It’s pride month, and to show their solidarity with the LGBTQ community Jesse and Joy just released the new single “Love (es nuestro idioma)”. It is part of a campaign to ban the practice of “conversion therapy”, headed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, in coordination with YAAJ México, an LGBTQ civil rights organization. So far the only countries to ban the practice are Brazil, Ecuador, Taiwan, Malta and Germany.
Jesse and Joy are joined by many other artists in this video. These artists are Kany García, Andrés Cepeda, Catalina García, Gloria Martínez, Jesús Navarro, Mau & Ricky Montaner, Natalia Jiménez, Pabllo Vittar, Pedro Capó, Randy Malcom, Raquel Sofía, Silvina Moreno, Thalia, Alejandro Sanz, Camila Fernández, Chiquis Rivera, Danna Paola, Jorge Blanco, Juanes, Luis Fonsi, Mon Laferte, Paty Cantú, Sharlene Taule, Sandra Echeverría, María León, Leonardo de Lozanne and Angela Aguilar.
At the end of the video is the following statement:
La orientación sexual no es algo que se puede o tenga que curar. Las “terapias de conversión” (ECOSIG) someten a las personas a diversos actos de tortura como: privación de la libertad, electroshocks, violaciones correctivas y exorcismos, entre muchas otras formas de violencia. 4 de cada 10 jóvenes han reconocido vivir en un espacio hostil que busca cambiar su orientación sexual o identidad de género. La mayoría de las veces lxs niñxs son sometidos a “terapias de conversión” por el deseo de sus familiares de que cumplan las expectativas sociales. Tristemente los ECOSIG se practican más de lo que la gente lo sabe y es muy difícil cuantificar a las víctimas… Si eres o conoces a alguien con diversidad sexual que necesita ayuda contacta a @yaajmexico
Sexual orientation is not something that can or must be cured. “Conversion therapy” (SOCE, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts) subjects people to various acts of torture such as: deprivation of liberty, electroshock, corrective rapes and exorcisms, among many other forms of violence. 4 out of every 10 young people has admitted to living in a hostile environment that aims to change their sexual orientation or gender identity. The majority of the time children are subjected to “Conversion Therapy” by their relative’s desires that they fulfill social expectations. Sadly SOCE are practiced more than people know and it is difficult to quantify the number of victims… If you are or know a sexually diverse person that needs help contact @yaajmexico
About the Artists
Jesse Eduardo Huerta Uecke and Tirzah Joy Huerta Uecke, who perform as Jesse & Joy, are a brother and sister duo from Mexico City, Mexico. Together with their father, they began writing music in 2001, when Jesse was 18 and Joy was 15. Their breakthrough came in 2006 with the release of their first album Esta Es Mi Vida, which reached the top twenty on the Mexican charts, and was certified platinum in Mexico. Three out of their first four studio albums in Spanish were certified platinum in Mexico, and the remaining album was certified gold. They have won six Latin Grammy Awards in various categories, and one Grammy Award. In 2019 Joy was recognized by the Latin Recording Academy as one at the Leading Ladies of Entertainment.
‘verse’ – Literally meaning ‘to see oneself’, this phrase means ‘to look’ or ‘to seem’ as in having the appearance of. For example ‘te ves cansado’ means ‘you look tired’.
‘poner a alguien a’ – This phrase means ‘to set someone to doing something or ‘to put someone to work doin something’. For example ‘ella puso a sus hijos a trabajar’ (she sent her children out to work).
‘se dice’ – This is an example of the impersonal ‘se’ which references people in general, rather than a specific person, and is used for general statements or questions about what they, one, or you do. It can be used to talk about how things are done according to custom, rule, or general consensus, asking for directions, finding out how to say things (cómo se dice/how do you say), or asking about the rules or customs in a specific place. Another very common phrase using the impersonal ‘se’ is ‘se habla español’ (Spanish is spoken here).
‘gente’ – This term means ‘people’. While the English equivalent is plural, the Spanish term is singular. ‘La gente bebe agua’ (people drink water). ‘Bebe’ is correct here, not ‘beben’.
‘Deja que tu mente sea el puente’ – ‘Dejar que’ is one of the wishing/willing/commanding verbs and therefore takes the subjunctive.
‘te quiero’ – The verb ‘querer’ means ‘to want’, but ‘te quiero’ is one of two ways of saying ‘I love you’ in Spanish. While this can vary between locales, ‘te quiero’ is often used for a less romantic love, such as love or a friend or relative. ‘Te amo’ is usually used for romantic love.
‘al’ – This is one of only a couple contractions in Spanish. When ‘a’ is followed by ‘el’ it becomes ‘al’.
