‘Bonnie und Clyde’ – This is a reference to Bonnie Elizabeth Parker and Clyde Chestnut Barrow, who were an American criminal couple known for their bank robberies throughout the Central United States.
‘nach Hause’ and ‘zu Hause’ – These phrases mean ‘towards home’ and ‘at home’, respectively. You might wonder though, why ‘Haus’ has an additional ‘e’ at the end. This is due to a now largely archaic rule where an ‘-e’ ending was added to certain masc and neuter nouns in the dative case. It survives today almost exclusively in set phrases such as here in ‘zu Hause’, ‘im Zuge’ meaning ‘in the course of’, and ‘am Tage’ meaning ‘during the day’. It will also be seen occasionally in formal prose, poetry, and song lyrics.
‘Kraft tanken’ – This phrase means ‘to recharge one’s batteries’. It translates literally as ‘to refuel strength/energy’.
‘etwas in Kauf nehmen’ – This phrase means ‘to put up with something’, ‘to accept something’, ‘to concede something’, or ‘to condone something’. It would translate literally as something like ‘to take something in purchase’.
‘Hawaii’ – This is a U.S. state located in the Pacific Ocean.
‘am liebsten’ – This phrase means ‘best’. It is the superlative form of the adjective ‘lieb’ meaning ‘kind’, ‘nice’, ‘sweet’, ‘lovely’, ‘good’, ‘dear’ or ‘beloved’.
‘zu zweit’ – This phrase means ‘in pairs’. It would translate literally as ‘in second’.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Mitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datDirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)
[Chorus] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nombinseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presnurnuronly, just | advkomplettkomplettcomplete | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomteileteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | first pers sing presmeinmeinmy | adj, poss | nom masc sing and nom/acc neut singBettBett (pl Betten)bed; quilt, duvet | noun | neut singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Hab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe)sososo; as; like this/that | advgernegern(e)gladly, like to, love to | advSexSex (no pl)sex | noun | masc singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Aman demon the | prep + def art | dat masc or neutbestenbestebest | adjjetztjetztnow | advundundand | conjhierhierhere, now | adv IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwürdwerdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (würde)allesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteteil’nteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | infinmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Binseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing pressososo; as; like this/that | advgernegern(e)gladly, like to, love to | advalleinalleinalone, lonely | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Baby,Baby (pl Babys)baby | noun | neut singichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwein’weinento cry | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (weine)mitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Alsoalsoso, therefore; thus | conjbleibbleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperabeibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)
[Verse 1] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomlachelachento laugh | verb, reg | first pers sing presmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdir,diryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomleideleidento suffer; to allow, permit | verb, irreg | first pers sing presmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Komm’kommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (komme)morgensmorgensin the morning | advnachnachafter, past; behind; to, towards; according to; by the authority of, following; like; for | prep | triggers datHause,Haus (pl Häuser)house; home | noun | neut sing with dative -ezähl’zählento count; to matter; to have | verb, reg | first pers sing presScheineSchein (pl Scheine)light, glow, glint; appearance; note, bill, ticket, certificate | noun | masc plmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Betrunkenbetrunkendrunk | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdir,diryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)aman demon the | prep + def art | dat masc or neutEndeEnde (pl Enden)end; outcome, result; point | noun | neut singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) HerzHerzheart | noun | neut singrepariert,reparierento repair, mend | verb, reg | ppjetztjetztnow | advschenk’schenkento gift, give as present | verb, reg | first pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Aman demon the | prep + def art | dat masc or neutBodenBoden (pl Böden)ground, floor, soil, land | noun | masc singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdir,diryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)geflogenfliegento fly, travel | verb, irreg | ppmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Esesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accistseinto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing pressososo; as; like this/that | advvielvielmuch, a lot | pronpassiertpassierento happen; pass, cross | verb, reg | pp Durchdurchthrough | prep | triggers accdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plHölleHölle (pl Höllen)hell | noun | fem singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Bekämpfebekämpfento fight, combat, control | verb, reg | first pers sing presmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plDämonenDämon (pl Dämonen)demon | noun | masc plininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwerd’werdento get, become | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (werde)besserbesserbetter | adjdurchdurchthrough | prep | triggers accdich,dichyou, yourself | pron | acc of du (sec pers sing)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomlernelernento learn, study | verb, reg | first pers sing presvonvonfrom; off; of, by | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomlebelebento live | verb, reg | first pers sing presmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)undundand | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomsterbesterbento die | verb, irreg | first pers sing presmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Zuzuto, towards; at, on, by, in | prep | triggers datHauseHaus (pl Häuser)house; home | noun | neut sing with dative -emitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdir,diryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)umumaround, at, by, for, because | prep | triggers accdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plErdeErde (pl Erden)earth, world; ground; soil | noun | fem singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Mitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)versetzeversetzento move, shift, transfer; to sell, pawn, hock; to deal, give | verb, reg | first pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomBergeBerg (pl Berge)hill, mountain; heap, pile, mass | noun | masc pl Verprass’verpassento miss, miss out on | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (verpassen)hunderthundertone hundred | adjRiesenRiese (Riesen)giant; grand, 1000 dollars/pounds | noun | masc plmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Dasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singLebenLeben (pl Leben)life | noun | neut singgenießengenießento enjoy; eat, drink | verb, irreg | infinmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Duduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomwarstseinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing pretbeibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datmir,mirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)dadathere; then; here, present; so | advwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretniemandniemandno-one, nobody | pron | indefinitemehrmehrmore, anymore | advhierhierhere, now | adv Binseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomweg,wegfar away, far off; gone | advträgsttragento carry, take; hold, support; wear | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomeineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut singT-ShirtT-Shirt (pl T-Shirts)T-shirt | noun | neut singvonvonfrom; off; of, by | prep | triggers datmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)
[Chorus] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nombinseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presnurnuronly, just | advkomplettkomplettcomplete | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomteileteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | first pers sing presmeinmeinmy | adj, poss | nom masc sing and nom/acc neut singBettBett (pl Betten)bed; quilt, duvet | noun | neut singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Hab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe)sososo; as; like this/that | advgernegern(e)gladly, like to, love to | advSexSex (no pl)sex | noun | masc singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Aman demon the | prep + def art | dat masc or neutbestenbestebest | adjjetztjetztnow | advundundand | conjhierhierhere, now | adv IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwürdwerdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (würde)allesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteteil’nteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | infinmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Binseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing pressososo; as; like this/that | advgernegern(e)gladly, like to, love to | advalleinalleinalone, lonely | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Baby,Baby (pl Babys)baby | noun | neut singichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwein’weinento cry | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (weine)mitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Alsoalsoso, therefore; thus | conjbleibbleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperabeibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)
