“Un homme” is a single by French singer Jérémy Frerot. It is currently sitting at number two on the French radio hits chart, having spent 20 weeks on the chart. It appears on his second, 2021 album entitled Meilleure vie.
Jérémy Frerot is a singer from Bruges, in the Gironde department of southwest France, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region just north of Bordeaux. Frerot’s initial ambitions were not in music, but rather in sports. While working as a lifeguard in the seaside resort of Arachon he met Florian “Flo” Delavega. The two began to sing and play guitar together, and became the duo Fréro Delavega. In 2014 they appeared on Season 3 of The Voice: la plus belle voix, where they reached the quarter-finals. The duo released two very popular albums before announcing their separation in November of 2016.
In June of 2018, Frerot released his first solo single, entitled “Revoir”, followed by his first solo album in October of the same year. His second solo album Meilleure vie was released in February of 2021. His most popular singles (as of April 2021) are “Tu donnes”, “Avant le jour” and “Un homme”.
‘se venger’ – The verb ‘venger’ means ‘to avenge’. When used reflexively it means ‘to get revenge for’ or ‘to take one’s revenge’.
‘se créer’ – The verb ‘créer’ means ‘to create’, ‘to design’, ‘to set up’, ‘to establish’, ‘to make’ or ‘to bring into existence’. When used reflexively it means ‘to create for oneself’, ‘to invent’ or ‘to dream up’.
‘s’effacer’ – While the verb ‘effacer’ means ‘to erase’, ‘to delete’ or ‘to wipe off’, when reflexive this verb means ‘to fade’.
‘rire aux éclats’ – Literally translating as ‘to laugh to the outburst’, this phrase means ‘to roar with laughter’.
‘qu’est-ce que’ – I suppose if you translated this phrase literally it would be something like ‘what is this that’ or ‘what is that that’. This phrase is used in questions and translates as ‘what’. For example ‘qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier ?’ meaning ‘what did you do yesterday?’
‘ne … plus’ – This is a common form of negation. Used in the same way as ‘ne … pas’ (sandwiched around the verb), it means ‘not anymore’ or ‘no longer’.
‘je me perds’ – The verb ‘perdre’ means ‘to lose’. When used reflexively it commonly means ‘to get lost’. In the context of this song however, I think the meaning of ‘I lose myself’ makes more sense.
‘clean’ – This is an English term that has been adopted into French slang. It only means ‘clean’ in the sense of being drug-free.
‘libre’ – While this term usually translates as ‘free’, this is only in the sense of being ‘available’ or ‘at liberty’. For example ‘I’m free this afternoon’, or ‘He’s free to do as he pleases’. To say that something is ‘without cost’ one would use the term ‘gratuit’.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
[Verse 1] Regarderegarderto watch, look at | verb | sec pers sing imperacommecommelike, as; because, since | conjjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsuisêtreto be | verb | first pers sing pres Ununa | art, indef | masc singcœurcœurheart | noun | masc singetetand | conjdeuxdeuxtwo | adjpoingspoingfist | noun | masc sing JejeI | pron | first pers sing, subvis,vivreto live | verb | first and sec pers sing presjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subveux,vouloirto want | verb | first pers sing presj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelsoublieoublierto forget | verb | first pers sing pres Commecommelike, as; because, since | conjtoitoiyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, disjninineither … nor, either … or | conjplus,plusmore | advninineither … nor, either … or | conjmoinsmoinsless | adv Regarderegarderto watch, look at | verb | sec pers sing imperacommecommelike, as; because, since | conjjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subcricrierscream, yell, shout, cry out | verb | first pers sing pres Commecommelike, as; because, since | conjjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subrisrireto laugh | verb | first pers sing pres | rire aux éclats = to roar with laughterauxà + lesat the, to the | prep + def art | masc and fem pléclatséclatsliver, shard, splinter; radiance, brilliance, brightness, sparkle, shine; burst, outburst | noun | masc sing | rire aux éclats = to roar with laughter JejeI | pron | first pers sing, subcours,courirto run; go around, circulate; rush, hurry | verb | first pers sing pres jejeI | pron | first pers sing, subcrée,créercreate, design; set up, establish; make, bring into existence | verb | first pers sing presjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subbrillebrillershine, sparkle, twinkle, gleam | verb | first pers sing pres JejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsais,savoirto know | verb | first and sec pers sing presjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subnenenot, no | adv | used with another neg term, such as 'ne … pas'saissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speech Toitoiyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, disjtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subveuxvouloirto want | verb | first and sec pers sing presununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singtoitoiyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, disjtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subveuxvouloirto want | verb | first and sec pers sing presununa | art, indef | masc singpèrepèrefather | noun | masc sing Tutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, submememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexdisdireto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing pres“ralentis”,ralentirto slow, slow down | verb | sec pers sing imperatutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, submememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexdisdireto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing