After a two year break, Julien Doré is back with his newest single “La fiévre”, a song with the goal of alerting fans to the dangers posed by climate change. Released on June 25th, 2020, it will appear on his upcoming Album Aimée, set to be released in September.
Julien Doré actually makes a cameo in the video, as the hitchhiker that the world refuses to pick up.
Julien Doré is a singer/songwriter and actor from Alès in the Occitanie region of Southern France. In 2002, under the name Julian Goldy, he started a music group called Dig Up Elvis. They played in bars around Nîmes and were “paid in beer”. He became known in 2007 when he won the fifth season of the television show Nouvelle Star. He released his first solo album Ersatz in June of 2008, which was certified gold. Since then he has released several successful albums and has won several Victoires de la musique music awards.
‘se déplacer’ – While both ‘déplacer’ and ‘se déplacer’ mean ‘to move’, the reflexive implies that the entity is moving itself, versus someone moving something, for example ‘j’ai déplacé le livre’ (I moved the book). ‘Se déplacé’ means ‘to move’, ‘to get around’, ‘to go out’, ‘to come out’ or ‘to travel’.
‘Jusqu’à c’que le soleil tombe’ – ‘Jusqu’à ce que, meaning ‘until’, is one of the conjunctions that requires use of the subjunctive mood.
‘J’en vois’ – One of the uses of the pronoun ‘en’ is to replace a noun when discussing quantity. For example ‘J’ai deux bouteilles’ (I have two bottles) can be replaced with ‘J’en ai deux’ if ’bouteilles’ is understood. Here he is discussing people who are swimming, so ‘en’ likely replaces a noun such as ‘gens’ or ‘personnes’. So instead of ‘J’en vois quelques gens/personnes qui nage’ he simply says ‘J’en vois quelques uns qui nagent’.
‘s’use’ – While both ‘user’ and ‘s’user’ mean ‘to wear out’, the first is used when discussing someone or something wearing out another thing, for example ‘mon fils a usé ses baskets’ (my son wore out his sneakers). Here ‘my son’ is the one that made it happen. The reflexive is a passive or impersonal construction, where the initiator of the action is not expressed, as if the item just wore out all on it’s own and not by the actions of any specific person. The example here is “La beauté, ça s’use”. Beauty wears out, but he doesn’t say who or what caused the wear.
Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Lalathe | def art | fem singFièvrefièvrefever | noun | fem sing
[Intro] Maismaisbut | conjlelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Ililhe, it | pron | third pers sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp to form the p. c.déplacédéplacermove, shift; send for; | verb | pp | se déplacer = move, get around; go out, come out; travel, journey Quelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plvertèbresvertèbrevertebra | noun | fem pl Maismaisbut | conjlelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun, mascaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Ililhe, it | pron | third pers sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp to form the p. c.déplacédéplacermove, shift; send for; | verb | pp | se déplacer = move, get around; go out, come out; travel, journey Quelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plvertèbresvertèbrevertebra | noun | fem pl
[Verse 1] JejeI | pron | first pers singveuxvouloirto want | verb | first pers sing presplusplusmore | advécrireécrireto write | verb | infinleslesthe | def art | masc and fem plpeinespeinesorrow, grief, pain; effort, exertion; difficulty, trouble; punishment | noun | fem pl Quequethat, than | conjlelethe | def art | masc singfémininfémininfeminine | noun | masc singm’meme; myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, and reflex | shortened to m' before vowelsaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.faitfaireto do, to make | verb | pp Ditesdireto say, tell | verb | sec pers sing imperaààat, to, in | prepJacquieJacquieJacqui | prop noun | nameetetand | conjMichelMichelMichel | prop noun | name Dedeof; from | prepvenirvenirto come | verb | infinmememe | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singchercherchercherto look for, search for | verb | infin Moi,moime | pron | dir and indir obj, first pers singjejeI | pron | first pers singveuxvouloirto want | verb | first pers sing presfairefaireto do; to make | verb | infincommecommelike, as; because, since | conjtouttoutall, entirely, very | advl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc sing JejeI | pron | first pers singveuxvouloirto want | verb | first pers sing presjustejustejust; accurate, correct; fair, right; tight; close-fitting | adj | masc and fem singununa | indef art | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advdouterdouterto doubt | verb | infin JejeI | pron | first pers singcroiscroireto believe, think | verb | first pers sing presquequethat, than | conjlalathe | def art | fem singterreterreearth; soil; land, property | noun | fem singestêtreto be | verb | third pers singronderonderound, circular | adj | masc and fem sing Maismaisbut | conjjejeI | pron | first pers singpréfèrepréférerto prefer | verb | first pers sing prescomplotercomploterto plot, scheme, conspire | verb | infin Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloquially to mean 'we'peutpouvoirto be able to | verb | third pers sing prespaspasstep; footprint; speed, pace | noun | masc singchangerchangerto change | verb | infinleslesthe | def art | masc and fem plombresombreshade, shadow | noun | fem pl Ononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloquially to mean 'we'peutpouvoirto be able to | verb | third pers sing presjustejustejust; exactly, right | advleslesthe | def art | masc and fem pléclaireréclairerlight, light up, illuminate; enlighten, shed light upon | verb | infin Jusqu’àjusqu'àuntil | prepc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelquequethat, than | conjlelethe | def art | masc singsoleilsoleilsun | noun | masc singtombetomberto fall | verb | third pers sing subj Lassélasserbore; tire | verb | pp used as adjdedeof; from | prepnousnouswe, us | pron | first pers plréchaufferréchaufferheat (up), warm (up); comfort, touch | verb | infin Etetand | conjdansdansin | prepnosnosour | poss adj | masc and fem plenviesenvielonging, desire, wish, yearning | noun | fem pldedeof; from | prepplageplagebeach | noun | fem sing D’deof; from | prep | used before vowelsUVAUVAUVA | adjetetand | conjd’deof; from | prep | used before vowelsUVBUVBUVB | adj J’jeI | pron | first pers sing | shortened to j' before vowelsenenabout it, some (of it), of them | pronvoisvoirto see, watch | verb | sec pers sing presquelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plunsunone, one of them | noun | masc singquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or relnagentnagerto swim, float | verb | third pers pl pres Versverstoward, towards; around, about | prepc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelqu’quethat, than | conj | used before vowelsononone, people, you, someone; we | pron | following verbs conjugate in third pers sing, even when used colloquially to mean 'we'aavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.déjàdéjàalready, yet | advcoulécoulersink; flow, run; trickle, leak | verb | pp Maismaisbut | conjsisiso | advl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsépoqueépoquetime, age, era, period | noun | fem singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing presdesdessome | indef art | masc and fem plpucespuceflea | noun | fem pl C’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers singqu’quethat, than | conj | used before vowelselleelleshe, her, it | pron | third pers singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing prespasne … pasnot | adverb | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsbonbongood | adj | masc singcolliercolliernecklace; collar, yoke | noun | masc sing Lalathe | def art | fem singbeauté,beautébeauty | noun, femtutuyou | pron | sec pers sing, informsais,savoirto know | verb | first pers sing presçaçathis, that, it | prons’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsuseuserto wear out | verb | third pers sing pres C’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers singcommecommelike, as; because, since | conjtontonyour | poss adj | masc singpremierpremierfirst; main; original | adj | masc singbaiserbaiserkiss | noun | masc sing
[Chorus] Lelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Ililhe, it | pron | third pers sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.déplacédéplacermove, shift; send for; | verb | pp | se déplacé = move, get around; go out, come out; travel, journey Quelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plvertèbresvertèbrevertebra | noun | fem pl Oùoùwhere; at that time, when | advétaitêtreto be | verb | third pers sing imperfl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsostéo ?ostéoosteopath | noun | masc or fem sing Cachécacherto hide | verb | ppdansdansin | prepsonsonsound | noun | masc singdosdosback | noun | masc sing Attendantattendrewait (for); hope, expect | verb | pres partlalathe | def art | fem singfièvrefièvrefever | noun | fem sing Maismaisbut | conjlelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Ililhe, it | pron | third pers sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.déplacédéplacermove, shift; send for; | verb | pp | se déplacé = move, get around; go out, come out; travel, journey Quelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plvertèbresvertèbrevertebra | noun | fem pl Oùoùwhere; at that time, when | advétaitêtreto be | verb | third pers sing imperfl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsostéo ?ostéoosteopath | noun | masc or fem sing Cachécacherto hide | verb | ppdansdansin | prepsonsonsound | noun | masc singdosdosback | noun | masc sing Attendantattendrewait (for); hope, expect | verb | pres partlalathe | def art | fem singfièvrefièvrefever | noun | fem sing