[Verse 2] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nombleibebleibento stay, remain | verb, irreg | first pers sing preswachwachawake, alert | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdir,diryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)mach’smachen + esto do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve + it | verb, reg + pron | first pers sing pres + impers third pers singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomversteh’verstehenunderstand; hear | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (verstehe)nicht,nichtnot | advwaswaswhat; that which | pron | interr or relduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nommachstmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | sec pers sing presmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing) Bauebauento build, construct, make; cause; pass | verb, reg | first pers sing presdenderthe | art, def | acc masc sing, dat plKindernKind (pl Kinder)child, kid; baby, infant | noun | neut pl, dativeeineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut singDachDach (pl Dächer)roof | noun | neut, singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Tanketankento refuel | verb, reg | first pers sing pres | Kraft tanken = to recharge one's batterieswiederwiederagain | advneueneunew; fresh, clean; recent | adjKraftKraft (pl Kräfte)strength, power, force, energy | noun | fem sing | Kraft tanken = to recharge one's batteriesmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) GegenwindGegenwind (pl Gegenwinde)headwind | noun | masc singnehm’nehmento take; have, choose; accept; claim; swallow | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres | etw in Kauf nehmen = to put up with; accept sth; concede sth; condone sthichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accKaufKauf (pl Käufe)buying, purchase, purchasing | noun | masc sing | etw in Kauf nehmen = to put up with; accept sth; concede sth; condone sth Hauptsache,Haupstache (pl Hauptsachen)main thing, main point | noun | fem singichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwacheaufwachento wake up | verb, reg | first pers sing presnebennebenbeside, next to; apart from, besides, aside from; compared with/to | prep | triggers dat or accdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)aufaufwachento wake up | verb, reg | prefix of sep verb Baby,Baby (pl Babys)baby | noun | neut singfürfürfor | prep | triggers accdichdichyou, yourself | pron | acc of du (sec pers sing)würdwerdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (würde)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomallesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteriskier’nriskierento risk, jeopardize; dare, venture | verb, reg | infin Auch,auchalso, even, really | conjwennwennwhen, if | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomaman demon the | prep + def art | dat masc or neutEndeEnde (pl Enden)end; outcome, result; point | noun | neut singallesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteverlier’verlierento lose, misplace; forfeit | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (verliere) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomliegeliegento lie, be located | verb, irreg | first pers sing presnackignackignude, naked | adjaman demon the | prep + def art | dat masc or neutStrandStrand (pl Strände)beach, shore, bank | noun | masc singaufaufon | prep | triggers dat or accHawaiiHawaiiHawaii | noun, prop | neut | US statemitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Wennwennwhen, if | conjniemandniemandno-one, nobody | pron | indefiniteunsunsto us, us | pron | acc and dat of wir (first person pl)seh’nsehento see, look at; watch; recognize; notice; meet; know | verb, irreg | infinkann,könnenbe able to do, know how to do; be allowed to | verb, mod | first pers sing presdanndannthen, next, afterwards; at that time; in that case | advzeig’zeigento point; show, indicate | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (zeige)ich’sich + esI + it | pron + pron | first pers sing, nom + impers third pers sing, accdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Wowowhere | advesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accunsunsto us, us | pron | acc and dat of wir (first person pl)hintreibt,hintreibento drive s.o./sth to a certain place, cause s.o. to go somewhere | verb, irregdadathere; then; here, present; so | advbleibenbleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl preswirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nom Mach’machento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | first pers sing presesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accwiewieas, how, like | advBonnieBonnieBonnie | noun, prop | nameundundand | conjClydeClydeClyde | noun, prop | namemitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomversteh’verstehenunderstand; hear | verb, irreg | firstpers sing pres (verstehe)auch,auchalso, even, really | conjwennwennwhen, if | conjduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomzweifelstzweifelnto doubt | verb, reg | sec pers sing preshierhierhere, now | adv Gehtgehenwalk; feel, do well; be possible; go; work; be about | verb, irreg | third pers sing and sec pers pl presdasdasthe | art, def | nom and acc neut singhierhierhere, now | advundundand | conjdadathere; then; here, present; so | advvielvielmuch, a lot | pronzuzutoo | advweitweitfar, extensive | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing) Dochdochbut, however, yet | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nombinseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presaman demon the | prep + def art | dat masc or neut | am liebsten = bestliebstenliebkind, nice, sweet, lovely, good; dear, beloved | adj | superlative | am liebsten = bestzuzuto, towards; at, on, by, in | prep | triggers datzweitzweitsecond, secondary | adj | | zu zweit = in pairsmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Undundand | conjhighhighhigh | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdir,diryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)bittebitteplease | interjbleibbleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperamitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)
[Chorus] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nombinseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presnurnuronly, just | advkomplettkomplettcomplete | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomteileteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | first pers sing presmeinmeinmy | adj, poss | nom masc sing and nom/acc neut singBettBett (pl Betten)bed; quilt, duvet | noun | neut singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Hab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe)sososo; as; like this/that | advgernegern(e)gladly, like to, love to | advSexSex (no pl)sex | noun | masc singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Aman demon the | prep + def art | dat masc or neutbestenbestebest | adjjetztjetztnow | advundundand | conjhierhierhere, now | adv IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwürdwerdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (würde)allesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteteil’nteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | infinmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Binseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing pressososo; as; like this/that | advgernegern(e)gladly, like to, love to | advalleinalleinalone, lonely | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Baby,Baby (pl Babys)baby | noun | neut singichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwein’weinento cry | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (weine)mitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Alsoalsoso, therefore; thus | conjbleibbleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperabeibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)
[Bridge] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nombinseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presnurnuronly, just | advkomplettkomplettcomplete | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nombinseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presnurnuronly, just | advkomplettkomplettcomplete | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing)
[Chorus] IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nombinseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing presnurnuronly, just | advkomplettkomplettcomplete | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomteileteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | first pers sing presmeinmeinmy | adj, poss | nom masc sing and nom/acc neut singBettBett (pl Betten)bed; quilt, duvet | noun | neut singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Hab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe)sososo; as; like this/that | advgernegern(e)gladly, like to, love to | advSexSex (no pl)sex | noun | masc singmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Aman demon the | prep + def art | dat masc or neutbestenbestebest | adjjetztjetztnow | advundundand | conjhierhierhere, now | adv IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwürdwerdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (würde)allesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteteil’nteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | infinmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Binseinto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing pressososo; as; like this/that | advgernegern(e)gladly, like to, love to | advalleinalleinalone, lonely | adjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Baby,Baby (pl Babys)baby | noun | neut singichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwein’weinento cry | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (weine)mitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datdirdiryou, to you; yourself, to yourself | pron | dat of du (sec per sing) Alsoalsoso, therefore; thus | conjbleibbleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperabeibeinear, by; for; at; in; on; with; during; among; despite | prep | triggers datmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Mit Dir With You
