearregiddy up, move, let's go | interj Andaandarto walk; go, travel; work; be, feel; be about, be around | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperamásmásmore, plus | advdedefrom, of | prepprisaprisarush, hurry, urgency | noun | fem sing | de prisa = in a hurryquequethat, than; because; let | conjllegamosllegarto arrive, reach | verb, spl chg | first pers pl prestardetardelate | adv Arre,arregiddy up, move, let's go | interjborriquito,borricodonkey | noun | masc sing | diminutivevamosirto go | verb, irreg | first pers pl presaato, into, by | prepBelénBelénBethlehem | noun, prop | masc sing Quequethat, than; because; let | conjmañanamañanatomorrow | advesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presfiestafiestaparty | noun | fem singyyand | conjala + elto the | prep + def artotrootroother, another | adj | | el otro = the other onetambiéntambiéntoo, also, as well | adv
[Verse 2] Enenin, on, during | prepelelthe | art, def | masc singcielocielosky, heaven | noun | masc singhayhaberthere is, are | verb, irreg | third pers sing impersonal presunaunaone | art, indef | fem singestrellaestrellastar | noun | fem sing Quequethat, than; because; let | conjaano equivalent in EN | prep | personal a, used when dir obj a personloslosthe | art, def | masc plReyesreyking | noun | masc pl | Reyes Magos = Three Wise Men, Three Kings, MagiMagosmagomagician illusionist; genius; wise man, magi | noun | masc pl | Reyes Magos = Three Wise Men, Three Kings, Magiguíaguiarto guide, lead | verb, reg | third pers sing pres Haciahaciafor, to, towards; around, approximately | prepBelénBelénBethlehem | noun, prop | masc singparaparafor, to, in order to | prepververto see | verb, irreg | infin Aano equivalent in EN | prep | personal a, used when dir obj a personDios,DiosGod | noun | masc singhijohijoson, child | noun | masc singdedefrom, of | prepMaríaMaríaMary | noun, prop | name Cuandocuandowhen | advpasanpasarto go ahead, proceed; cross; pass; happen | verb, reg | third pers pl presloslosthe | art, def | masc plmonarcasmonarcamonarch | noun | masc and fem pl Salesalirleave; come from | verb, irreg | third pers sing preslalathe | art, def | fem singgentegentepeople | noun | fem singala + elto the | prep + def artcaminocaminoroad; way, path; journey, trip | noun | masc sing Yyand | conjalegresalegrehappy, cheerful; bright | adj | masc and fem plsesehimself, herself, itself, themselves | pron | reflex, third pers singvanirto go | verb, irreg | third pers pl pres | irse = to leaveconconwith | prepellosellosthey, them | pron | sub, disj Paraparafor, to, in order to | prepververto see | verb, irreg | infinala + elto the | prep + def arttiernotiernotender, soft; loving, affectionate | adj | masc singniñoniñochild, kid; son | noun | masc sing
[Chorus] Arre,arregiddy up, move, let's go | interjborriquito,borricodonkey | noun | masc sing | diminutivearre,arregiddy up, move, let's go | interjburro,burrodonkey | noun | masc singarrearregiddy up, move, let's go | interj Andaandarto walk; go, travel; work; be, feel; be about, be around | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperamásmásmore, plus | advdedefrom, of | prepprisaprisarush, hurry, urgency | noun | fem sing | de prisa = in a hurryquequethat, than; because; let | conjllegamosllegarto arrive, reach | verb, spl chg | first pers pl prestardetardelate | adv Arre,arregiddy up, move, let's go | interjborriquito,borricodonkey | noun | masc sing | diminutivevamosirto go | verb, irreg | first pers pl presaato, into, by | prepBelénBelénBethlehem | noun, prop | masc sing Quequethat, than; because; let | conjmañanamañanatomorrow | advesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presfiestafiestaparty | noun | fem singyyand | conjala + elto the | prep + def artotrootroother, another | adj | | el otro = the other onetambiéntambiéntoo, also, as well | adv
[Verse 3] Haciahaciafor, to, towards; around, approximately | prepelelthe | art, def | masc singportalportalvestibule, hallway, entrance hall; nativity scene | noun | masc sing | portal de Belén = Nativity scene, the stable at Bethlehemdelde + elfrom the, of the | prep + def art | masc singBelénBelénBethlehem | noun, prop | masc sing | portal de Belén = Nativity scene, the stable at Bethlehem Sesehimself, herself, itself, themselves | pron | reflex, third pers singdirigedirigirto run, manage, direct, oversee, supervise | verb, spl chg | third pers sing pres | dirigirse a = go to, walk to, head forununa | art, indef | masc singpastorcitopastorshepherd; pastor | noun | masc sing | diminutive Cantandocantarto sing; to confess | verb, reg | gerdedefrom, of | prepestaestethis | adj | fem singmaneramaneraway, method | noun | fem sing