“Juramento eterno de sal” is a song by Spanish pop singer Álvaro de Luna. It was released in Novemeber of 2020, and appears on his first studio album Levantaremos al sol, which was released in February of 2022. The single has spent 64 weeks on the Spanish singles chart, peaking at number 20. It also topped the 2021 annual radio hits chart.
‘juramento eterno de sal’ – The name of this song translates as ‘eternal oath of salt’. When asked what this means in an interview with Spanish publication Status of Empire, the singer’s response (translation is mine) was “They are like grains of sand. ‘Juramento eterno de sal’ refers to all those promises that are made at any given time in life and that have meaning.”
‘pasar’ vs ‘pasarse’ – The two forms are often used with little or no change in meaning, However, use of the reflexive form sometimes suggests that the action was surprising, sudden, or unwanted.
‘inventar’ vs ‘inventarse’ – These two phrases share the same meaning of ‘ to invent’. However, when referring to intangible things, such as an idea, an excuse or a story, the pronominal form is more commonly used in spoken Spanish.
‘en vela’ – This phrase means ‘awake’, ‘sleepless’ or ‘to have a sleepless night’. It translates literally as ‘in candle’.
‘Portugal’ – This is a southern European country on the Iberian Peninsula, bordering Spain and the Atlantic Ocean.
‘volver a + infinitive’ – Translating literally as ‘to return to’, this phrase means ‘to do again’. In this song, the example we see is ‘vuelvas a extrañar’ meaning ‘you miss again’.
‘ir a’ – The verb ‘ir’ means ‘to go’. As in English, when this verb is used with a place, it implies movement towards that place. But when it is used with another verb, it implies that that action will be preformed in the future. For example ‘I am going to the store’ ‘(voy a la tienda’) vs ‘I am going to eat’ (‘voy a comer’).
‘de nuevo’ – This phrase means ‘again’ or ‘once again’. It translates literally as ‘of new’.
‘echar de menos’ – This phrase means ‘to miss’, ‘to notice something is missing’, or ‘to not be able to find something’. Its literal translation would be something like ‘to throw less of something’, which likely seems odd to you. The reason is that this phrase originally comes from a Galician-Portuguese idiom ‘achar de menos’, which means ‘to feel an absence’, or literally ‘to find less of something’. When the phrase was adopted into Spanish, rather than using the verb ‘hallar’ which means ‘to find’, the verb ‘echar’ meaning ‘to throw’ was used due to its similar pronunciation to ‘achar’.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Juramentojuramentooath | noun | masc singeternoeternoeverlasting, eternal | adj | masc singdedefrom, of | prepsalsalsalt; spark, animation, vivacity | noun | fem sing
[Verse 1] Mememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexpasopasarto go ahead, proceed; cross; pass; happen | verb, reg | first pers sing preslaslasthe | art, def | fem plnochesnochenight | noun | fem plenenin, on, during | prepvelavelacandle; sail | noun | fem sing | en vela = awake, sleepless, have a sleepless night Escriboescribirto write | verb, reg | first pers sing prestutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singnombrenombrename | noun | masc singenenin, on, during | prepmimimy | adj, poss | masc and fem singcabezacabezahead | noun | fem sing Desnudodesnudarto undress, strip | verb, reg | first pers sing preslaslasthe | art, def | fem plhorashorahour; time | noun | fem plquequethat, than; because | conjquedanquedarto remain, to stay; to be left; to be located; suit, fit | verb, reg | third pers pl pres Dibujodibujarto draw, sketch | verb, reg | first pers sing prestutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singcuerpocuerpobody | noun | masc singenenin, on, during | prepunaunaa, an | art, indef | fem singservilletaservilletanapkin; type of cheese | noun | fem sing
