I was going to go over a different song by Arcadian, but then they released this quarantine song, so of course, I have to do it. They released it in April of 2020 on Facebook. It was written over Skype during confinement for Covid-19, and uses video that people sent to them. Another French singer/songwriter TiBZ makes an appearance in this video. In the post they said that their role in the virus response is “to entertain you, to look for the positive and to put it into song”. And all proceeds from this song go to the French Hospital Foundation.
About the Artists
Arcadian is a pop music group that started in France, and is pretty new to the music scene. Arcadian is made up of Yoann Pinna and Florentin Cabezon from France, and Jérôme Achermann from Switzerland.
The group started playing together in 2015 while living together in Paris’s 18th arrondissement (district). They played in the metro and in bars around the city, including playing frequently at Social Square, a bar in the third arrondissement. They also began posting their music on YouTube. They were noticed by a representative of the television station TF1, who asked them to be on the fifth season of The Voice: La plus belle voix. They were eliminated in the semi-finals, but the experience gave them exposure. They were signed by the label Mercury France, part of Universal Music. They released their first album in April of 2017, and a second album in October of 2019.
‘se lever’ – While the verb ‘lever’ means ‘to lift’, the reflexive ‘se lever’ rather than meaning ‘to lift oneself’ means ‘to get up’.
‘ne … plus’ – This is a common form of negation. Used in the same way as ‘ne … pas’ (sandwiched around the verb), it means ‘not anymore’ or ‘no longer’.
‘ne … plus que’ – This is another common form of negation. Also used in the same way as ‘ne … pas’ (sandwiched around the verb), it means ‘only’.
‘BFM TV’ – This is the name oflarrou a French news and weather channel. It is the most-watched news channel in France with 10 million daily viewers.
‘laisser tomber’ – Literally meaning ‘to let fall’, this phrase can mean to physically ‘drop’ an item, or ‘to let go of’ something figuratively. It can also mean ‘to give up on’ someone or ‘to let (someone) down’.
‘chez’ – Literally meaning ‘with’, this is also used to signal someone’s house. It can me ‘at [name]’s house’, or ‘home’ depending on the context. For example ‘chez Paul’ would translate as ‘at Paul’s house’ whereas ‘restons chez nous’ (seen at the end of the video) would translate as ‘lets stay home’.
‘faire le tour de’ – This phrase means ‘to walk around’ ‘to go around’, or ‘to make the rounds of’.
‘Pour les médecins on applaudit’ – In Paris, as in many other large cities in France and in other places in the world, citizens would all cheer out their windows and off their balconies in a message of thanks to healthcare workers.
Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Danserdanserto dance | verb | infin
[Verse 1] Encoreencorestill, yet; again | advununa | indef art | masc singmatinmatinmorning | noun | masc singoùoùwhere; at that time, when | advjejeI | pron | first pers singmememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singlèveleverto raise, lift | verb | first pers sing pres | se lever = to get up Maismaisbut | conjc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing preslalathe | def art | fem singmêmemêmeeven | advjournéejournéeday | noun | fem sing Etetand | conjqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelselleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singcommencecommencerto begin, start | verb | third pers sing presououor | conjqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelselleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | dir obj, indir obj, and reflex, third pers sing and pl | shortened to s' before vowelsachèveacheverto finish; to kill | verb | third pers sing pres | s'achever = to end, come to an end JejeI | pron | first pers singsaissavoirto know | verb | first and sec pers sing presplusplusmore | adv | | ne … plus = not anymore, no longerquellequelwhich, what | adj | fem singheureheurehour | noun | fem singililhe, it | pronestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing pres JejeI | pron | first pers singmangemangerto eat | verb | first pers sing presseulseulonly, single; alone | adjentreentrebetween | prepdeuxdeuxtwo | adjsériesseries, show; set, collection; series successionnoun | fem pl J’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsaiavoirto have | verb | first pers sing presplusplusmore | adv | | ne … plus que = onlyqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowels | ne … plus que = onlyuneunea | indef art | fem singseuleseulonly, single; alone | adj | fem singchaînechaînechain; channel, station | noun | fem singdedeof; from | preptélétélévisionTV | noun | fem, sing Lelethe | def art | masc singmatinmatinmorning | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presplutôtplutôtrather, instead | advNetflixNetflixNetflix | prop noun | streaming service Lelethe | def art | masc singsoirsoirevening | noun | masc singBFM TVBFM TVBFM TV | prop noun | French television news service
