“100 Años” is a song by American Latin pop duo Ha*Ash and American singer Prince Royce. It was released in October of 2017 and appears on Ha*Ash’s fifth studio album 30 de Febrero. It reached number one on the Mexican charts.
lo que – Literally translating as it that, this phrase better translates as what, whatever, or which.
preguntarse – This reflexive verb can carry its literal meaning of to ask oneself, but more often it is used to mean to wonder.
gustar – The verb gustar is used to state that someone likes something, but the person doing the liking is the object of the sentence, not the subject. Literally this phrase means [item] is pleasing to [person]. The verb is conjugated for the item being liked, for example me gusta el libro (singular) but me gustan los libros (plural).
pegadito(s) – This is the diminutive form of the adjective pegado, meaning stuck, fixed, glued; tight; or clinging. Here, in the context of dancing, it is used in the sense of dancing very close together.
diminutive form – This form is achieved by adding ‘-ito’ to the end of masculine nouns, or ‘-ita’ to the end of feminine nouns. While it can mean less than or smaller than the normal noun, often it is simply a stylistic change, with no change in meaning. When used with names, it is a form of endearment.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
[Verse 1] Lolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuter | lo que = what, whatever, whichquequethat, than; because | conj | | lo que = what, whatever, whichyoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subsientosentirto feel; sense; hear; taste; feel about, think about; feel sorry about | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presporporfor; because of; by | preptitiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjnononot | advtienetenerto have | verb, irreg | third pers sing presexplicaciónexplicaciónexplanation, reason; lecture | noun | fem sing Yyand | conjsólosóloonly | advmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexpreguntopreguntarto ask | verb, reg | first pers sing pres | preguntarse = to wonder, ask oneselfcómocómohow, why | advderrumbaste,derrumbarto demoish, raze, knockdown; destroy, shatter; overthrow, toppel | verb, reg | sec pers sing pretenenin, on, during | prepmí,míme | pron | first pers sing, disjcadacadaeach, every | adj | invariablerincónrincóncorner | noun | masc sing Hashaberto have | verb, irreg | sec pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp in the pret perfhechohacerto do; to make | verb, irreg | ppnuestranuestroours | adj, poss | fem singcamacamabed | noun | fem singsiempresiempreevery time, whenever, always | advununa | art, indef | masc singveranoveranosummer | noun | masc sing Volvistevolverto return, come back | verb, stm chg | sec pers sing pretdivertidodivertidofunny, entertaining; enjoyable, pleasant, fun | adj | masc singlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neutercotidianocotidianodaily, everyday; routine | adj | masc sing Yyand | conjnononot | adventiendoentenderto understand | verb, stm chg | first pers sing prescómocómohow, why | advlolohim, it | pron | masc sing, neuterlograste,lograto manage, reach | verb, reg | sec pers sing pretperoperobut | conjsésaberto know | verb, irreg | first pers sing presquequethat, than; because | conjhoyhoytoday; nowadays, now | adv
[Pre-Chorus] Dedefrom, of | preptitiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presmás,másmore, plus | advmás,másmore, plus | advmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexgustagustarto like, to enjoy | verb, reg | third pers sing pres | conjugated for the item being liked, ie X is pleasing to Ytodotodoeverything | pronlolohim, it, you | pron | masc sing, neuter, dir objquequethat, than; because; let | conjmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexdas,darto give | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | adv Yyand | conjsinsinwithout | preppermisopermisopermission; leave; permit, license | noun | masc singmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexhashaberto have | verb, irreg | sec pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp in the pret perfrobadorobarto steal, rob, take | verb, irreg | ppelelthe | art, def | masc singcorazón,corazónheart | noun | masc singpocopocolittle, a little bit | noun | masc singaato, into, by | preppoquitopocolittle, a little bit | noun | dim form
