Die schönsten Tage is a song by German pop/hip hop duo SDP and German singer and rapper Clueso. It appears on SDP’s 2022 album entitled Ein gutes schlechtes Vorbild. It reached #13 on the German charts.
mal – This term, meaning times or multiplied by, is often used in a way that is difficult to translate. This usage softens a request or command to make it more polite. A commonly heard example is schau mal, meaning look!. While no words are added to the translation, the sense of the phrase is different than if mal were not present. We see another example of this usage in this song with Lass mal was machen, was wir nie mehr vergessen meaning Let’s do something we’ll never forget.
schwarzfahren – This compound verb is a combination of the adjective schwarz meaning black and the verb fahren meaning to go, to drive or to ride. In German, as in English, schwarz can also be used to mean illegal (think black market). It translates as fare dodging. You can get accused of schwarzfahren either by taking public transport without a valid ticket or by driving a car without a valid driver’s license. It translates literally as black-riding. In this song, it appears as the past participle schwarzgefahren.
Weißt du noch? – This phrase is usually translated as do you remember?. It translates literally as do you still know?.
auf jemanden/etwas scheißen – This vulgar phrase means to not to give a sh*t about someone/something. It translates literally as to sh*t on someone/something. The person or thing being defecated upon will be in the accusative case.
Nevermind – This is the name of the second studio album by the American rock band Nirvana, which was released in September of 1991. Lead singer Kurt Cobain reportedly liked the title because it was a metaphor for his attitude on life and because it was grammatically incorrect.
trocken – This adjective means dry. Like its English counterpart, trocken can also mean alcohol-free (think dry January, or a dry event). With references to both rain and a bar, the song’s author seems to be playing with both meanings here.
los – When used on its own, los means let’s go, off we go or let’s start. It is a common colloquial shortening of los geht’s, from the separable verb losgehen, meaning to set off, to go off or to start. Los is the separable prefix of the verb.
egal – This is a common colloquial shortening of the phrase es ist mir egal which means it doesn’t matter or I don’t care. It translates literally as it is unimportant to me.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plschönstenschönbeautiful, lovely; nice, fine, good; really, considerably | adj | superlativeTageTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc pl
[Chorus] Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plschönstenschönbeautiful, lovely; nice, fine, good; really, considerably | adj | superlativeTageTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc plwar’nseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plNächteNacht (Nächte)night | noun | fem pl Kein’nkeinno, no one, not | adj | acc masc sing and dat plPlanPlan (pl Pläne)plan; schedule; map | noun | masc singzuzuto | part | used with verb infinitiveshabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | infinwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advderderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plbestebestebest | adj Waswaswhat; that which | pronmachstmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomheutheutetoday | adv | alternative colloquial formnoch?nochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advIchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfrag’fragento ask | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (frage)nurnuronly, just | advausausout of; from; of, made of | prep | | triggers datInteresseInteresse (pl Interessen)interest | noun | neut sing Lasslassento let; leave | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperama’maltimes; softens a request or command | advwasetwassomething; some, a (little) bit | pron | colloquial shorteningmachenmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | infinwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomnienienever | advmehrmehrmore, anymore | advvergessenvergessento forget; to leave behind | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pres