[Verse 2] Mememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexinventoinventarto invent, make up, concoct | verb, reg | first pers sing presununa | art, indef | masc singmundomundoworld | noun | masc singparaparafor, to, in order to | prepquequethat, than; because | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexpierdasperderto lose | verb, stm chg | sec pers sing subj | perderse = get lost Quieroquererto want | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presvertever + teto see + you | verb, irreg + pron | infin + sec pers sing dir objsoñarsoñarto dream | verb, stm chg | infinbajobajobeneath, under, below | preplaslasthe | art, def | fem plestrellasestrellastar | noun | fem pl Quieroquererto want | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presserserto be | verb, irreg | infinenenin, on, during | preptustusyour | adj, poss | masc and fem pllabioslabioslipps, mouth | noun | masc plcentinelacentinelaguard, sentinel, watch, lookout | noun | masc or fem sing
[Chorus] Yyand | conjvolveránvolverto return, come back | verb, stm chg | third pers pl futlaslasthe | art, def | fem plganasganadesire, interest, urge | noun | fem pldedefrom, of | prepbailarbailarto dance | verb, reg | infin Aquellasaquellosthose (over there) | pron | fem plnochesnochenight | noun | fem pllocaslococrazy | adj | fem plrecorriendorecorrerto traverse, go across/through/over; look over/around | verb, reg | gerPortugalPortugalPortugal | noun, prop | masc sing | country name Nononot | advdejarédejarto let, allow; to leave | verb, reg | first pers sing futquequethat, than; because | conjvuelvasvolverto return, come back | verb, stm chg | sec pers sing subj | volver a hacer = to do againaato, into, by | prepextrañarextrañarsurprise, puzzle; miss | verb, reg | infin Loslosthe | art, def | masc plbesosbesokiss | noun | masc plquequethat, than; because | conjnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexdimos,darto give | verb, irreg | first pers pl pretprometiеndoprometerto promise | verb, reg | gernononot | advolvidarolvidarto forget | verb, reg | infin Mememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexperderéperderto lose | verb, stm chg | first pers sing futеnenin, inside; on, on top of; for, at, during; by, in the, on | preptutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singbocabocamouth | noun | fem singunaunaa, an | art, indef | fem singvezveztime | noun | fem singmásmásmore, plus | adv Fundiendofundirto melt; cast; break | verb, reg | gernuestrosnuestroour | adj, poss | masc plcuerposcuerpobody | noun | masc plcomocomolike, as, since | advelelthe | art, def | masc singsolsolsun | noun | masc singala + elto the | prep + def artdespertardespertarto wake up; come to one's senses | verb, stm chg | infin Juramentojuramentooath | noun | masc singeternoeternoeverlasting, eternal | adj | masc singdedefrom, of | prepsalsalsalt; spark, animation, vivacity | noun | fem sing
[Verse 3] Yayanow, already | advsésaberto know | verb irreg | first pers sing presquequethat, than; because | conjvasirto go | verb, irreg | sec pers sing pres | ir a + infin = to be going to doaato, into, by | prepquererquererto want; to love | verb, stm chg | infinvermever + meto see + me | verb, irreg + pron | infindedefrom, of | prepnuevonuevonew, brand new; latest | adj | masc sing | de nuevo = again, once again YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subsésaberto know | verb irreg | first pers sing presquequethat, than; because | conjtustusyour | adj, poss | masc and fem pllabioslabioslips, mouth | noun | masc plnononot | advsonserto be | verb, irreg | third pers pl prescarameloscaramelocandy, sweet; caramel | noun | masc pl Yayanow, already | advverásverto see | verb, irreg | sec pers sing futcómocómohow, why | advvasirto go | verb, irreg | sec pers sing pres | ir a + infin = to be going to doaato, into, by | prepecharmeecharthrow, toss; drop; throw out, kick out; fire, expel; tilt, lean; give off, emit | verb, reg + pron | infin + first pers sing | echar de menos = miss, notice sth is missing, not be able to find sthdedefrom, of | prepmenosmenosless | adv | | echar de menos = miss, notice sth is missing, not be able to find sth YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subseréserto be | verb, irreg | first pers sing futquiénquiénwho, whom | pron | interrcumplacumplirto accomplish, achieve, fulfill | verb, reg | third pers sing subjtustusyour | adj, poss | masc and fem pldeseosdeseowish, desire | noun | masc pl