[Chorus] YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presestarestarto be | verb, irreg | infinciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigocontigowith you | pron Contigocontigowith you | pronlalathe | art, def | fem singvidavidalife | noun | fem singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmejormejorbetter; best | adj | masc and fem sing YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presestarestarto be | verb, irreg | infinciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigocontigowith you | pron Bailandobailarto dance | verb, reg | gerlalathe | art, def | fem singmismamismosame | adj | fem singcanción,canciónsong | noun | fem singbienbienwell; very | advpegaditospegadostuck, fixed, glued; tight; clinging | adj | masc pl | dim form Ciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigo,contigowith you | pronaato, into, by | preptutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singladoladoside | noun | masc singelelthe | art, def | masc singtiempotiempotime | noun | masc singnononot | advdependedependerdepend, rely, need, be dependent | verb, reg | third pers sing presdelde + elfrom the, of the | prep + def art | masc singrelojrelojwatch, clock, hourglass, sundail | noun | masc sing Ciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigo,contigowith you | pronlolohim, it, you | pron | masc sing, neuter, dir objmedimosmedirto measure; to calculate weigh; consider, think about | verb, stm chg | first pers sing prestútúyou | pron | sec pers sing, subyyand | conjyoyoI | pron | first pers sing, sub Ciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigocontigowith you | pron
[Verse 2] Llenasllenarto fill (up) | verb, reg | sec pers sing presmismismy | adj, poss | masc and fem pldíasdíaday; daytime | noun | masc plcompletoscompletocomplete, all together; finished, done; total, absolute | adj | masc pldedefrom, of | preptantanso, such; as | advbuenbuengood | adj | alt maschumorhumormood, humor | noun | masc sing Yyand | conjmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexenseñasteenseñarto teach | verb, reg | sec pers sing pretaato, into, by | prepververto see | verb, irreg | infinlaslasthe | art, def | fem plpiedraspiedrastone, rock; hailstone, hail | noun | fem pldelde + elfrom the, of the | prep + def art | masc singcaminocaminoroad; way, path; journey, trip | noun | masc singcomocomolike, as, since | advununa | art, indef | masc singescalónescalónstep, rung; stage, level | noun | masc sing Porporfor; because of; by | prepesoesothat | proneresserto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing prestútúyou | pron | sec pers singmimimy | adj, poss | masc and fem singplanplanplan | noun | masc singfavoritofavoritofavorite | adj | masc sing Contigocontigowith you | pronyoyoI | pron | first pers sing, submememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexquedoquedarto remain, to stay; to be left; to be located; suit, fit | verb, reg | first pers sing pres | quedarse = to stay, remainhastahastauntil; even | prepelelthe | art, def | masc singinfinitoinfinitointo the sunset, to the end of the world and back; infinity | noun | masc sing Yyand | conjnononot | adventiendoentenderto understand | verb, stm chg | first pers sing prescómocómohow, why | advlolohim, it, you | pron | masc sing, neuter, dir objlograste,lograto manage, reach | verb, reg | sec pers sing pretperoperobut | conjsésaberto know | verb, irreg | first pers sing presquequethat, than; because; let | conjhoyhoytoday; nowadays, now | adv
[Pre-Chorus] Dedefrom, of | preptitiyou | pron | sec pers sing, disjquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presmás,másmore, plus | advmás,másmore, plus | advmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexgustagustarto like, to enjoy | verb, reg | third pers sing pres | conjugated for the item being liked, ie X is pleasing to Ytodotodoeverything | pronlolohim, it, you | pron | masc sing, neuter, dir objquequethat, than; because; let | conjmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexdas,darto give | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presmásmásmore, plus | adv Yyand | conjsinsinwithout | preppermisopermisopermission; leave; permit, license | noun | masc singmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexhashaberto have | verb, irreg | sec pers sing pres | aux verb used with the pp in the pret perfrobadorobarto steal, rob, take | verb, irreg | ppelelthe | art, def | masc singcorazón,corazónheart | noun | masc singpocopocolittle, a little bit | noun | masc singaato, into, by | preppoquitopocolittle, a little bit | noun | dim form