[Verse 1] Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plbestenbestebest | adjFreunde,Freund (pl Freunde)friend (male); boyfriend | noun | masc pldiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plverrücktestenverrücktinsane, crazy, mad | adj | superlativeNächteNacht (Nächte)night | noun | fem pl Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plSonneSonne (pl Sonnen)sun; sunlight | noun | fem singgehtaufgehento come up, rise | verb, irreg | third pers sing and sec pers pl presaufaufgehento come up, rise | verb, irreg | prefix of sep verbundundand | conjwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomgeh’ngehento go, walk; leave; work, function; be possible | verb, irreg | infinalsalsthan; as if, though; when; as, like | conjletzteletztelast, final; latest; remaining | adj Derderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plersteerstefirst; best, foremost; front | adjTrip,Trip (pl Trips)trip | noun | masc singderderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plersteerstefirst; best, foremost; front | adjKussKuss (pl Küsse)kiss | noun | masc sing Wirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomteil’nteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | first and third pers pl presdenderthe | art, def | acc masc sing, dat plletztenletztelast, final; latest; remaining | adjDrink,Drink (pl Drinks)drink | noun | masc singverpassenverpassento miss, miss out on | verb, reg | first and third pers pl presdenderthe | art, def | acc masc sing, dat plletztenletztelast, final; latest; remaining | adjBusBus (pl Busse)bus, coach | noun | masc sing MuckeMucke (pl Mucken)music; gig, performance | noun | fem singlaut,lautloud, noisy, loudmouthed; out loud, aloud | adjArmArm (pl Arme)arm | noun | masc singininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accArmArm (pl Arme)arm | noun | masc singsingensingento sing, chant, hum | verb, irreg | first and third pers pres | npwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nom„Forever Young“Forever YoungForever Young | noun, prop | name of song Ininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accdenderthe | art, def | acc masc sing, dat plClubClubClub | noun | EN termschwarzgefahr’n,schwarzfahrento travel without a ticket , to fare-dodge | verb, irreg | pphattenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | first & third pers pl pretnienienever | advein’neina, an | art, indef | acc masc sing (einen)MasterplanMasterplan (Masterpläne)master plan | noun | masc sing Esesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accgibtgebento give, to be (exist); hand, pass; present, bestow | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres | es gibt = there is, there arekeinekeinno, no one, not | adj | nom and acc fem and plAktion,Aktion (pl Aktionen)action;campaign; operation | noun | fem singdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plunsunsto us, us | pron | acc and dat of wir (first person pl)zuzuto | part | used with verb infinitiveskrasskrassglaring, stark, harsh, jarring, extreme, crass, blatant | adjwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pret Denndennbecause | conjmanmanyou, one, we; someone; they, people | pron | indefbereutbereuento regret; repent | verb, reg | third pers sing and sec pers pl presnurnuronly, just | advdas,daswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demwaswaswhat; that which | pronmanmanyou, one, we; someone; they, people | pron | indefnienienever | advgemachtmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | pphathabento have, to get | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres
[Chorus] Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plschönstenschönbeautiful, lovely; nice, fine, good; really, considerably | adj | superlativeTageTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc plwar’nseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plNächteNacht (Nächte)night | noun | fem pl Kein’nkeinno, no one, not | adj | acc masc sing and dat plPlanPlan (pl Pläne)plan; schedule; map | noun | masc singzuzuto | part | used with verb infinitiveshabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | infinwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advderderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plbestebestebest | adj Waswaswhat; that which | pronmachstmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomheutheutetoday | adv | alternative colloquial formnoch?nochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advIchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfrag’fragento ask | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (frage)nurnuronly, just | advausausout of; from; of, made of | prep | | triggers datInteresseInteresse (pl Interessen)interest | noun | neut sing Lasslassento let; leave | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperama’maltimes; softens a request or command | advwasetwassomething; some, a (little) bit | pron | colloquial shorteningmachenmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | infinwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomnienienever | advmehrmehrmore, anymore | advvergessenvergessento forget; to leave behind | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pres