pres“accélère”accélérerto accelerate, speed up | verb | sec pers sing impera Etetand | conjplusplusmore | advjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subteteyou; yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflexsuis,suivreto follow; be behind; come after; accompany; deal with; obey, ahere to; take (course); understand, comprehend; track; watch | verb | first pers sing presetetand | conjplusplusmore | advjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subteteyou; yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflexperdsperdrelose, misplace; be deprived of; waste, squander | verb | first pers sing pres Dis-direto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing imperamoi,moime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjdis-direto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing imperamoi,moime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjpourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pronstoitoiyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, disjc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pron
[Chorus] Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singpire,pirethe worst | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singmieux,mieuxbest | noun | masc singpеrduperdreto lose | adj | masc sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoi,quoiwhat | pronjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presplusplusmore | adv | | ne … plus = not anymore, no longer Regarde-regarderto watch, look at | verb | sec pers sing imperamoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjdansdansin | prepleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plyeux,œileye | noun | masc plqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelsest-êtreto be | verb | third pers sing pres | qu'est-ce que = whatcecethis, that | adj, dem | masc sing | qu'est-ce que = whatquequethat, than | conj | | qu'est-ce que = whattutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subvois ?voirto see, watch | verb | first pers sing pres Dis-direto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing imperamoi,moime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pronununa | art, indef | masc singhommehommeman | noun | masc singpourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pronstoi ?toiyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, disj
[Post-Chorus 1] Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advdur,durhard; harsh; stern, forbidding; tough difficult | adj | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advfragilefragilebreakable, fragile, delicate, frail; uncertain, precarious | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advlibre,librefree, available; independent; at liberty; open | adj | masc and fem singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advdociledociledocile, obedient, submissive | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advfort,fortstrong | adj | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advsensiblesensiblesensitive, delicate | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advfou,foucrazy, insane; absurd, ridiculous, unrealistic, preposterous | adj | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advtranquilletranquillequiet, peaceful, calm, relaxed | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singpire,pirethe worst | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singmieux,mieuxbest | noun | masc singperduperdreto lose | adj | masc sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoi,quoiwhat | pronjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presplusplusmore | adv | | ne … plus = not anymore, no longer
[Verse 2] Moimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subchangechangerto change | verb | third pers sing prestontonyour | adj, poss | masc singjeujeugame | noun | masc sing Lancé,lancerthrow, toss; start (up) | verb | ppjejeI | pron | first pers sing, submememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexvengevengerto avenge | verb | first pers sing pres | se venger = to get revenge for, take one's revenge Trouvetrouverto find | verb | first pers sing presdedeof; from | preplalathe | art, def | fem singplaceplacespace, room; place; seat, ticket | noun | fem sing Mememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexcréecréercreate, design; set up, establish; make, bring into existence | verb | first pers sing pres | se créer = create for oneself, invent, dream upd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelsautresautreanother, other | adj | masc and fem plespacesespacespace, room; area | noun | masc pl JejeI | pron | first pers sing, subteteyou; yourself | pron | sec pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflexsuis,suivreto follow; be behind; come after; accompany; deal with; obey, ahere to; take (course); understand, comprehend; track; watch | verb | first pers sing presj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelsinventeinventermake up, invent, come up with | verb | first pers sing pres JejeI | pron | first pers sing, submememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexréinventeréinventerreinvent | verb | first pers sing pres JejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsuis,êtreto be | verb | first pers sing presjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subm’meme; myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflex | shortened to m' before vowelseffaceeffacererase; delete; wipe off | verb | third pers sing pres | s'effacer = to fade Lelethe | art, def | masc singfeufeufire | noun | masc singetetand | conjlalathe | art, def | fem singglaceglaceice; ice cream; mirror; (pane of) glass | noun | fem sing moimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjj’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsveuxvouloirto want | verb | first and sec pers sing presêtreêtreto be | verb | infinununa | art, indef | masc singfrère,frèrebrother | noun | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpote,potebuddy, mate | noun | masc and fem singununa | art, indef | masc singamantamantlover | noun | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singphare,pharelighthouse, beacon, light; headlight | noun | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singrepère,repèrelandmark, point of reference, marker | noun | masc singetetand | conjj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelsenenabout it, some (of it), of them | pronveuxvouloirto want | verb | first and sec pers sing presautantautantso much | adv Etetand | conjplusplusmore | advj’jeI | pron | first pers sing, sub | shortened to j' before vowelsaiavoirto have | verb | first pers sing presd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelsenvies,envielonging, desire, wish, yearning | noun | fem pletetand | conjplusplusmore | advjejeI | pron | first pers sing, submememe | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexperdsperdrelose, misplace; be deprived of; waste, squander | verb | first pers sing pres | se perdre = to get lost, be lost; disappear; go to waste Sisiif | conjtutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subsais,savoirto know | verb | first and sec pers sing presdis-direto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing imperamoi,moime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjpourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pronstoitoiyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, disjc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pron
[Chorus] Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singpire,pirethe worst | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singmieux,mieuxbest | noun | masc singpеrduperdreto lose | adj | masc sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoi,quoiwhat | pronjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presplusplusmore | adv | | ne … plus = not anymore, no longer Regarde-regarderto watch, look at | verb | sec pers sing imperamoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjdansdansin | prepleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plyeux,œileye | noun | masc plqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelsest-êtreto be | verb | third pers sing pres | qu'est-ce que = whatcecethis, that | adj, dem | masc sing | qu'est-ce que = whatquequethat, than | conj | | qu'est-ce que = whattutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subvois ?voirto see, watch | verb | first pers sing pres Dis-direto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing imperamoi,moime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pronununa | art, indef | masc singhommehommeman | noun | masc singpourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pronstoi ?toiyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, disj Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advdur,durhard; harsh; stern, forbidding; tough difficult | adj | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advfragilefragilebreakable, fragile, delicate, frail; uncertain, precarious | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advlibre,librefree, available; independent; at liberty; open | adj | masc and fem singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advdociledociledocile, obedient, submissive | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advfort,fortstrong | adj | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advsensiblesensiblesensitive, delicate | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advfou,foucrazy, insane; absurd, ridiculous, unrealistic, preposterous | adj | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advtranquilletranquillequiet, peaceful, calm, relaxed | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelsrien,riennothing | pronununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelsfoliefoliemadness, insanity, lunacy, folly, chaos; extravagance | noun | fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advloin,loinfar, distant | advununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | adviciicihere | adv Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advrêveur,rêveurdreamy; dazed | adj | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advspleenspleenmelancholy | noun | masc sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advjoueur,joueurplayful | adj | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advcleancleanclean, drug-free | adj | English term Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advlà-haut,là-hautup there, up above | advununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advfroidfroidcold | adj | masc sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advchaud,chaudhot, warm | adj | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advplusplusmore | advbasbaslow | adj | masc sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelsego,egoego | noun | masc singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelssalesaledirty | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advsalaud,salaudbastard, son of a bitch | noun | masc plununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelscalmecalmequiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil | adj | masc and fem sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelscandeur,candeuringenuousness, innocence, naivety, guilelessness, kindness | noun | fem singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advd’deof; from | prep | shorted to d' before vowelsvicevicevice, weakness; defect, flaw; depravity, debauchery | noun | masc sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advdaron,daronfather | noun | masc sing | slang termununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advChristChristChrist | noun, prop Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advnature,naturenature; countryside; character | noun | fem singununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advclasseclasseclassy | adj | invariable Ununa | art, indef | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advououor | conjpasne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechdansdansin | prepleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plcasescasecompartment; square, box, space | noun | fem sing