‘morir’ vs ‘morirse’ – These are very similar, but tend to be used in slightly different ways. ‘Morir’ is used more matter-of-factly and tends to be more formal sounding. It also gets used for violent or sudden deaths. ‘Morirse’ tends to sound a little less formal or serious-sounding. It is often used with natural deaths and when speaking of family members passing. When death is being spoken of figuratively ‘morirse’ is also used, for example ‘me muero de ganas de ir a la playa’ (I’m dying to go to the beach).
‘ir a’ – The verb ‘ir’ means ‘to go’. As in English, when this verb is used with a place, it implies movement towards that place. But when it is used with another verb, it implies that that action will be preformed in the future. For example ‘I am going to the store’ ‘(voy a la tienda’) vs ‘I am going to eat’ (‘voy a comer’).
Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Lovelovelove | noun | EN term(esserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidioma)idiomalanguage | noun | masc sing
[Verse 1] Tútúyou | pron | sec pers singyyand | conjyoyoI | pron | first pers singpodemospoderto be able to | verb | first pers pl presserserto be | verb | infindedefrom, of | prepotrosotroother; an other, one more | adj | masc pllugareslugarplace | noun | masc pl Peroperobut | conjnosnosus, to us, for us, ourselves, each other | pron | dir obj, indir obj, reflex, first pers plbrillabrillarto shine, sparkle, gitter; stand out | verb | third pers sing preselelthe | def art | masc singmismomismosame | adj | masc singsolsolsun | noun | masc sing ¿Paraparafor, to, in order to | prepquéquéwhich, what, how | adv | invariable | para qué = why? for what reason/purpose?quererquererto want; to love | verb | infinvernosver + nosto see + us | verb + pron | infin | verse = to look, to seem (appearance)igualesigualthe same, alike, identical | adj | masc and fem pl Sisiif | conjelelthe | def art | masc singpaisajepaisajelandscape, scenery | noun | masc singesserto be | verb | third pers sing presaato, into, by | prepcolor?colorcolor | noun | masc sing
[Pre-Chorus] Nononot | advlele(to) him, (to) her, (to) them, it, you | pron | indir obj, third pers singpongasponerto put, place | verb | sec pers sing neg imperamuchamuchomany, very much, a lot | adj | femsingatenciónatenciónattention | noun | fem sing Aato, into, by | preplaslasthe | def art | fem plcosascosathing | noun | fem plmalas,malbadly, bad, wrong | adj | fem plmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singamoramorlove | noun | masc sing Échalaséchar + lasthrow, toss, throw out, kick out + them | verb + pron | sec pers sing imperaafuera,afueraout, outside | advsueltasoltarlet loose, set free, let out | verb | sec pers sing imperala’lasthe | def art | fem plcaderascaderahip | noun | fem pl Sientesentirto feel; sense; hear; taste; feel about, think about; feel sorry about | verb | sec pers sing imperaelelthe | def art | masc singritmoritmorhythm | noun | masc singdedefrom, of | prepestaestethis | adj | fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem sing
[Chorus] Cariño,cariñodarling, dear, honey; cuddle, caress; affection, care | noun | masc singlovelovelove | noun | en termesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidiomaidiomalanguage | noun | masc sing Lovelovelove | noun | en termesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidiomaidiomalanguage | noun | masc sing Sinsinwithout | preppalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plpuedepoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing preshablarhablarto speak | verb | infin Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc singponeponerto put, to place; to make | verb | third pers sing pres | poner a alguien a = to set someone to doing somethingaato, into, by | prepbailarbailarto dance | verb | infin Seseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generaldice:decirto say, tell | verb | third pers sing preslovelovelove | noun | en termesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidioma,idiomalanguage | noun | masc singbabybabybaby | noun | EN term
[Verse 2] Elelthe | def art | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singestáestarto be | verb | third pers sing presenenin, on, during | preptodatodoevery, each; whole, entire | adj | fem singlalathe | def art | fem singgentegentepeople | noun | fem sing Nononot | advlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterpuedespoderto be able to | verb | sec pers sing presapagarapagarturn off, put out, extinguish | verb | infin Dejadejarto let, allow; to leave | verb | secpers sing imperaquequethat, than | conjtutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singmentementemind | noun | fem singseaserto be | verb | third pers sing subjelelthe | def art | masc singpuentepuentebridge | noun | masc sing Quequethat, than | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singtraigatraerto bring | verb | third pers sing subjaato, into, by | prepesteestethis | adj | masc singlugarlugarplace | noun | masc sing
[Pre-Chorus] Nononot | advlele(to) him, (to) her, (to) them, it, you | pron | indir obj, third pers singpongasponerto put, place | verb | sec pers sing neg imperamuchamuchomany, very much, a lot | adj | femsingatenciónatenciónattention | noun | fem sing Aato, into, by | preplaslasthe | def art | fem plcosascosathing | noun | fem plmalas,malbadly, bad, wrong | adj | fem plmimimy | poss adj | masc and fem singamoramorlove | noun | masc sing Échalaséchar + lasthrow, toss, throw out, kick out + them | verb + pron | sec pers sing imperaafuera,afueraout, outside | advsueltasoltarlet loose, set free, let out | verb | sec pers sing imperala’lasthe | def art | fem plcaderascaderahip | noun | fem pl Sientesentirto feel; sense; hear; taste; feel about, think about; feel sorry about | verb | sec pers sing imperaelelthe | def art | masc singritmoritmorhythm | noun | masc singdedefrom, of | prepestaestethis | adj | fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem sing