[Verse 2] Schlechtesschlechtbad, poor, inferior | adjBenehm’n,Benehmen (no pl)behaviour | noun | neut singdochdochbut, however, yet | conjdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plbestenbestebest | adjGeschichtenGeschichte (pl Geschichten)history; tale, story; affair, business | noun | fem pl Wirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomsagensagento say; mean; tell | verb, reg | first and third pers pl pressorry,sorrysorry | intstattstattinstead of | prep | triggers genumumaround, at, by, for, because | prep | triggers accErlaubnisErlaubnis (pl Erlaubnis)permission; permit | noun | fem singzuzuto | part | used with verb infinitivesbittenbittento ask, beg, plead; invite | verb, irreg | infin | np Weißt,wissento know; be aware of | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomnoch?nochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advWirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomteiltenteilento divide, split; share | verb, reg | first and third pers pl pretmeinmeinmy | adj, poss | nom masc sing and nom/acc neut singkleineskleinshort, small, little | adjBettBett (pl Betten)bed; quilt, duvet | noun | neut sing Deinedeinyour | adj, poss | nom and acc fem sing and plElternElternparents | noun | pl onlywar’nseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pretentsetzt,entsetzthorrified, appalled | adjsiesieshe; they | pron | third pers sing and pl, nomwolltenwollento want | verb, mod | first and third pers pl pretneneina, an | art, indef | acc masc sing (einen)TypTyp (pl Typen)guy; type, sort | noun | masc singmitmitwith, at, including | prepCashCash (no pl)cash | noun | neut sing Keinekeinno, no one, not | adj | nom and acc fem and plNachtNacht (pl Nächte)night | noun | fem singgepennt,pennento sleep | verb, irreg | pp | slangesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomgegengegenagainst; toward; around | prep | triggers accdenderthe | art, def | acc masc sing, dat plRestRest (pl Reste)rest, remainder, remnant | noun | masc sing Nichtsnichtsnothing, none | pronkonntekönnenbe able to do, know how to do; be allowed to | verb, mod | first and third pers sing pretunsunsto us, us | pron | acc and dat of wir (first person pl)stoppen,stoppento stop | verb, reg | infinauchauchalso, even, really | conjkeinkeinno, no one, not | adjGesetzGesetz (pl Gesetze)law, rule | noun | neut sing Wirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl preszweizweitwo | adjvonvonfrom; off; of, by | prep | triggers datMillionenMillion (Millionen)million | noun | fem pl Undundand | conjschlafenschlafento sleep, stay (overnight) | verb, irreg | infinkönn’nkönnenbe able to do, know how to do; be allowed to | verb, mod | first and third pers pl preswir,wirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomwennwennwhen, if | conjwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomtottotdead | adjsindseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pres
[Chorus] Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plschönstenschönbeautiful, lovely; nice, fine, good; really, considerably | adj | superlativeTageTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc plwar’nseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plNächteNacht (Nächte)night | noun | fem pl Kein’nkeinno, no one, not | adj | acc masc sing and dat plPlanPlan (pl Pläne)plan; schedule; map | noun | masc singzuzuto | part | used with verb infinitiveshabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | infinwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advderderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plbestebestebest | adj Waswaswhat; that which | pronmachstmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomheutheutetoday | adv | alternative colloquial formnoch?nochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advIchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfrag’fragento ask | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (frage)nurnuronly, just | advausausout of; from; of, made of | prep | | triggers datInteresseInteresse (pl Interessen)interest | noun | neut sing Lasslassento let; leave | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperama’maltimes; softens a request or command | advwasetwassomething; some, a (little) bit | pron | colloquial shorteningmachenmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | infinwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomnienienever | advmehrmehrmore, anymore | advvergessenvergessento forget; to leave behind | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pres