[Pre-Chorus] AllezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'vaallerto go | verb | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechtombertomberto fall | verb | infindansdansin | preplalathe | def art | fem singdéprimedéprimedepression | noun | fem sing AllezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content, tuyoupron | sec pers sing, informsaissavoirto know | verb | first and sec pers sing pres Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas', the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechvaallerto go | verb | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechleslesthe | def art | masc and fem pllaisserlaisserto leave; to let, allow | verb | infin | laisser tomber = drop, let go of; give up on; let downtombertomberto fall | verb | infin | laisser tomber = drop, let go of; give up on; let down AllezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'snosnosour | poss adj | masc and fem plsoignantssoignantnurse, nursing staff | noun | masc pletetand | conjtoustousall, all of, every | adjceuxceuxthose, the ones | pronquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or reltrimenttrimerslave away, work one's fingers to the bone | verb | third pers pl pres AllezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content, tuyoupron | sec pers sing, informsaissavoirto know | verb | first and sec pers sing pres Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'vaallerto go | verb | third pers sing presresterresterremain, stay, be left, continue | verb | infinchezchezhome, at s.o.'s house; where s.o. lives, in s.o.'s area; with; among | prepnousnouswe, us | pronetetand | conjdanserdanserto dance | verb | infin
[Chorus] Dedeof; from | prepl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelshiverhiverwinter | noun | masc singjusqu’àjusqu'àuntil | prepl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsétéétésummer | noun | masc sing Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'vaallerto go | verb | third pers sing presresterresterremain, stay, be left, continue | verb | infinconfinésconfinéconfined, cooped up | adj | masc pl Dedeof; from | prepl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelshiverhiverwinter | noun | masc singjusqu’àjusqu'àuntil | prepl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsétéétésummer | noun | masc sing Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'resteresterremain, stay, be left, continue | verb | first and third pers sing presiciicihere | advpourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'sdanserdanserto dance | verb | infin Danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin Danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin
[Verse 2] Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'sleslesthe | def art | masc and fem plparentsparentparent | noun | masc plquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or relrêventrêverto dream | verb | third pers pl presdude + lefrom, of the | prep + artjourjourday | noun, masc Oùoùwhere; at that time, when | advl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsécoleécoleschool | noun | fem singseraêtreto be | verb | third pers sing futplusplusmore | adv | | ne … plus = not anymore, no longerferméeferméclosed | adj | fem sing Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'sleslesthe | def art | masc and fem plenfantsenfantchild, kid | noun | masc, fem plquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or relontavoirto have | verb | third pers pl pres | aux verb used with the pp to form the p.c.faitfaireto do, to make | verb | pp | faire le tour de = to walk around, go around, make the rounds oflelethe | def art | masc singtourtourcircuit; revolution; quick walk/stroll; tour, journey | noun | masc sing | faire le tour de = to walk around, go around, make the rounds of Dedeof; from | prepleurleur(to) them | indir obj pron | third pers pldixdixten | adjmètresmètremeter | noun | masc plcarréscarrésquare | adj | masc pl Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'sleslesthe | def art | masc and fem plmédecinsmédecindoctor, physician | noun | masc plononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'applauditapplaudirto applaud, clap | verb | third pers sing pres Toustousall, all of, every | adjleslesthe | def art | masc and fem plsoirssoirevening | noun | masc plavantavantbefore | preplelethe | def art | masc singdinerdinerdinner | noun | masc sing Cecethis, that | dem adj | masc singsoirsoirevening | noun | masc singyyhere, there | adv | | il y aura = there will beauraavoirto have | verb | third pers sing fut | il y aura = there will bepasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechdedeof; from | prepconcertconcertconcert | noun | masc sing Maismaisbut | conjononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'vaallerto go | verb | third pers sing prestouttouteverything | noun | masc singdonnerdonnerto give | verb | infin
