Activities for Die Guten Zeiten

Published by Lyrical Language on

Practice some of the vocabulary from this song and its irregular verbs using these flashcards, games and exercises.

Did you miss the analysis for this song? Find it here!


Vocabulary Excercises

We have chosen 20 terms out of this song’s lyrics to form our vocabulary list, which can be found below. You can use the following activities to learn and practice this vocabulary.

Vocabulary Flashcards – Learn the vocabulary from this song with our sets of German to English and English to German flashcards, then test yourself with our interactive flashcards.

Vocabulary Games – Practice the vocabulary for this song using our memory and matching games and our word search puzzle.

Vocabulary Exercises – Fill in the missing vocabulary with drag and drop and fill in the blanks exercises.

Grammar Exercises

This song really didn’t provide anything to practice other than a handful of verbs that are irregular in the present tense. Full conjugations of these irregular verbs can be found below. You can use the following activities to learn and practice them. Please note, we have not included irregular verbs that do not have irregularities in the present tense.

Irregular Verb Flashcards – Practice the irregular verbs in this song with our sets of German to English and English to German flashcards, then test yourself with our interactive flashcards.

Irregular Verb Games – Practice the irregular verbs in this song using our memory and matching games.

Irregular Verb Exercises – Practice the irregular verbs in this song using our drag and drop, fill in, and highlighting exercises.


Vocabulary List

TermMeaningP of SContext
bereuento regret, repentreg verbbereu’
Frieden (pl Frieden)peace; tranquillity; peace agreementmasc nounFrieden
gleichsame; equaladjgleichen
haltencatch, hold; stop; hold up, support; keep, maintain; adhere to, followirreg verbhalten
lenkento guide, direct, influence; steerreg verblenken
Moment (pl Momente)momentmasc nounMomenten
schlafento sleep, stay (overnight)irreg verbschlafe
Schnee (no pl)snowmasc nounSchnee
Spur (pl Spuren)track, trace, sign, trail; lanefem nounSpur’n
treffento hit, strike; hurt; affect; meet, find; reach; makeirreg verbTreff’
vergessento forget; to leave behindirreg verbvergisst
versäumento miss, lose; neglect; delay, hold upreg verbversäumt
vielmuch, a lotadvviel
Zeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, erafem nounZeiten
Zukunft (no pl)futurefem nounZukunft

Irregular Verb Conjugations

The following charts show the full conjugations of the present tense of the irregular verbs found in this song.

sein: to be
First personich binwir sind
Second persondu bistihr seid
Third personer/sie/es istsie sind

treffen: to hit, strike; hurt; affect; meet, find; reach; make
First personich treffewir treffen
Second persondu triffstihr trefft
Third personer/sie/es trifftsie treffen

schlafen: to sleep, stay (overnight)
First personich schlafewir schlafen
Second persondu schläfstihr schlaft
Third personer/sie/es schläftsie schlafen

wissen: to know; be aware of
First personich weißwir wissen
Second persondu weißtihr wisst
Third personer/sie/es weißsie wissen

vergessen: to forget; to leave behind
First personich vergessewir vergessen
Second persondu vergisstihr vergesst
Third personer/sie/es vergisstsie vergessen

laufen: to run, walk; work, function, operate; pass, go by
First personich laufewir laufen
Second persondu läufstihr lauft
Third personer/sie/es läuftsie laufen

haben: to have; own; suffer from
First personich habewir haben
Second persondu hastihr habt
Third personer/sie/es hatsie haben

wollen: to want
First personich willwir wollen
Second persondu willstihr wollt
Third personer/sie/es willsie wollen

können: be able to, know how to; be allowed to
First personich kannwir können
Second persondu kannstihr könnt
Third personer/sie/es kannsie können