[Verse 3] Sososo, so much; as; like this/that | advvielesvielmuch, many, a lot | pron | neut singwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretgeil,geilhorny, randy, lecherous; rich, fertile, luxuriant; brilliant, wicked, cool | adjweilweilsince, because | conjwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomnichtnichtnot | advwusstenwissento know; be aware of | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pret Waswaswhat; that which | pronwirklichwirklichreally | advgutgutgood, ok, all right | adjist,seinto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presvermissevermissento miss | verb, reg | first pers sing presdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plZeitZeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem sing Wirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomwar’nseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pretsososo, so much; as; like this/that | advfrei,freifree | adjobwohlobwohlalthough, even though | conjwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomnurnuronly, just | advmusstenmüssento have to, need to, must | verb, mod | first and third pers pl pret Denndennbecause | conjabendsabendsin the evening | advwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretPartyParty (pl Partys)party | noun | fem singvonvonfrom; off; of, by | prep | triggers datJuniJuni (pl Junis)June | noun | masc singbisbisuntil | conjMaiMai (pl Maie)May | noun | masc sing Scheiß’scheißento shit, crap | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres | auf jdn/etw (acc) scheißen = not to give a shit about sb/sthaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datKonsequenzen,Konsequenz (pl Konsequenzen)consequence; consistency, rigorousness, strictness | noun | fem singKurt Cobain,Kurt CobainKurt Cobain | noun, prop | American singer/songwriterNevermindNevermindNevermind | noun, prop | album by Nirvana Einfacheinfachsimply, just | advkeinekeinno, no one, not | adj | nom and acc fem and plGrenzenGrenze (pl Grenzen)boundary, border; limit | noun | fem plkenn’n,kennento know, be acquainted with, recognize | verb, irreg | infinUnendlichkeitUnendlichkeit (no pl)infinity, endlessness, boundlessness | noun | fem sing Wirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomwar’nseinto be | verb, reg | first and third pers pl pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advanders,andersdifferently; other than, unlike; varying | advaberaberbut, however | conjnienienever | advalleinalleinalone, lonely | adj Egal,egalunimportant; all the same to me; same, identical | adjwohinwohinwhere to; where | advwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomgehen,gehento go, walk; leave; work, function; be possible | verb, irreg | infinkomm,kommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperawirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomgeh’ngehento go, walk; leave; work, function; be possible | verb, irreg | infin | zu weit gehen = to go too farzuzutoo | adv | | zu weit gehen = to go too farweitweitfar, extensive | adj | | zu weit gehen = to go too far IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomwillwollento want | verb, mod | first and third pers sing presnochnochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advmaleinmalonce, one time; one day, sometime | advlos,losfar away, far off; gone | advdassdassthat, so that | conjirgendwasirgendwassomething, anything | pron | indefinitesteigtsteigento climb, rise, soar, increase, go up | verb, irreg | third pers sing and sec pers pl pres Genausogenausojust as; just/exactly the same | advwiewieas, how, like | advdamals,damalsat that time, then | advkommkommenarrive, come; come from | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperahasthabento have, to get | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomZeit?Zeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem sing Auchauchalso, even, really | conjwennwennwhen, if | conjesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accregnet,regnento rain | verb, reg | third pers sing and sec pers pl presistseinto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing presdochdochbut, however, yet | conjegalegalunimportant; all the same to me; same, identical | adj Keinerkeinernone, no one, nobody; neither | pronistseinto be | verb, irreg | third pers sing prestrockentrockendry, arid; without alcohol, off the bottle, on the wagon | adjininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or accunsererunserour | adj, poss | gen/dat fem sing, gen plBar (pl Bars)Barbar, pub | noun | fem sing
