When your dad posts a French song on Facebook and says how much he likes it, even if he can’t understand a word, and you have a site translating lyrics, you’re obligated to translate that song, right? So here it is. Dad, this one is for you!
“Je veux” is a song by French singer Zaz. Released in May 2010 as the first song off of her first album, it was also her breakthrough hit. It won “Original Song of the Year” at the Victoires de la musique music awards in 2011.
Isabelle Geffroy, who performs as Zaz, is a singer from Tours, France. She sings a mixture of French pop, jazz, folk and soul.
Zaz started studying music when she was just five years old, entering the Tours Conservatory, where she studied until she was eleven. Here she learned piano, guitar, and choral singing. In 1994 her family moved to Libourne, near Bordeaux, where she continued to take singing lessons. In 2000 she won a scholarship from the Aquitaine Regional Council that allowed her to attend CIAM (Centre d’information et d’activités musicales or Musical Information and Activity Center) in Bordeaux. From 2001 to 2006 she would participate in numerous musical groups of different styles.
In 2006 she moved to Paris, and spent a year and a half singing in a Cabaret. In 2007 she responded to an internet ad from Kerredine Soltani, a songwriter looking for a new artist with a “husky, a little broken” voice. He wrote “Je veux” for her, the song that would become her breakout single. She continued singing with groups and touring.
In January 2009 she won the third “Le Tremplin Génération” (The Tremplin Generation) competition. The 5,000 euros she won allowed her to record and promote her first album, which she would release 14 months later. In this time she would again continue to tour, including playing at the “Fuji Rock Festival” in Japan. In May of 2010 she released her first album entitled Zaz. The first sing released was “Je veux”, which was chosen as French television channel TF1’s hit of the summer for 2010. The album was very popular in France, reaching number one in sales with more than a million copies sold, and was certified diamond. It also saw success internationally, with more than 845,000 copies sold worldwide.
Her following albums have also seen success, being certified diamond, triple platinum and platinum. Her 2014 album of covers around the theme of the pleasures of living in the French capital, entitled Paris, contained duets with Nikki Yanofsky, Thomas Dutronc and Charles Aznavour.
Her music has appeared in several films. She wrote and sang “Cœur-volant, sur une musique de Howard Shore” for the Martin Scorsese film Hugo Cabret, as he thought the timbre of her voice fit well with 1930s Paris. Her song “Éblouie par la nuit” was used in the movie Dead Man Down. She say two song “Belle” and “L’oiseau”” for the movie Belle et Sébastien.
In 2010 Télérama magazine named her the Best New Artist of the Summer. She was awarded “Best new Song by the Académie Charles-Cros and Song of the Year at the Victoire de la muisique music awards. She also won the European Border Breakers Award, an award given to new artists who have success in countries other than their own. She was part of the Enfoirés from 2001 to 2016 and 2018.
‘Ritz’ – A luxury hotel in the 1st arrondissement in central Paris, overlooking the Place Vendôme.
‘Chanel’ – A fashion brand founded by French fashion designer Coco Chanel.
‘Neufchâtel’ – Neufchâtel-en-Bray is a region of Normandy, the northwesternmost part of France. It is famous for its cheese of the same name.
‘Tour Eiffel’ – A wrought-iron lattice tower in Paris, France, constructed from 1887 to 1889 as the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair, and named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. It has become a cultural icon of France, and is the most-visited paid monument in the world.
‘en avoir marre’ – This phrase means ‘to be fed up’ or ‘to have had it with’. The word ‘marre’ has no meaning on its own and only appears in this phrase.
‘se casser’ – The verb ‘casser’ means to break. While ‘se casser’ can also mean ‘to break’ when speaking of an item being broken rather than speaking of a person breaking something, it also has a slang meaning of ‘to leave’ or ‘to be out of here’.
‘langue de bois’ – Translating literally as ‘tongue of wood’, this phrase means ‘doublespeak’.
‘de toute manière’ – Translating literally as ‘of any manner’, this phrase means ‘anyway’ or ‘anyhow’.
‘en vouloir’ – While the verb ‘vouloir’ means ‘to want’, this phrase has the slang meaning of ‘to be annoyed with’ or ‘to be angry with’.
Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
JejeI|pron|first pers singveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing pres
[Verse 1] Donnezdonnerto give|verb|sec pers pl or sing form impera–moimoime|pron|dir, indir objuneunea|indef art|fem singsuitesuitesuite, room; rest, sequel, consequence, result; entourage|noun|fem singauà + leat the, to the|prep + def art|masc singRitzRitzRitz|prop noun|masc sing|hotel name, jejeI|pron|first pers singn’nenot, no|adv|used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'|shortened to n' before vowelsenento, in|prepveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing prespasne … pasnot|adv|the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speech Desdessome|indef art|masc and fem plbijouxbijouxjewelry|noun|masc singdedeof; from|prepchezchezhome, at s.o.'s house; where s.o. lives, in s.o.'s area; with; among|prepChanelChanelChanel|prop noun|company name, jejeI|pron|first pers singn’nenot, no|adv|used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'|shortened to n' before vowelsenento, in|prepveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing prespasne … pasnot|adverb|the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speech Donnezdonnerto give|verb|sec pers pl or sing form impera–moimoime|pron|dir, indir objuneunea|indef art|fem singlimousinelimousinelimousine|noun|fem sing, j’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowelsenento, in|prepferaisfaireto do, to make|verb|first pers sing condquoiquoiwhat|pron? Offrezoffrirto give, to offer|verb|sec pers pl or sing formal impera–moimoime|pron|dir and indir obj, first pers singdude + lefrom, of the|prep + artpersonnelpersonnelstaff|noun|masc sing, j’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowelsenento, in|prepferaisfaireto do, to make|verb|first pers sing condquoiquoiwhat|pron? Ununa|indef art|masc singmanoirmanoirmanor, mansion, small chateau|noun|masc singààat, to, in|prepNeufchâtelNeufchâtelNeufchâtel|prop noun|noun, masc|region in France, cecethis, that|pron|masc singn’nenot, no|adv|used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'|shortened to n' before vowelsestêtreto be|verb|third pers singpasne … pasnot|adv|the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechpourpourto; for|prep|to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pronsmoimoime|pron|dir and indir obj, first pers sing Offrezoffrirto give, to offer|verb|sec pers pl or sing formal impera–moimoime|pron|dir and indir obj, first pers singlalathe|def art|fem singTour EiffelTour EiffelEiffel Tower|prop noun|fem sing, j’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowelsenento, in|prepferaisfaireto do, to make|verb|first pers sing condquoiquoiwhat|pron?
[Chorus] JejeI|pron|first pers singveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing presd’deof; from|prep|used before vowelsl’le, lathe|def art|masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsamouramourlove|noun|masc when sing, fem when pl, d’deof; from|prep|used before vowelslalathe|def art|fem singjoiejoiejoy|noun|fem sing, dedeof; from|preplalathe|def art|fem singbonnebongood; right, correct|adj|fem singhumeurhumeurmood, spirits, humor|noun|fem sing Cecethis, that|pron|masc singn’nenot, no|adv|used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'|shortened to n' before vowelsestêtreto be|verb|third pers singpasne … pasnot|adv|the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechvotrevotreyour|poss adj|masc and fem singargentargentmoney; silver|noun|masc singquiquiwho, which, |that|pron|interr or relf’rafaire (fera)to make|verb|third pers sing futmonmonmy|poss adj|masc singbonheurbonheurhappiness, joy, pleasure, delight|noun|masc sing Moimoime|pron|dir and indir obj, first pers singj’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowels, consonants in colloquial languageveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing prescrevercreverburst, puncture; kill; die, kick the bucket; get a flat tire|verb|infinlalathe|def art|fem singmainmainhand|noun|fem singsursuron, upon; on top of, above|preplelethe|def art|masc singcœurcœurheart|noun, masc Allonsallerto go|verb|first pers pl imperaensembleensembletogether|adv, découvrirdécouvrirto discover, find out|verb|infinmamamy|poss adj|fem singlibertélibertéfreedom; liberty|noun|fem sing Oubliezoublierto forget|sec pers pl or formal sing imperadoncdonctherefore, so|conj, advtoustousall, all of, every|adjvosvosyour|poss adj|masc and fem plclichésclichécliché; picture, snapshot|noun|masc pl, bienvenuebienvenuewelcome|interjdansdansin|prepmamamy|poss adj|fem singréalitéréalitéreality|noun|fem sing