[Chorus] Cariño,cariñodarling, dear, honey; cuddle, caress; affection, care | noun | masc singlovelovelove | noun | en termesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidiomaidiomalanguage | noun | masc sing Lovelovelove | noun | en termesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidiomaidiomalanguage | noun | masc sing Sinsinwithout | preppalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plpuedepoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing preshablarhablarto speak | verb | infin Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc singponeponerto put, to place; to make | verb | third pers sing pres | poner a alguien a = to set someone to doing somethingaato, into, by | prepbailarbailarto dance | verb | infin Seseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generaldice:decirto say, tell | verb | third pers sing preslovelovelove | noun | en termesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidioma,idiomalanguage | noun | masc singbabybabybaby | noun | EN term
[Bridge] Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singquieroquererto want | verb | first pers sing pres | te quiero = I love youmásmásmore | advquequethat, than | conjala + elto the | prep + def art | masc singmundomundoworld | noun | masc singentero,enteroentire, whole; calm, self-controlled, collected | adj | masc singsisiif | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singvasirto go | verb | sec pers sing pres | irse = to leavededefrom, of | prepaquíaquíhere, now | advmememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singmueromorirto die | verb | first pers sing pres | morirse = to die Yyand | conjlaslasthe | def art | fem plpalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plnononot | advvoyirto go | verb | first pers sing pres | ir a + infin = to be going to doaato, into, by | prepentenderentenderunderstand | verb | infin Porqueporquebecause | conjelelthe | def art | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb | third pers sing preselelthe | def art | masc singidiomaidiomalanguage | noun | masc singyyand | conjyoyoI | pron | first pers singlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterquieroquererto want | verb | first pers sing presdedefrom, of | preptutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singbocabocamouth | noun | fem sing Quequethat, than; because | conjtutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singlengualenguatongue; language | noun | femlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterpronunciapronunciarto prononce, articulate, utter | verb | third pers sing presbienbienwell; very | adv Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singquieroquererto want | verb | first pers sing presmásmásmore | advquequethat, than; because | conjala + elto the | prep + def art | masc singmundomundoworld | noun | masc singentero,enteroentire, whole; calm, self-controlled, collected | adj | masc singsisiif | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singvasirto go | verb | sec pers sing pres | irse = to leavededefrom, of | prepaquíaquíhere, now | advmememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singmueromorirto die | verb | first pers sing pres | morirse = to die Yyand | conjlaslasthe | def art | fem plpalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plnononot | advvoyirto go | verb | first pers sing pres | ir a + infin = to be going to doaato, into, by | prepentenderentenderunderstand | verb | infin Porqueporquebecause | conjelelthe | def art | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb | third pers sing preselelthe | def art | masc singidiomaidiomalanguage | noun | masc singyyand | conjyoyoI | pron | first pers singlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterquieroquererto want | verb | first pers sing presdedefrom, of | preptutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singbocabocamouth | noun | fem sing Quequethat, than; because | conjtutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singlengualenguatongue; language | noun | femlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterpronunciapronunciarto prononce, articulate, utter | verb | third pers sing presbien,bienwell; very | advbien,bienwell; very | advbienbienwell; very | adv Teteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singquieroquererto want | verb | first pers sing presmásmásmore | advquequethat, than; because | conjala + elto the | prep + def art | masc singmundomundoworld | noun | masc singentero,enteroentire, whole; calm, self-controlled, collected | adj | masc singsisiif | conjteteyou, to you, yourself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, sec pers singvasirto go | verb | sec pers sing pres | irse = to leavededefrom, of | prepaquíaquíhere, now | advmememe, to me, myself | pron | dir and indir obj, reflex, first pers singmueromorirto die | verb | first pers sing pres | morirse = to die Yyand | conjlaslasthe | def art | fem plpalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plnononot | advvoyirto go | verb | first pers sing pres | ir a + infin = to be going to doaato, into, by | prepentenderentenderunderstand | verb | infin Porqueporquebecause | conjelelthe | def art | masc singamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb | third pers sing preselelthe | def art | masc singidiomaidiomalanguage | noun | masc singyyand | conjyoyoI | pron | first pers singlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterquieroquererto want | verb | first pers sing presdedefrom, of | preptutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singbocabocamouth | noun | fem sing Quequethat, than; because | conjtutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singlengualenguatongue; language | noun | femlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterpronunciapronunciarto prononce, articulate, utter | verb | third pers sing presbien,bienwell; very | advbien,bienwell; very | advbienbienwell; very | adv