[Chorus] Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plschönstenschönbeautiful, lovely; nice, fine, good; really, considerably | adj | superlativeTageTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc plwar’nseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plNächteNacht (Nächte)night | noun | fem pl Kein’nkeinno, no one, not | adj | acc masc sing and dat plPlanPlan (pl Pläne)plan; schedule; map | noun | masc singzuzuto | part | used with verb infinitiveshabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | infinwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advderderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plbestebestebest | adj Waswaswhat; that which | pronmachstmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomheutheutetoday | adv | alternative colloquial formnoch?nochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advIchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfrag’fragento ask | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (frage)nurnuronly, just | advausausout of; from; of, made of | prep | | triggers datInteresseInteresse (pl Interessen)interest | noun | neut sing Lasslassento let; leave | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperama’maltimes; softens a request or command | advwasetwassomething; some, a (little) bit | pron | colloquial shorteningmachenmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | infinwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomnienienever | advmehrmehrmore, anymore | advvergessenvergessento forget; to leave behind | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pres Diediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plschönstenschönbeautiful, lovely; nice, fine, good; really, considerably | adj | superlativeTageTag (pl Tage)day; daytime | noun | masc plwar’nseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plNächteNacht (Nächte)night | noun | fem pl Kein’nkeinno, no one, not | adj | acc masc sing and dat plPlanPlan (pl Pläne)plan; schedule; map | noun | masc singzuzuto | part | used with verb infinitiveshabenhabento have, to get | verb, irreg | infinwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing pretschonschonalready, yet | advimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advderderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plbestebestebest | adj Waswaswhat; that which | pronmachstmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomheutheutetoday | adv | alternative colloquial formnoch?nochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advIchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomfrag’fragento ask | verb, reg | first pers sing pres (frage)nurnuronly, just | advausausout of; from; of, made of | prep | | triggers datInteresseInteresse (pl Interessen)interest | noun | neut sing Lasslassento let; leave | verb, irreg | sec pers sing imperama’maltimes; softens a request or command | advwasetwassomething; some, a (little) bit | pron | colloquial shorteningmachenmachento do, complete; prepare; make, create; develop, evolve | verb, reg | infinwaswaswhat; that which | pronwirwirwe | pron | first pers pl, nomnienienever | advmehrmehrmore, anymore | advvergessenvergessento forget; to leave behind | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pres
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Die schönsten Tage The most beautiful days
[Chorus] Die schönsten Tage war’n schon immer die Nächte The most beautiful days have always been the nights Kein’n Plan zu haben, war schon immer der beste Not having a plan has always been the best Was machst du heut noch? What are you still doing today? Ich frag’ nur aus Intresse I’m just asking out of interest Lass ma’ was machen, was wir nie mehr vergessen Let’s do something we’ll never forget
[Verse 1] Die besten Freunde, die verrücktesten Nächte The best friends, the craziest nights Die Sonne geht auf und wir geh’n als letzte The sun is coming up and we’re going to be the last to leave Der erste Trip, der erste Kuss The first trip, the first kiss Wir teil’n den letzten Drink, verpassen den letzten Bus We share the last drink, miss the last bus Mucke laut, Arm in Arm singen wir „Forever Young“ Music loud, arm in arm, we sing “Forever Young” In den Club schwarzgefahr’n, hatten nie ein’n Masterplan Fare-dodging in the club, never had a master plan Es gibt keine Aktion, die uns zu krass war There is no action that was too crass for us Denn man bereut nur das, was man nie gemacht hat Because you only regret what you never did
[Chorus] Die schönsten Tage war’n schon immer die Nächte The most beautiful days have always been the nights Kein’n Plan zu haben, war schon immer der beste Not having a plan has always been the best Was machst du heut noch? What are you still doing today? Ich frag’ nur aus Intresse I’m just asking out of interest Lass ma’ was machen, was wir nie mehr vergessen Let’s do something we’ll never forget