[Verse 2] J’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowelsenento, in|prep||en avoir marre = to be fed up, have had it withaiavoirto have|verb|first pers sing pres|en avoir marre = to be fed up, have had it withmarremarreno meaning alone|adv||en avoir marre = to be fed up, have had it withdedeof; from|prepvosvosyour|poss adj|masc and fem plbonnesbongood; right, correct|adj|fem plmanièresmanièresmanners, behavior, conduct|noun|fem pl, c’cethis, that, it|pron, adj|shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be|verb|third pers singtroptroptoo, too much, too many, excessively|advpourpourto; for|prep|to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pronsmoimoime|pron|dir and indir obj, first pers sing Moimoime|pron|dir and indir obj, first pers singjejeI|pron|first pers singmangemangerto eat|verb|first pers sing presavecavecwith|prepleslesthe|def art|masc and fem plmainsmainhand|noun|fem singetetand|conjj’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowelssuisêtreto be|verb|first pers sing prescommecommelike, as; because, since|conjçaçathis, that, it|pron J’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowelsparleparlerto speak|verb|third pers sing presfortfortstrong; loudly|adjetetand|conjjejeI|pron|first pers singsuisêtreto be|verb|first pers sing presfranchefancfrank, open, candid; evident, clear|adj|fem sing, excusezexcuserexcuse, forgive, pardon|verb|sec pers pl or sing formal impera–moimoime|pron|dir, indir obj Finiefiniover, past; finished, completed|adj|fem singl’le, lathe|def art|masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelshypocrisiehypocrisiehypocrisy|noun|fem singmoimoime|pron|dir and indir obj, first pers singj’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowelsmemepron|dir obj, indir obj, reflex, first pers singcassecasserbreak, crack, rip|verb|first pers sing pres|se casser = to break; to leave, be out of herededeof; from|preplàlàthere; here|adv J’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowelsenento, in|prep||en avoir marre = to be fed up, have had it withaiavoirto have|verb|first pers sing pres|en avoir marre = to be fed up, have had it withmarremarreno meaning alone|adv||en avoir marre = to be fed up, have had it withdesdessome|indef art|masc and fem pllangueslanguelanguage; tongue|noun|fem pl|langue de bois = doublespeakdedeof; from|prepboisboiswood; woods|noun|masc sing|langue de bois = doublespeak Regardezregarderlook at, watch|verb|sec pers pl or formal sing impera–moimoime|pron|dir, indir obj, toutetoutall|adj|fem sing|de toute manière = anyway, anyhowmanièremanièresway, manner, fashion, style|noun|fem pl|de toute manière = anyway, anyhowj’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowels, and sometimes consonants in colloquial speechvousvousyou|pron|sec pers pl, also used for sec pers sing formalenento, in|prep||en vouloir = be annoyed/angry withveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing pres|en vouloir = be annoyed/angry withpasne … pasnot|adv|the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speech Etetand|conjj’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowels, and sometimes consonants in colloquial speechsuisêtreto be|verb|first pers sing prescommecommelike, as; because, since|conjçaçathis, that, it|pron J’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowels, and sometimes consonants in colloquial speechsuisêtreto be|verb|first pers sing prescommecommelike, as; because, since|conjçaçathis, that, it|pron
[Chorus] JejeI|pron|first pers singveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing presd’deof; from|prep|used before vowelsl’le, lathe|def art|masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsamouramourlove|noun|masc when sing, fem when pl, d’deof; from|prep|used before vowelslalathe|def art|fem singjoiejoiejoy|noun|fem sing, dedeof; from|preplalathe|def art|fem singbonnebongood; right, correct|adj|fem singhumeurhumeurmood, spirits, humor|noun|fem sing Cecethis, that|pron|masc singn’nenot, no|adv|used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'|shortened to n' before vowelsestêtreto be|verb|third pers singpasne … pasnot|adv|the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechvotrevotreyour|poss adj|masc and fem singargentargentmoney; silver|noun|masc singquiquiwho, which, |that|pron|interr or relf’rafaire (fera)to make|verb|third pers sing futmonmonmy|poss adj|masc singbonheurbonheurhappiness, joy, pleasure, delight|noun|masc sing Moimoime|pron|dir and indir obj, first pers singj’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowels, consonants in colloquial languageveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing prescrevercreverburst, puncture; kill; die, kick the bucket; get a flat tire|verb|infinlalathe|def art|fem singmainmainhand|noun|fem singsursuron, upon; on top of, above|preplelethe|def art|masc singcœurcœurheart|noun, masc Allonsallerto go|verb|first pers pl imperaensembleensembletogether|adv, découvrirdécouvrirto discover, find out|verb|infinmamamy|poss adj|fem singlibertélibertéfreedom; liberty|noun|fem sing Oubliezoublierto forget|sec pers pl or formal sing imperadoncdonctherefore, so|conj, advtoustousall, all of, every|adjvosvosyour|poss adj|masc and fem plclichésclichécliché; picture, snapshot|noun|masc pl, bienvenuebienvenuewelcome|interjdansdansin|prepmamamy|poss adj|fem singréalitéréalitéreality|noun|fem sing