[Chorus] Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singpire,pirethe worst | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singmieux,mieuxbest | noun | masc singpеrduperdreto lose | adj | masc sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoi,quoiwhat | pronjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presplusplusmore | adv | | ne … plus = not anymore, no longer Regarde-regarderto watch, look at | verb | sec pers sing imperamoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjdansdansin | prepleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plyeux,œileye | noun | masc plqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelsest-êtreto be | verb | third pers sing pres | qu'est-ce que = whatcecethis, that | adj, dem | masc sing | qu'est-ce que = whatquequethat, than | conj | | qu'est-ce que = whattutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subvois ?voirto see, watch | verb | first pers sing pres Dis-direto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing imperamoi,moime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pronununa | art, indef | masc singhommehommeman | noun | masc singpourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pronstoi ?toiyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, disj Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singpire,pirethe worst | noun | masc singauà + leat the, to the | prep + def art | masc singmieux,mieuxbest | noun | masc singpеrduperdreto lose | adj | masc sing Ununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoi,quoiwhat | pronjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing prespas,ne … pasnot | adv | the 'ne' may be omitted in coll speechjejeI | pron | first pers sing, subsaissavoirto know | verb | first pers sing presplusplusmore | adv | | ne … plus = not anymore, no longer Regarde-regarderto watch, look at | verb | sec pers sing imperamoimoime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjdansdansin | prepleslesthe | art, def | masc and fem plyeux,œileye | noun | masc plqu’quethat, than | conj | shortened to qu' before vowelsest-êtreto be | verb | third pers sing pres | qu'est-ce que = whatcecethis, that | adj, dem | masc sing | qu'est-ce que = whatquequethat, than | conj | | qu'est-ce que = whattutuyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, subvois ?voirto see, watch | verb | first pers sing pres Dis-direto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing imperamoi,moime, to me | pron | first pers sing, disjununa | art, indef | masc singhomme,hommeman | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing presquoiquoiwhat | pronununa | art, indef | masc singhommehommeman | noun | masc singpourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pronstoi ?toiyou | pron | sec pers inform sing, disj
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Un homme A Man
[Verse 1] Regarde comme je suis Look how I am Un cœur et deux poings One heart and two fists Je vis, je veux, j’oublie I live, I want, I forget Comme toi ni plus, ni moins Like you no more, no less Regarde comme je cri Look how I cry Comme je ris aux éclats How I roar with laugher Je cours, je crée, je brille I run, I create, I shine Je sais, je ne sais pas I know, I don’t know Toi tu veux un homme, toi tu veux un père You want a man, you want a father Tu me dis “ralentis”, tu me dis “accélère” You tell me “slow down”, you tell me “speed up” Et plus je te suis, et plus je te perds And the more I follow you, the more I lose you Dis-moi, dis-moi, pour toi c’est quoi Tell me, tell me, what is it for you
[Chorus] Un homme, au pire, au mieux pеrdu A man, at worst, at best, lost Un homme, c’est quoi, je sais pas, jе sais plus A man, what is it, I don’t know, I don’t know anymore Regarde-moi dans les yeux, qu’est-ce que tu vois ? Look me in the eyes, what do you see? Dis-moi, un homme, c’est quoi un homme pour toi ? Tell me, a man, what is a man for you?
[Post-Chorus 1] Un peu dur, un peu fragile A little hard, a little fragile Un peu libre, un peu docile A little free, a little obedient Un peu fort, un peu sensible A little strong, a little sensitive Un peu fou, un peu tranquille A little crazy, a little calm Un homme, au pire, au mieux, perdu A man, at worst, at best, lost Un homme, c’est quoi, je sais pas, je sais plus A man, what is it, I don’t know, I don’t know anymore
[Verse 2] Moi je change ton jeu I’m changing your game Lancé, je me venge Set going, I get my revenge Trouve de la place Finding space Me crée d’autres espaces Dreaming up other spaces Je te suis, j’invente I follow you, I invent Je me réinvente I reinvent myself Je suis, je m’efface I am, I’m fading Le feu et la glace Fire and ice Moi j’veux être un frère, un pote, un amant I want to be a brother, a friend, a lover Un phare, un repère, et j’en veux autant A lighthouse, a landmark, and I want it so much Et plus j’ai d’envies, et plus je me perds And the more I want, the more I lose myself Si tu sais, dis-moi, pour toi c’est quoi If you know, tell me, what is it for you
[Chorus] Un homme, au pire, au mieux pеrdu A man, at worst, at best, lost Un homme, c’est quoi, je sais pas, jе sais plus A man, what is it, I don’t know, I don’t know anymore Regarde-moi dans les yeux, qu’est-ce que tu vois ? Look me in the eyes, what do you see? Dis-moi, un homme, c’est quoi un homme pour toi ? Tell me, a man, what is a man for you?