[Verse 2] L’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing, shortened to l' before vowelsenfer,enferhell | noun | masc singc’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers singpasne … pasnot | adverb | the 'ne' may be omitted in colloquial speechleslesthe | def art | masc and fem plautresautreanother, other | adj | masc and fem pl C’cethis, that, it | pron | shortened to c' before a vowelestêtreto be | verb | third pers singceuxceuxthose, the ones | pronquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or relt’teyou | pron | dir obj, indir obj, and reflex, sec pers sing | shortened to t' before vowels and sometimes consonants in colloquial languagefontfaireto do; to make | verb | third pers pl presrêverrêverto dream | verb | infin Etetand | conjquiquiwho, which, that | pron | interr or relvendentvendreto sell; betray, sell out | verb | third pers pl presleurleur(to) them | indir obj pron | third pers plculotteculottepanties, underpants | noun | fem sing Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'sununa | indef art | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advdedeof; from | preptélétélévision TV | noun | fem, sing Etetand | conjtoutetoutall | adj | fem singmamamy | poss adj | fem singgrandegrandbig, large; grand, great, tall | adj | fem singfamillefamillefamily | noun | fem sing Aavoirto have | verb | third pers sing preslelethe | def art | masc singcœurcœurheart | noun | masc singtouttoutall, entirely, very | advchambouléchambouléthrown into disorder, turned upside down, disrupted | adj | masc sing Tanttantso much; so (adj) … that, such (noun) … that | advqu’quethat, than | conj | used before vowelsililhe, it | pron | third pers singyyhere, there | advaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing presquelquequelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem singpartagepartagedivision, sharing | noun | masc sing Etetand | conjdude + lefrom the, of the | prep + artvidevideemptiness, void, vacuum | noun | masc singààat, to, in | prepécoulerécoulersell, move, clear; get rid of, unload, offload | verb | infin Ilsilsthey | pron | third pers pl masc or mixed genderirontallerto go | verb | third pers pl futsursuron, upon; on top of, above | preplalathe | def art | fem singbanquisebanquiseice floe, ice field, ice pack, sea ice | noun | fem sing Passerpasserto pass, go past; to spend(time) | verb | infinquelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plmoismoismonth | noun | masc sing and pld’deof; from | prep | used before vowelsétéétésummer | noun | masc sing Photographierphotographierto photograph | verb | infinquelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plplagesplagebeach | noun | fem pl Pourpourto; for | prep | to' before verbs, 'for' before nouns or pron'sununa | indef art | masc singpeupeulittle, a little (bit), not much | advdedeof; from | prepmonnaiemonnaiechange, coins; currency | noun | fem sing
[Chorus] Lelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Ililhe, it | pron | third pers sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.déplacédéplacermove, shift; send for; | verb | pp | se déplacé = move, get around; go out, come out; travel, journey Quelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plvertèbresvertèbrevertebra | noun | fem pl Oùoùwhere; at that time, when | advétaitêtreto be | verb | third pers sing imperfl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsostéo ?ostéoosteopath | noun | masc or fem sing Cachécacherto hide | verb | ppdansdansin | prepsonsonsound | noun | masc singdosdosback | noun | masc sing Attendantattendrewait (for); hope, expect | verb | pres partlalathe | def art | fem singfièvrefièvrefever | noun | fem sing Maismaisbut | conjlelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Ililhe, it | pron | third pers sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.déplacédéplacermove, shift; send for; | verb | pp | se déplacé = move, get around; go out, come out; travel, journey Quelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plvertèbresvertèbrevertebra | noun | fem pl Oùoùwhere; at that time, when | advétaitêtreto be | verb | third pers sing imperfl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsostéo ?ostéoosteopath | noun | masc or fem sing Cachécacherto hide | verb | ppdansdansin | prepsonsonsound | noun | masc singdosdosback | noun | masc sing Attendantattendrewait (for); hope, expect | verb | pres partlalathe | def art | fem singfièvrefièvrefever | noun | fem sing