[Chorus] x 2 JejeI|pron|first pers singveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing presd’deof; from|prep|used before vowelsl’le, lathe|def art|masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsamouramourlove|noun|masc when sing, fem when pl, d’deof; from|prep|used before vowelslalathe|def art|fem singjoiejoiejoy|noun|fem sing, dedeof; from|preplalathe|def art|fem singbonnebongood; right, correct|adj|fem singhumeurhumeurmood, spirits, humor|noun|fem sing Cecethis, that|pron|masc singn’nenot, no|adv|used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'|shortened to n' before vowelsestêtreto be|verb|third pers singpasne … pasnot|adv|the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechvotrevotreyour|poss adj|masc and fem singargentargentmoney; silver|noun|masc singquiquiwho, which, |that|pron|interr or relf’rafaire (fera)to make|verb|third pers sing futmonmonmy|poss adj|masc singbonheurbonheurhappiness, joy, pleasure, delight|noun|masc sing Moimoime|pron|dir and indir obj, first pers singj’jeI|pron|first pers sing|shortened to j' before vowels, consonants in colloquial languageveuxvouloirto want|verb|first pers sing prescrevercreverburst, puncture; kill; die, kick the bucket; get a flat tire|verb|infinlalathe|def art|fem singmainmainhand|noun|fem singsursuron, upon; on top of, above|preplelethe|def art|masc singcœurcœurheart|noun, masc Allonsallerto go|verb|first pers pl imperaensembleensembletogether|adv, découvrirdécouvrirto discover, find out|verb|infinmamamy|poss adj|fem singlibertélibertéfreedom; liberty|noun|fem sing Oubliezoublierto forget|sec pers pl or formal sing imperadoncdonctherefore, so|conj, advtoustousall, all of, every|adjvosvosyour|poss adj|masc and fem plclichésclichécliché; picture, snapshot|noun|masc pl, bienvenuebienvenuewelcome|interjdansdansin|prepmamamy|poss adj|fem singréalitéréalitéreality|noun|fem sing
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Je veux I want
[Verse 1] Donnez-moi une suite au Ritz, je n’en veux pas Give me a suite at the Ritz, I don’t want it Des bijoux de chez Chanel, je n’en veux pas Some Chanel jewelry, I don’t want it Donnez-moi une limousine, j’en ferais quoi? Give me a limousine, what would I do with it? Offrez-moi du personnel, j’en ferais quoi? Offer me some staff, what would I do with them? Un manoir à Neufchâtel, ce n’est pas pour moi A mansion in Neufchâtel, that’s not for me Offrez-moi la Tour Eiffel, j’en ferais quoi? Offer me the Eiffel Tower, what would I do with it?
[Chorus] Je veux d’l’amour, d’la joie, de la bonne humeur I want love, joy, good mood Ce n’est pas votre argent qui f’ra mon bonheur It’s not your money that will create my happiness Moi j’veux crever la main sur le cœur I want to die with my hand on my heart Allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté Let’s go together, to discover my freedom Oubliez donc tous vos clichés, bienvenue dans ma réalité So forget all your clichés, welcome to my reality
[Verse 2] J’en ai marre de vos bonnes manières, c’est trop pour moi I’m sick of your good manners, it’s too much for me Moi je mange avec les mains et j’suis comme ça I eat with my hands and I’m like that J’parle fort et je suis franche, excusez-moi I speak loudly and I am frank, pardon me Finie l’hypocrisie moi j’me casse de là The hypocrisy is over, I’m out of here J’en ai marre des langues de bois I’m sick of doublespeak Regardez-moi, toute manière j’vous en veux pas Look at me, anyway I’m not annoyed with you Et j’suis comme ça And I’m like that J’suis comme ça I’m like that
[Chorus] Je veux d’l’amour, d’la joie, de la bonne humeur I want love, joy, good mood Ce n’est pas votre argent qui f’ra mon bonheur It’s not your money that will create my happiness Moi j’veux crever la main sur le cœur I want to die with my hand on my heart Allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté Let’s go together, to discover my freedom Oubliez donc tous vos clichés, bienvenue dans ma réalité So forget all your clichés, welcome to my reality
[Chorus] x 2 Je veux d’l’amour, d’la joie, de la bonne humeur I want love, joy, good mood Ce n’est pas votre argent qui f’ra mon bonheur It’s not your money that will create my happiness Moi j’veux crever la main sur le cœur I want to die with my hand on my heart Allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté Let’s go together, to discover my freedom Oubliez donc tous vos clichés, bienvenue dans ma réalité So forget all your clichés, welcome to my reality
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