[Chorus] Yyand | conjvolveránvolverto return, come back | verb, stm chg | third pers pl futlaslasthe | art, def | fem plganasganadesire, interest, urge | noun | fem pldedefrom, of | prepbailarbailarto dance | verb, reg | infin Aquellasaquellosthose (over there) | pron | fem plnochesnochenight | noun | fem pllocaslococrazy | adj | fem plrecorriendorecorrerto traverse, go across/through/over; look over/around | verb, reg | gerPortugalPortugalPortugal | noun, prop | masc sing | country name Nononot | advdejarédejarto let, allow; to leave | verb, reg | first pers sing futquequethat, than; because | conjvuelvasvolverto return, come back | verb, stm chg | sec pers sing subj | volver a hacer = to do againaato, into, by | prepextrañarextrañarsurprise, puzzle; miss | verb, reg | infin Loslosthe | art, def | masc plbesosbesokiss | noun | masc plquequethat, than; because | conjnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexdimos,darto give | verb, irreg | first pers pl pretprometiеndoprometerto promise | verb, reg | gernononot | advolvidarolvidarto forget | verb, reg | infin Mememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexperderéperderto lose | verb, stm chg | first pers sing futеnenin, inside; on, on top of; for, at, during; by, in the, on | preptutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singbocabocamouth | noun | fem singunaunaa, an | art, indef | fem singvezveztime | noun | fem singmásmásmore, plus | adv Fundiendofundirto melt; cast; break | verb, reg | gernuestrosnuestroour | adj, poss | masc plcuerposcuerpobody | noun | masc plcomocomolike, as, since | advelelthe | art, def | masc singsolsolsun | noun | masc singala + elto the | prep + def artdespertardespertarto wake up; come to one's senses | verb, stm chg | infin Juramentojuramentooath | noun | masc singeternoeternoeverlasting, eternal | adj | masc singdedefrom, of | prepsalsalsalt; spark, animation, vivacity | noun | fem sing Yyand | conjvolveránvolverto return, come back | verb, stm chg | third pers pl futlaslasthe | art, def | fem plganasganadesire, interest, urge | noun | fem pldedefrom, of | prepbailarbailarto dance | verb, reg | infin Aquellasaquellosthose (over there) | pron | fem plnochesnochenight | noun | fem pllocaslococrazy | adj | fem plrecorriendorecorrerto traverse, go across/through/over; look over/around | verb, reg | gerPortugalPortugalPortugal | noun, prop | masc sing | country name Nononot | advdejarédejarto let, allow; to leave | verb, reg | first pers sing futquequethat, than; because | conjvuelvasvolverto return, come back | verb, stm chg | sec pers sing subj | volver a hacer = to do againaato, into, by | prepextrañarextrañarsurprise, puzzle; miss | verb, reg | infin Loslosthe | art, def | masc plbesosbesokiss | noun | masc plquequethat, than; because | conjnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | first pers pl, dir obj, indir obj, reflexdimos,darto give | verb, irreg | first pers pl pretprometiеndoprometerto promise | verb, reg | gernononot | advolvidarolvidarto forget | verb, reg | infin Mememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexperderéperderto lose | verb, stm chg | first pers sing futеnenin, inside; on, on top of; for, at, during; by, in the, on | preptutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singbocabocamouth | noun | fem singunaunaa, an | art, indef | fem singvezveztime | noun | fem singmásmásmore, plus | adv Fundiendofundirto melt; cast; break | verb, reg | gernuestrosnuestroour | adj, poss | masc plcuerposcuerpobody | noun | masc plcomocomolike, as, since | advelelthe | art, def | masc singsolsolsun | noun | masc singala + elto the | prep + def artdespertardespertarto wake up; come to one's senses | verb, stm chg | infin Juramentojuramentooath | noun | masc singeternoeternoeverlasting, eternal | adj | masc singdedefrom, of | prepsalsalsalt; spark, animation, vivacity | noun | fem sing Juramentojuramentooath | noun | masc singeternoeternoeverlasting, eternal | adj | masc singdedefrom, of | prepsalsalsalt; spark, animation, vivacity | noun | fem sing Juramentojuramentooath | noun | masc singeternoeternoeverlasting, eternal | adj | masc singdedefrom, of | prepsalsalsalt; spark, animation, vivacity | noun | fem sing