[Pre-Chorus] AllezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'vaallerto go | verb | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechtombertomberto fall | verb | infindansdansin | preplalathe | def art | fem singdéprimedéprimedepression | noun | fem sing AllezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content, tuyoupron | sec pers sing, informsaissavoirto know | verb | first and sec pers sing pres Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'nenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas', the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechvaallerto go | verb | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechleslesthe | def art | masc and fem pllaisserlaisserto leave; to let, allow | verb | infin | laisser tomber = drop, let go of; give up on; let downtombertomberto fall | verb | infin | laisser tomber = drop, let go of; give up on; let down AllezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'snosnosour | poss adj | masc and fem plsoignantssoignantnurse, nursing staff | noun | masc pletetand | conjtoustousall, all of, every | adjceuxceuxthose, the ones | pronquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or reltrimenttrimerslave away, work one's fingers to the bone | verb | third pers pl pres AllezallerTooltip content, allezallerTooltip content, tuyoupron | sec pers sing, informsaissavoirto know | verb | first and sec pers sing pres Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'vaallerto go | verb | third pers sing presresterresterremain, stay, be left, continue | verb | infinchezchezhome, at s.o.'s house; where s.o. lives, in s.o.'s area; with; among | prepnousnouswe, us | pronetetand | conjdanserdanserto dance | verb | infin
[Chorus] x 2 Dedeof; from | prepl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelshiverhiverwinter | noun | masc singjusqu’àjusqu'àuntil | prepl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsétéétésummer | noun | masc sing Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'vaallerto go | verb | third pers sing presresterresterremain, stay, be left, continue | verb | infinconfinésconfinéconfined, cooped up | adj | masc pl Dedeof; from | prepl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelshiverhiverwinter | noun | masc singjusqu’àjusqu'àuntil | prepl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsétéétésummer | noun | masc sing Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloqually to mean 'we'resteresterremain, stay, be left, continue | verb | first and third pers sing presiciicihere | advpourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'sdanserdanserto dance | verb | infin Danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin Danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin, danserdanserto dance | verb | infin
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Danser Dance
[Verse 1] Encore un matin où je me lève Another morning where I get up Mais c’est la même journée But it’s the same day Et qu’elle commence ou qu’elle s’achève And whether it is starting or ending Je sais plus quelle heure il est I don’t know what time it is anymore Je mange seul entre deux séries I eat alone between two series J’ai plus qu’une seule chaîne de télé I only have one TV channel Le matin c’est plutôt Netflix In the morning it’s Netflix instead Le soir BFM TV The evening BFM TV
[Pre-Chorus] Allez, allez, allez Come on, come on, come on On va pas tomber dans la déprime We’re not going to fall into depression Allez, allez, tu sais Come on, come on, you know On ne va pas les laisser tomber We’re not going to let them down Allez, allez, allez Come on, come on, come on Pour nos soignants et tous ceux qui triment For our nurses and all those who slave away Allez, allez, tu sais Come on, come on, you know On va rester chez nous et danser We’re gonna stay home and dance
[Chorus] De l’hiver jusqu’à l’été From winter until summer On va rester confinés We’re going to stay confined De l’hiver jusqu’à l’été From winter until summer On reste ici pour danser We stay here to dance Danser, danser, danser, danser Dance, dance, dance, dance Danser, danser, danser, danser Dance, dance, dance, dance
[Verse 2] Pour les parents qui rêvent du jour For the parents who dream of the day Où l’école sera plus fermée When school will not be closed anymore Pour les enfants qui ont fait le tour For the children who have made the rounds De leur dix mètres carrés Of their ten square meters Pour les médecins on applaudit For the doctors we applaud Tous les soirs avant le diner Every night before dinner Ce soir y aura pas de concert Tonight there won’t be a concert Mais on va tout donner But we’ll give it all
[Pre-Chorus] Allez, allez, allez Come on, come on, come on On va pas tomber dans la déprime We’re not going to fall into depression Allez, allez, tu sais Come on, come on, you know On ne va pas les laisser tomber We’re not going to let them down Allez, allez, allez Come on, come on, come on Pour nos soignants et tous ceux qui triment For our nurses and all those who slave away Allez, allez, tu sais Come on, come on, you know On va rester chez nous et danser We’re gonna stay home and dance
[Chorus] x 2 De l’hiver jusqu’à l’été From winter until summer On va rester confinés We’re going to stay confined De l’hiver jusqu’à l’été From winter until summer On reste ici pour danser We stay here to dance Danser, danser, danser, danser Dance, dance, dance, dance Danser, danser, danser, danser Dance, dance, dance, dance
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