[Chorus] YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presestarestarto be | verb, irreg | infinciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigocontigowith you | pron Contigocontigowith you | pronlalathe | art, def | fem singvidavidalife | noun | fem singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmejormejorbetter; best | adj | masc and fem sing YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presestarestarto be | verb, irreg | infinciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigocontigowith you | pron Bailandobailarto dance | verb, reg | gerlalathe | art, def | fem singmismamismosame | adj | fem singcanción,canciónsong | noun | fem singbienbienwell; very | advpegaditospegadostuck, fixed, glued; tight; clinging | adj | masc pl | dim form Ciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigo,contigowith you | pronaato, into, by | preptutuyour | adj, poss | masc and fem singladoladoside | noun | masc singelelthe | art, def | masc singtiempotiempotime | noun | masc singnononot | advdependedependerdepend, rely, need, be dependent | verb, reg | third pers sing presdelde + elfrom the, of the | prep + def art | masc singrelojrelojwatch, clock, hourglass, sundail | noun | masc sing Ciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigo,contigowith you | pronlolohim, it, you | pron | masc sing, neuter, dir objmedimosmedirto measure; to calculate weigh; consider, think about | verb, stm chg | first pers sing prestútúyou | pron | sec pers sing, subyyand | conjyoyoI | pron | first pers sing, sub
[Bridge] Tútúyou | pron | sec pers singyyand | conjyo,yoI | pron | first pers singloslosthe | art, def | masc pldosdostwo | num Vamosirto go | verb, irreg | first pers pl imperabailandobailarto dance | verb, reg | ger Yyand | conjestarestarto be | verb, irreg | infinasíasílike this, like that, this way, that way | adv Mememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexgustagustarto like, to enjoy | verb, reg | third pers sing pres | conjugated for the item being liked, ie X is pleasing to Ytantotantoso much, so many, so long | pron Tútúyou | pron | sec pers singyyand | conjyo,yoI | pron | first pers singloslosthe | art, def | masc pldosdostwo | num Vamosirto go | verb, irreg | first pers pl imperabailandobailarto dance | verb, reg | ger Yyand | conjestarestarto be | verb, irreg | infinasíasílike this, like that, this way, that way | adv Mememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexgustagustarto like, to enjoy | verb, reg | third pers sing pres | conjugated for the item being liked, ie X is pleasing to Ytantotantoso much, so many, so long | pron
[Outro] YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presestarestarto be | verb, irreg | infinciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigocontigowith you | pron Contigocontigowith you | pronlalathe | art, def | fem singvidavidalife | noun | fem singesserto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presmejormejorbetter; best | adj | masc and fem sing YoyoI | pron | first pers sing, subquieroquererwant, wish; like, love | verb, stm chg | first pers sing presestarestarto be | verb, irreg | infinciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigocontigowith you | pron Bailandobailarto dance | verb, reg | gerlalathe | art, def | fem singmismamismosame | adj | fem singcancióncanciónsong | noun | fem sing Uh,Tooltip contentbienbienwell; very | advpegaditopegadostuck, fixed, glued; tight; clinging | adj | masc sing | dim formnenanenachild; baby, darling, honey | noun | fem sing Ciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigo,contigowith you | pronmememe, to me, myself | pron | first pers sing, dir obj, indir obj, reflexgustagustarto like, to enjoy | verb, reg | third pers sing pres | conjugated for the item being liked, ie X is pleasing to Ytantotantoso much, so many, so long | pron Ciencienone hundred | numañosañoyear | noun | masc plcontigo,contigowith you | pronlolohim, it, you | pron | masc sing, neuter, dir objmedimosmedirto measure; to calculate weigh; consider, think about | verb, stm chg | first pers sing prestútúyou | pron | sec pers singyyand | conjyoyoI | pron | first pers sing, sub
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Cien Años One Hundred Years
[Verse 1] Lo que yo siento por ti no tiene explicación What I feel for you has no explanation Y sólo me pregunto cómo derrumbaste, en mí, cada rincón And I just wonder how you knocked down every corner in me Has hecho nuestra cama siempre un verano You have made our bed an eternal summer Volviste divertido lo cotidiano You made everyday tasks fun Y no entiendo cómo lo lograste, pero sé que hoy And I don’t understand how you did it, but I know that today
[Pre-Chorus] De ti quiero más, más, me gusta todo lo que me das, más From you I want more, more, I like everything you give me, more Y sin permiso me has robado el corazón, poco a poquito And without permission you have stolen my heart, little by little