[Ending Chorus] Love,lovelove | noun | en termlovelovelove | noun | en term Sinsinwithout | preppalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plpuedepoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing preshablarhablarto speak | verb | infin Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc singponeponerto put, to place; to make | verb | third pers sing pres | poner a alguien a = to set someone to doing somethingaato, into, by | prepbailarbailarto dance | verb | infin Seseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generaldice:decirto say, tell | verb | third pers sing presamoramorlove | noun | masc singesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidioma,idiomalanguage | noun | masc singbabybabybaby | noun | EN term Lovelovelove | noun | en termesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidiomaidiomalanguage | noun | masc sing Lovelovelove | noun | en termesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidiomaidiomalanguage | noun | masc sing Sinsinwithout | preppalabraspalabraword | noun | fem plpuedepoderto be able to | verb | third pers sing preshablarhablarto speak | verb | infin Tutuyour | poss adj | masc and fem singcorazóncorazónheart | noun | masc singponeponerto put, to place; to make | verb | third pers sing pres | poner a alguien a = to set someone to doing somethingaato, into, by | prepbailarbailarto dance | verb | infin Seseimpersonal se | pron | references people in generaldice:decirto say, tell | verb | third pers sing preslovelovelove | noun | en termesserto be | verb | third pers sing presnuestronuestroours | poss adj | masc singidioma,idiomalanguage | noun | masc singbabybabybaby | noun | EN term
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Love (es nuestro idioma) Love (is our language)
[Verse 1] Tú y yo podemos ser de otros lugares You and I might be from other places Pero nos brilla el mismo sol But the same sun shines on us ¿Para qué querer vernos iguales Why do we want to look the same Si el paisaje es a color? If the landscape is in color?
[Pre-Chorus] No le pongas mucha atención Don’t pay too much attention A las cosas malas, mi amor To the bad things, my love Échalas afuera, suelta la’ caderas Throw them out, let your hips loose Siente el ritmo de esta canción Feel the rhythm of this song
[Chorus] Cariño, love es nuestro idioma Honey, love is our language Love es nuestro idioma Love is our language Sin palabras puede hablar It can speak without words Tu corazón pone a bailar Your heart starts dancing Se dice: love es nuestro idioma, baby It’s said: love is our language, baby
[Verse 2] El amor está en toda la gente Love is in all people No lo puedes apagar You can’t turn it off Deja que tu mente sea el puente Let your mind be the bridge Que te traiga a este lugar That brings you to this place
[Pre-Chorus] No le pongas mucha atención Don’t pay too much attention A las cosas malas, mi amor To the bad things, my love Échalas afuera, suelta la’ caderas Throw them out, let your hips loose Siente el ritmo de esta canción Feel the rhythm of this song
[Chorus] Cariño, love es nuestro idioma Honey, love is our language Love es nuestro idioma Love is our language Sin palabras puede hablar It can speak without words Tu corazón pone a bailar Your heart starts dancing Se dice: love es nuestro idioma, baby It’s said: love is our language, baby
[Bridge] Te quiero más que al mundo entero, si te vas de aquí me muero I love you more than the whole world, if you leave here I’ll die Y las palabras no voy a entender And I won’t understand the words Porque el amor es el idioma y yo lo quiero de tu boca Because love is the language and I want it from your mouth Que tu lengua lo pronuncia bien Because your tongue pronounces it well Te quiero más que al mundo entero, si te vas de aquí me muero I love you more than the whole world, if you leave here I’ll die Y las palabras no voy a entender And I won’t understand the words Porque el amor es el idioma y yo lo quiero de tu boca Because love is the language and I want it from your mouth Que tu lengua lo pronuncia bien, bien, bien Because your tongue pronounces it well, well, well Te quiero más que al mundo entero, si te vas de aquí me muero I love you more than the whole world, if you leave here I’ll die Y las palabras no voy a entender And I won’t understand the words Porque el amor es el idioma y yo lo quiero de tu boca Because love is the language and I want it from your mouth Que tu lengua lo pronuncia bien, bien, bien Because your tongue pronounces it well, well, well
[Ending Chorus] Love, love Love, love Sin palabras puede hablar It can speak without words Tu corazón pone a bailar Your heart starts dancing Se dice: amor es nuestro idioma, baby It’s said: love is our language, baby Love es nuestro idioma Love is our language Love es nuestro idioma Love is our language Sin palabras puede hablar It can speak without words Tu corazón pone a bailar Your heart starts dancing Se dice: love es nuestro idioma, baby It’s said: love is our language, baby
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