[Post-Chorus 2] Un peu dur, un peu fragile A little hard, a little fragile Un peu libre, un peu docile A little free, a little obedient Un peu fort, un peu sensible A little strong, a little sensitive Un peu fou, un peu tranquille A little crazy, a little calm Un peu d’rien, un peu d’folie A little nothing, a little madness Un peu loin, un peu ici A little far, a little here Un peu rêveur, un peu spleen A little dreamy, a little melancholy Un peu joueur, un peu clean A little playful, a little drug-free Un peu là-haut, un peu froid A little up there, a little cold Un peu chaud, un peu plus bas A little hot, a little lower Un peu d’ego, un peu d’sale A little ego, a little dirty Un peu salaud, un peu d’calme A little bastard, a little calm Un peu d’candeur, un peu d’vice A little innocence, a little vice Un peu daron, un peu Christ A little father, a little Christ Un peu nature, un peu classe A little nature, a little class Un peu ou pas dans les cases A little outside the box, or not
[Chorus] Un homme, au pire, au mieux pеrdu A man, at worst, at best, lost Un homme, c’est quoi, je sais pas, jе sais plus A man, what is it, I don’t know, I don’t know anymore Regarde-moi dans les yeux, qu’est-ce que tu vois ? Look me in the eyes, what do you see? Dis-moi, un homme, c’est quoi un homme pour toi ? Tell me, a man, what is a man for you? Un homme, au pire, au mieux pеrdu A man, at worst, at best, lost Un homme, c’est quoi, je sais pas, jе sais plus A man, what is it, I don’t know, I don’t know anymore Regarde-moi dans les yeux, qu’est-ce que tu vois ? Look me in the eyes, what do you see? Dis-moi, un homme, c’est quoi un homme pour toi ? Tell me, a man, what is a man for you?
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive adjectives:
Moi je change ton jeu
Comme je ris aux éclats
Un homme, au pire, au mieux pеrdu
Disjunctive/Emphatic Pronouns:
Comme toi ni plus, ni moins
Toi tu veux un homme, toi tu veux un père
Dis-moi, dis-moi, pour toi c’est quoi
Regarde-moi dans les yeux, qu’est-ce que tu vois ?
Dis-moi, un homme, c’est quoi un homme pour toi ?
Moi je change ton jeu
Moi j’veux être un frère, un pote, un amant
Object Pronouns:
Tu me dis “ralentis”, tu me dis “accélère”
Je me réinvente
Et plus je te suis, et plus je te perds
Je te suis, j’invente
Reflexive Pronouns:
Lancé, je me venge
Me crée d’autres espaces
Et plus j’ai d’envies, et plus je me perds
Je suis, je m’efface
Pronoun ‘en’:
Un phare, un repère, et j’en veux autant
Regarde comme je suis
Je suis, je m’efface
Dis-moi, dis-moi, pour toi c’est quoi
Un homme, c’est quoi, je sais pas, jе sais plus
Regarde-moi dans les yeux, qu’est-ce que tu vois ?
Dis-moi, un homme, c’est quoi un homme pour toi ?
Si tu sais, dis-moi, pour toi c’est quoi
Et plus je te suis, et plus je te perds
Je te suis, j’invente
Je vis, je veux, j’oublie
Je vis, je veux, j’oublie
Toi tu veux un homme, toi tu veux un père
Moi j’veux être un frère, un pote, un amant
Un phare, un repère, et j’en veux autant
Comme je ris aux éclats
Je cours, je créé, je brille
Je sais, je ne sais pas
Un homme, c’est quoi, je sais pas, jе sais plus
Si tu sais, dis-moi, pour toi c’est quoi
Tu me dis “ralentis”, tu me dis “accélère”
Regarde-moi dans les yeux, qu’est-ce que tu vois ?
Et plus j’ai d’envies, et plus je me perds
Lancé, je me venge
Me crée d’autres espaces
Et plus j’ai d’envies, et plus je me perds
Je suis, je m’efface
Past Participles:
Lancé, je me venge
Regarde comme je suis
Regarde comme je cri
Regarde-moi dans les yeux, qu’est-ce que tu vois ?
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