Paraparafor, to, in order to | prepalegraralegrarmake happy, cheer up; brighten up, liven up | verb, reg | infinelelthe | art, def | masc singcaminocaminoroad; way, path; journey, trip | noun | masc sing Hahaberto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp in the pret perfnacidonacidoborn, alive | adj | masc singelelthe | art, def | masc singNiñoniñochild, kid; son | noun | masc sing | Niño Dios = baby JesusDiosDiosGod | noun | masc sing | Niño Dios = baby Jesus Enenin, on, during | prepununa | art, indef | masc singportalportalvestibule, hallway, entrance hall; nativity scene | noun | masc sing | portal de Belén = Nativity scene, the stable at Bethlehemmiserablemiserablemiserable, mean, mean-spirited, awful, horrible, unhappy, wretched | adj | masc and fem sing Paraparafor, to, in order to | prepenseñarenseñarto teach | verb, reg | infinaano equivalent in en | prep | personal a, used when dir obj a personloslosthe | art, def | masc plhombreshombreman; human (being), mankind | noun | masc pl Lalathe | art, def | fem singhumildadhumildadhumility, humbleness, modesty; poverty, meekness | noun | fem singdedefrom, of | prepsusuhis, her, its, their | adj, poss | masc and fem singlinajelinajelineage, descent | noun | masc sing
[Chorus] X 3 Arre,arregiddy up, move, let's go | interjborriquito,borricodonkey | noun | masc sing | diminutivearre,arregiddy up, move, let's go | interjburro,burrodonkey | noun | masc singarrearregiddy up, move, let's go | interj Andaandarto walk; go, travel; work; be, feel; be about, be around | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperamásmásmore, plus | advdedefrom, of | prepprisaprisarush, hurry, urgency | noun | fem sing | de prisa = in a hurryquequethat, than; because; let | conjllegamosllegarto arrive, reach | verb, spl chg | first pers pl prestardetardelate | adv Arre,arregiddy up, move, let's go | interjborriquito,borricodonkey | noun | masc sing | diminutivevamosirto go | verb, irreg | first pers pl presaato, into, by | prepBelénBelénBethlehem | noun, prop | masc sing Quequethat, than; because; let | conjmañanamañanatomorrow | advesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presfiestafiestaparty | noun | fem singyyand | conjala + elto the | prep + def artotrootroother, another | adj | | el otro = the other onetambiéntambiéntoo, also, as well | adv
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Arre Borriquito Giddy Up Little Donkey
[Verse 1] Tengo puesto un nacimiento I have a nativity set up En un rincón de mi casa In a corner of my house Con pastores y pastoras With shepherds and shepherdesses Y un palacio en la montaña And a palace on the mountain Ahí vive el rey Herodes King Herod lives there Ahí viven sus soldados His soldiers live there Todos están esperando Everyone is waiting Que lleguen los Reyes Magos For the Three Wise Men to arrive
[Chorus] Arre, borriquito, arre, burro, arre Giddy up little donkey, giddy up donkey, giddy up Anda más de prisa que llegamos tarde Hurry, because we’re late Arre, borriquito, vamos a Belén Giddy up little donkey, we’re going to Bethlehem Que mañana es fiesta y al otro también Because tomorrow is a party and the next day as well
[Verse 2] En el cielo hay una estrella In the sky there is a star Que a los Reyes Magos guía That guides the Three Wise Men Hacia Belén para ver To Bethlehem to see A Dios, hijo de María God, son of Mary Cuando pasan los monarcas When the monarchs pass Sale la gente al camino The people come out to the road Y alegres se van con ellos And happily leave with them Para ver al tierno niño To see the loving child
[Chorus] Arre, borriquito, arre, burro, arre Giddy up little donkey, giddy up donkey, giddy up Anda más de prisa que llegamos tarde Hurry, because we’re late Arre, borriquito, vamos a Belén Giddy up little donkey, we’re going to Bethlehem Que mañana es fiesta y al otro también Because tomorrow is a party and the next day as well
[Verse 3] Hacia el portal del Belén Towards the stable at Bethlehem Se dirige un pastorcito A little shepherd is heading Cantando de esta manera Singing this way Para alegrar el camino To brighten the journey Ha nacido el Niño Dios The baby Jesus is born En un portal miserable In a miserable stable Para enseñar a los hombres To teach mankind La humildad de su linaje The humility of his lineage
[Chorus] X 3 Arre, borriquito, arre, burro, arre Giddy up little donkey, giddy up donkey, giddy up Anda más de prisa que llegamos tarde Hurry, because we’re late Arre, borriquito, vamos a Belén Giddy up little donkey, we’re going to Bethlehem Que mañana es fiesta y al otro también Because tomorrow is a party and the next day as well
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