[Chorus] Ich bin nur komplett mit dir I’m just complete with you Ich teile mein Bett mit dir I share my bed with you Hab’ so gerne Sex mit dir I really like having sex with you Am besten jetzt und hier Preferably now and here Ich würd alles teil’n mit dir I would share everything with you Bin so gern allein mit dir I really like to be alone with you Baby, ich wein’ mit dir Baby, I cry with you Also bleib bei mir So stay with me
[Verse 1] Ich lache mit dir, ich leide mit dir I laugh with you, I suffer with you Komm’ morgens nach Hause, zähl’ Scheine mit dir Come home in the morning, count bills with you Betrunken mit dir, am Ende mit dir Drunk with you, in the end with you Herz repariert, jetzt schenk’ ich es dir Heart repaired, now I’ll give it to you Am Boden mit dir, geflogen mit dir On the ground with you, flying with you Es ist so viel passiert So much has happened Durch die Hölle mit dir Through hell with you Bekämpfe mit dir die Dämonen in mir Fight the demons in me with you Ich werd’ besser durch dich, ich lerne von dir I get better through you, I learn from you Ich lebe mit dir und ich sterbe mit dir I live with you and I die with you Zu Hause mit dir, um die Erde mit dir At home with you, around the world with you Mit dir versetze ich Berge With you I move mountains Verprass’ hundert Riesen mit dir Spend a hundred grand with you Das Leben genießen mit dir Enjoy life with you Du warst bei mir, da war niemand mehr hier You were with me, there was no one here anymore Bin ich weg, trägst du ein T-Shirt von mir When I’m gone, you wear one of my T-shirts
[Chorus] Ich bin nur komplett mit dir I’m just complete with you Ich teile mein Bett mit dir I share my bed with you Hab’ so gerne Sex mit dir I really like having sex with you Am besten jetzt und hier Preferably now and here Ich würd alles teil’n mit dir I would share everything with you Bin so gern allein mit dir I really like to be alone with you Baby, ich wein’ mit dir Baby, I cry with you Also bleib bei mir So stay with me
[Verse 2] Ich bleibe wach mit dir, mach’s mit dir I stay awake with you, do it with you Ich versteh’ nicht, was du machst mit mir I don’t understand what you’re doing to me Baue den Kindern ein Dach mit dir Build a roof for the kids with you Tanke wieder neue Kraft mit dir Recharge your batteries with you Gegenwind nehm’ ich in Kauf I put up with headwinds Hauptsache, ich wache neben dir auf The main thing is that I wake up next to you Baby, für dich würd ich alles riskier’n Baby, I’d risk everything for you Auch, wenn ich am Ende alles verlier’ Even if I lose everything in the end Ich liege nackig am Strand auf Hawaii mit dir I lie naked on the beach in Hawaii with you Wenn niemand uns seh’n kann, dann zeig’ ich’s dir If no one can see us, then I’ll show it to you Wo es uns hintreibt, da bleiben wir Where it drives us, we’ll stay Mach’ es wie Bonnie und Clyde mit dir I do it like Bonnie and Clyde with you Ich versteh’ auch, wenn du zweifelst hier I also understand if you doubt here Geht das hier und da viel zu weit mit mir Does this go way too far here and there with me? Doch ich bin am liebsten zu zweit mit dir But I am best in a couple with you Und high mit dir, bitte bleib mit mir And high with you, please stay with me
[Chorus] Ich bin nur komplett mit dir I’m just complete with you Ich teile mein Bett mit dir I share my bed with you Hab’ so gerne Sex mit dir I really like having sex with you Am besten jetzt und hier Preferably now and here Ich würd alles teil’n mit dir I would share everything with you Bin so gern allein mit dir I really like to be alone with you Baby, ich wein’ mit dir Baby, I cry with you Also bleib bei mir So stay with me
[Bridge] Ich bin nur komplett mit dir I’m just complete with you Ich bin nur komplett mit dir I’m just complete with you
[Chorus] Ich bin nur komplett mit dir I’m just complete with you Ich teile mein Bett mit dir I share my bed with you Hab’ so gerne Sex mit dir I really like having sex with you Am besten jetzt und hier Preferably now and here Ich würd alles teil’n mit dir I would share everything with you Bin so gern allein mit dir I really like to be alone with you Baby, ich wein’ mit dir Baby, I cry with you Also bleib bei mir So stay with me
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive Adjectives:
Ich teile mein Bett mit dir
Ich teile mein Bett mit dir
Komm’ morgens nach Hause, zähl’ Scheine mit dir
Durch die Hölle mit dir
Bekämpfe mit dir die Dämonen in mir
Ich werd’ besser durch dich, ich lerne von dir
Zu Hause mit dir, um die Erde mit dir
Mit dir versetze ich Berge
Verprass’ hundert Riesen mit dir
Das Leben genießen mit dir
Bin ich weg, trägst du ein T-Shirt von mir
… mit dir
Also bleib bei mir
Komm’ morgens nach Hause, zähl’ Scheine mit dir
Betrunken mit dir, am Ende mit dir
Am Boden mit dir, geflogen mit dir
Ich werd’ besser durch dich, ich lerne von dir
Zu Hause mit dir, um die Erde mit dir
Bin ich weg, trägst du ein T-Shirt von mir
Ich versteh’ nicht, was du machst mit mir
Ich bin nur komplett mit dir
Bin so gern allein mit dir
Bin ich weg, trägst du ein T-Shirt von mir
Doch ich bin am liebsten zu zweit mit dir
Es ist so viel passiert
Ich lebe mit dir und ich sterbe mit dir
Gegenwind nehm’ (nehme) ich in Kauf
Hab’ (habe) so gerne Sex mit dir
Ich werd’ (werde) besser durch dich, ich lerne von dir
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