[Verse 2] Schlechtes Benehm’n, doch die besten Geschichten Bad behavior, but the best stories Wir sagen sorry, statt um Erlaubnis zu bitten We say sorry instead of asking for permission Weißt du noch? Do you remember? Wir teilten mein kleines Bett We shared my little bed Deine Eltern war’n entsetzt, sie wollten ‘nen Typ mit Cash Your parents were horrified, they wanted a guy with cash Keine Nacht gepennt, es war wir gegen den Rest No night slept, it was us against the rest Nichts konnte uns stoppen, auch kein Gesetz Nothing could stop us, not even the law Wir sind zwei von Millionen We’re two out of millions Und schlafen könn’n wir, wenn wir tot sind And we can sleep when we’re dead
[Chorus] Die schönsten Tage war’n schon immer die Nächte The most beautiful days have always been the nights Kein’n Plan zu haben, war schon immer der beste Not having a plan has always been the best Was machst du heut noch? What are you still doing today? Ich frag’ nur aus Intresse I’m just asking out of interest Lass ma’ was machen, was wir nie mehr vergessen Let’s do something we’ll never forget
[Verse 3] So vieles war geil, weil wir nicht wussten So much was cool, because we did not know Was wirklich gut ist, vermisse die Zeit What is really good, I miss the time Wir war’n so frei, obwohl wir nur mussten We were so free, even though we just had to Denn abends war Party von Juni bis Mai Because the evenings were parties from June to May Scheiß’ auf Konsequenzen, Kurt Cobain, Nevermind I don’t give a sh*t about consequences, Kurt Cobain, Nevermind Einfach keine Grenzen kenn’n, Unendlichkeit Just knowing no limits, infinity Wir war’n schon immer anders, aber nie allein We’ve always been different, but never alone Egal, wohin wir gehen, komm, wir geh’n zu weit No matter where we go, come on, we’re going too far Ich will noch mal los, dass irgendwas steigt I want to go again, so that something goes up Genauso wie damals, komm, hast du Zeit? Just like back then, come on, do you have time? Auch wenn es regnet, ist doch egal Even if it rains, it doesn’t matter Keiner ist trocken in unserer Bar No one is dry in our bar
[Chorus] Die schönsten Tage war’n schon immer die Nächte The most beautiful days have always been the nights Kein’n Plan zu haben, war schon immer der beste Not having a plan has always been the best Was machst du heut noch? What are you still doing today? Ich frag’ nur aus Intresse I’m just asking out of interest Lass ma’ was machen, was wir nie mehr vergessen Let’s do something we’ll never forget Die schönsten Tage war’n schon immer die Nächte The most beautiful days have always been the nights Kein’n Plan zu haben, war schon immer der beste Not having a plan has always been the best Was machst du heut noch? What are you still doing today? Ich frag’ nur aus Intresse I’m just asking out of interest Lass ma’ was machen, was wir nie mehr vergessen Let’s do something we’ll never forget
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive adjectives:
Keiner ist trocken in unserer Bar
Deine Eltern war’n entsetzt, sie wollten ‘nen Typ mit Cash
Wir teilten mein kleines Bett
Wir teil’n den letzten Drink, verpassen den letzten Bus
In den Club schwarzgefahr’n, hatten nie ein’n Masterplan
Wir teilten mein kleines Bett
Deine Eltern war’n entsetzt, sie wollten ‘nen Typ mit Cash
Nichts konnte uns stoppen, auch kein Gesetz
Was wirklich gut ist, vermisse die Zeit
Es gibt keine Aktion, die uns zu krass war
Irregular Verbs:
Wir sind zwei von Millionen
Und schlafen könn’n wir, wenn wir tot sind
Was wirklich gut ist, vermisse die Zeit
Auch wenn es regnet, ist doch egal
Keiner ist trocken in unserer Bar
Weißt du noch?
Es gibt keine Aktion, die uns zu krass war
Genauso wie damals, komm, hast du Zeit?
Modal Verbs:
Und schlafen könn’n wir, wenn wir tot sind
Ich will noch mal los, dass irgendwas steigt
Separable Verbs:
Die Sonne geht auf und wir geh’n als letzte
Lass ma’ was machen, was wir nie mehr vergessen
Egal, wohin wir gehen, komm, wir geh’n zu weit
Genauso wie damals, komm, hast du Zeit?
Die schönsten Tage war’n (waren) schon immer die Nächte
Deine Eltern war’n (waren) entsetzt, sie wollten ‘nen Typ mit Cash
Wir war’n (waren) so frei, obwohl wir nur mussten
Wir war’n (waren) schon immer anders, aber nie allein
Kein’n Plan zu haben, war schon immer der beste
Es gibt keine Aktion, die uns zu krass war
Keine Nacht gepennt, es war wir gegen den Rest
Denn abends war Party von Juni bis Mai
So vieles war geil, weil wir nicht wussten
In den Club schwarzgefahr’n, hatten nie ein’n Masterplan
Nichts konnte uns stoppen, auch kein Gesetz
Wir teilten mein kleines Bett
Perfect / Past Partiiple:
Keine Nacht gepennt, es war wir gegen den Rest
In den Club schwarzgefahr’n, hatten nie ein’n Masterplan
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