[Outro] Maismaisbut | conjlelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Ililhe, it | pron | third pers sings’sehimself, herself, oneself, itself, themselves, each other | pron | third pers sing and pl, reflex | shortened to s' before vowelsestêtreto be | verb | third pers sing | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.déplacédéplacermove, shift; send for; | verb | pp | se déplacé = move, get around; go out, come out; travel, journey Quelquesquelquesome, a little, a few | adj | masc and fem plvertèbresvertèbrevertebra | noun | fem pl Oùoùwhere; at that time, when | advétaitêtreto be | verb | third pers sing imperfl’le, lathe | def art | masc or fem sing | shortened to l' before vowelsostéo ?ostéoosteopath | noun | masc or fem sing Cachécacherto hide | verb | ppdansdansin | prepsonsonsound | noun | masc singdosdosback | noun | masc sing Attendantattendrewait (for); hope, expect | verb | pres partlalathe | def art | fem singfièvrefièvrefever | noun | fem sing Maismaisbut | conjlelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Lelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Maismaisbut | conjlelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp Lelethe | def art | masc singmondemondeworld, crowd, people, everybody | noun | masc singaavoirto have | verb | third pers sing pres | aux verb used with pp to form p.c.changéchangerto change | verb | pp
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
La Fièvre Fever
[Intro] Mais le monde a changé But the world has changed Il s’est déplacé It has moved Quelques vertèbres A few vertebrae Mais le monde a changé But the world has changed Il s’est déplacé It has moved Quelques vertèbres A few vertebrae
[Verse 1] Je veux plus écrire les peines I no longer want to write the sorrows Que le féminin m’a fait That he feminine has done to me Dites à Jacquie et Michel Tell Jacquie and Michel De venir me chercher To come and get me Moi, je veux faire comme tout l’monde I want to do like everyone else Je veux juste un peu douter I just want to doubt a little Je crois que la terre est ronde I believe the Earth is round Mais je préfère comploter But I prefer to scheme On peut pas changer les ombres We can’t change the shadows On peut juste les éclairer We can just light them up Jusqu’à c’que le soleil tombe Until the sun falls Lassé de nous réchauffer Tired of warming us up Et dans nos envies de plage And in our desires for the beach D’UVA et d’UVB For UVA and UVB J’en vois quelques uns qui nagent I see some of them who are swimming Vers c’qu’on a déjà coulé Towards what we’ve already sunk Mais si l’époque a des puces But if the era has fleas C’est qu’elle a pas l’bon collier It’s because it doesn’t have the right coller La beauté, tu sais, ça s’use Beauty, you know, wears out C’est comme ton premier baiser It’s like your first kiss
[Chorus] Le monde a changé The world has changed Il s’est déplacé It has moved Quelques vertèbres A few vertebrae Où était l’ostéo ? Where was the osteopath? Caché dans son dos Hidden in it’s back Attendant la fièvre Waiting for the fever Mais le monde a changé But the world has changed Il s’est déplacé It has moved Quelques vertèbres A few vertebrae Où était l’ostéo ? Where was the osteopath? Caché dans son dos Hidden in it’s back Attendant la fièvre Waiting for the fever
[Verse 2] L’enfer, c’est pas les autres Hell isn’t the others C’est ceux qui t’font rêver It’s those that make you dream Et qui vendent leur culotte And who sell their panties Pour un peu de télé For a little TV Et toute ma grande famille And all of my big family’s A le cœur tout chamboulé Hearts have been turned upside down Tant qu’il y a quelque partage As long as there is some sharing Et du vide à écouler And the void to get rid of Ils iront sur la banquise They’ll go on the ice floe Passer quelques mois d’été Spend a few summer months Photographier quelques plages Photographing a few beaches Pour un peu de monnaie For a little change
[Chorus] Le monde a changé The world has changed Il s’est déplacé It has moved Quelques vertèbres A few vertebrae Où était l’ostéo ? Where was the osteopath? Caché dans son dos Hidden in it’s back Attendant la fièvre Waiting for the fever Mais le monde a changé But the world has changed Il s’est déplacé It has moved Quelques vertèbres A few vertebrae Où était l’ostéo ? Where was the osteopath? Caché dans son dos Hidden in it’s back Attendant la fièvre Waiting for the fever
[Outro] Mais le monde a changé But the world has changed Il s’est déplacé It has moved Quelques vertèbres A few vertebrae Où était l’ostéo ? Where was the osteopath? Caché dans son dos Hidden in it’s back Attendant la fièvre Waiting for the fever Mais le monde a changé But the world has changed Le monde a changé The world has changed Mais le monde a changé But the world has changed Le monde a changé The world has changed
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