[Chorus] Yo quiero estar cien años contigo I want to be with you for a hundred years Contigo la vida es mejor With you life is better Yo quiero estar cien años contigo I want to be with you for a hundred years Bailando la misma canción, bien pegaditos Dancing to the same song, very close together Cien años contigo, a tu lado el tiempo no depende del reloj A hundred years with you, by your side time does not need the clock Cien años contigo, lo medimos tú y yo A hundred years with you, we measure it you and I Cien años contigo One hundred years with you
[Verse 2] Llenas mis días completos de tan buen humor You fill my entire days with such a good humor Y me enseñaste a ver las piedras del camino como un escalón And you taught me to see the rocks in the road as stepping stones Por eso eres tú mi plan favorito That’s why you’re my favorite plan Contigo yo me quedo hasta el infinito I’ll stay with you until infinity Y no entiendo cómo lo lograste, pero sé que hoy And I don’t understand how you did it, but I know that today
[Pre-Chorus] De ti quiero más, más, me gusta todo lo que me das, más From you I want more, more, I like everything you give me, more Y sin permiso me has robado el corazón, poco a poquito And without permission you have stolen my heart, little by little
[Chorus] Yo quiero estar cien años contigo I want to be with you for a hundred years Contigo la vida es mejor With you life is better Yo quiero estar cien años contigo I want to be with you for a hundred years Bailando la misma canción, bien pegaditos Dancing to the same song, very close together Cien años contigo, a tu lado el tiempo no depende del reloj A hundred years with you, by your side time does not need the clock Cien años contigo, lo medimos tú y yo A hundred years with you, we measure it you and I
[Bridge] Tú y yo, los dos You and I, both of us Vamos bailando Let’s go dancing Y estar así And to be like this Me gusta tanto I like it so much Tú y yo, los dos You and I, both of us Vamos bailando Let’s go dancing Y estar así And to be like this Me gusta tanto I like it so much
[Outro] Yo quiero estar cien años contigo I want to be with you for a hundred years Contigo la vida es mejor With you life is better Yo quiero estar cien años contigo I want to be with you for a hundred years Bailando la misma canción Dancing to the same song Uh, bien pegadito nena Uh, very close to you baby Cien años contigo, me gusta tanto One hundred years with you, I like it so much Cien años contigo, lo medimos tú y yo A hundred years with you, we measure it you and I
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive Adjectives:
Has hecho nuestra cama siempre un verano
Llenas mis días completos de tan buen humor
Cien años contigo, a tu lado el tiempo no depende del reloj
Por eso eres tú mi plan favorito
Y sin permiso me has robado el corazón, poco a poquito
Object Pronouns:
Lo que yo siento por ti no tiene explicación
Volviste divertido lo cotidiano
Y no entiendo cómo lo lograste, pero sé que hoy
De ti quiero más, más, me gusta todo lo que me das, más
Y sin permiso me has robado el corazón, poco a poquito
Cien años contigo, lo medimos tú y yo
Y me enseñaste a ver las piedras del camino como un escalón
Me gusta tanto
Disjunctive Pronouns:
Lo que yo siento por ti no tiene explicación
Y sólo me pregunto cómo derrumbaste, en mí, cada rincón
De ti quiero más, más, me gusta todo lo que me das, más
Reflexive Pronouns:
Y sólo me pregunto cómo derrumbaste, en mí, cada rincón
Contigo yo me quedo hasta el infinito
Irregular Verbs:
Y no entiendo cómo lo lograste, pero sé que hoy
Has hecho nuestra cama siempre un verano
Y sin permiso me has robado el corazón, poco a poquito
De ti quiero más, más, me gusta todo lo que me das, más
Contigo la vida es mejor
Por eso eres tú mi plan favorito
tener (e > ie):
Lo que yo siento por ti no tiene explicación
Stem-Changing verbs:
entender (e > ie):
Y no entiendo cómo lo lograste, pero sé que hoy
sentir (e > ie):
Lo que yo siento por ti no tiene explicación
querer (e > ie):
De ti quiero más, más, me gusta todo lo que me das, más
Yo quiero estar cien años contigo
medir (e > i):
Cien años contigo, lo medimos tú y yo
Reflexive Verbs:
Y sólo me pregunto cómo derrumbaste, en mí, cada rincón
Contigo yo me quedo hasta el infinito
Vamos bailando
Bailando la misma canción
Vamos bailando
Preterite Perfect:
Y sin permiso me has robado el corazón, poco a poquito
Has hecho nuestra cama siempre un verano
Y sólo me pregunto cómo derrumbaste, en mí, cada rincón
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