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Juramento eterno de sal Eternal oath of salt
[Verse 1] Me paso las noches en vela I spend my nights awake Escribo tu nombre en mi cabeza I write your name in my head Desnudo las horas que quedan I strip the remaining hours Dibujo tu cuerpo en una servilleta I draw your body on a napkin
[Verse 2] Me invento un mundo para que te pierdas I make up a world for you to get lost in Quiero verte soñar bajo las estrellas I want pto see you dream under the stars Quiero ser en tus labios centinela I want to be the guard of your lips
[Chorus] Y volverán las ganas de bailar And the desire to dance will return Aquellas noches locas recorriendo Portugal Those crazy nights running around Portugal No dejaré que vuelvas a extrañar I won’t let you miss again Los besos que nos dimos, prometiеndo no olvidar The kisses we gave each other, promising not to forget Me perderé еn tu boca una vez más I’ll get lost in your mouth one more time Fundiendo nuestros cuerpos como el sol al despertar Melting our bodies like the sun upon awakening Juramento eterno de sal Eternal oath of salt
[Verse 3] Ya sé que vas a querer verme de nuevo I already know you’re going to want to see me again Yo sé que tus labios no son caramelos I know your lips aren’t candy Ya verás cómo vas a echarme de menos You’ll see how you’re going to miss me Yo seré quién cumpla tus deseos I’ll be the one to fulfill your wishes
[Chorus] Y volverán las ganas de bailar And the desire to dance will return Aquellas noches locas recorriendo Portugal Those crazy nights running around Portugal No dejaré que vuelvas a extrañar I won’t let you miss again Los besos que nos dimos, prometiеndo no olvidar The kisses we gave each other, promising not to forget Me perderé еn tu boca una vez más I’ll get lost in your mouth one more time Fundiendo nuestros cuerpos como el sol al despertar Melting our bodies like the sun upon awakening Juramento eterno de sal Eternal oath of salt
Y volverán las ganas de bailar And the desire to dance will return Aquellas noches locas recorriendo Portugal Those crazy nights running around Portugal No dejaré que vuelvas a extrañar I won’t let you miss again Los besos que nos dimos, prometiеndo no olvidar The kisses we gave each other, promising not to forget Me perderé еn tu boca una vez más I’ll get lost in your mouth one more time Fundiendo nuestros cuerpos como el sol al despertar Melting our bodies like the sun upon awakening Juramento eterno de sal Eternal oath of salt Juramento eterno de sal Eternal oath of salt Juramento eterno de sal Eternal oath of salt
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive Adjectives:
Escribo tu nombre en mi cabeza
Dibujo tu cuerpo en una servilleta
Quiero ser en tus labios centinela
Me perderé еn tu boca una vez más
Fundiendo nuestros cuerpos como el sol al despertar
Yo sé que tus labios no son caramelos
Yo seré quién cumpla tus deseos
Object Pronouns:
Ya sé que vas a querer verme de nuevo
Ya verás cómo vas a echarme de menos
Reflexive Pronouns:
Me paso las noches en vela
Me invento un mundo para que te pierdas
Los besos que nos dimos, prometiеndo no olvidar
Irregular Verbs:
Ya sé que vas a querer verme de nuevo
Yo sé que tus labios no son caramelos
Ya sé que vas a querer verme de nuevo
Ya verás cómo vas a echarme de menos
Yo sé que tus labios no son caramelos
Stem-Changing Verbs:
querer (e >ie):
Quiero verte soñar bajo las estrellas
Quiero ser en tus labios centinela
Near Future (ir a + infinitive):
Ya sé que vas a querer verme de nuevo
Ya verás cómo vas a echarme de menos
Reflexive/Pronominal Verbs:
Me paso las noches en vela
Me invento un mundo para que te pierdas
Los besos que nos dimos, prometiеndo no olvidar
Aquellas noches locas recorriendo Portugal
Los besos que nos dimos, prometiеndo no olvidar
Fundiendo nuestros cuerpos como el sol al despertar
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