irgendwo da draußen – I know, you’re asking “doesn’t this mean somewhere out there?” While this would be a correct translation, as changing the word order doesn’t change the meaning, I have chosen this option as, at least for me, it evokes fewer mental images of cartoon crickets. It also seemed like a more natural phrase in American English.
Kurt Cobain – This American singer and songwriter was the guitarist, lead vocalist and primary songwriter of the rock band Nirvana.
IKEA – This is a Swedish-founded, Dutch-based company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture, kitchen appliances and home accessories.
fühlen vs sich fühlen – While both of these mean to feel, they are used in different contexts. The transitive verb fühlen is used when discussing feeling a thing or a sensation. The reflexive sich fühlen is used to discussing feeling an emotion or a state of mind.
Compound Words
Kinderzimmer – This noun meaning nursery is made up of the nouns Kinder meaning child and Zimmer meaning room.
Neonleuchten – This noun has been created from the noun Neon meaning neon and the verb leuchten meaning to shine, to glow or to flash.
Fernweh – This noun meaning wanderlust is made up of the adjective fern meaning distant, far-off or faraway and the noun Weh meaning woe, ache or grief.
Fotowand – This noun was made up of the nouns Foto meaning photo(graph) and Wand meaning wall.
irgendwann – This adverb meaning sometime or someday is made up of the adverbs irgend meaning at all and wann meaning when.
wegmüssen – This verb meaning to have to go, to have to leave, to have to be removed is made up of the adverb weg meaning away or gone and the verb müssen meaning to have to or to need to.
irgendwo – This adverb meaning somewhere or anywhere is made up of the adverbs irgend meaning at all and wo meaning where.
einmal – This adverb meaning once, one time, one day or suddenly is made up of the number ein meaning one and the noun Mal meaning time.
Kerzenschein – This noun meaning candlight is made up of the nouns Kerzen (the plural of Kerze) meaning candles and Schein meaning light, glow or gleam.
einsvierzig – This is a combination of the numbers eins meaning one and vierzig meaning forty. Not to be confused with einundvierzig meaning forty-one.
hinterher – This adverb meaning behind or afterwards is made up of the preposition hinter meaning behind or after and the adverb her meaning hither or ago.
weiterlaufen – This seperable verb meaning to go on or to keep on walking/running is made up of the adverb weiter meaning further, farther or more and the verb laufen meaning to run, to go or to walk.
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Song Lyrics with Grammatical Breakdown
Mouse over a term for grammatical information. A chart of the terms and grammatical information can be found here.
Irgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußendraußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv
[Verse 1] Großegroßbig, large; great; tall; long | adjPlänePlan (pl Pläne)plan; schedule; map | noun | masc plimin + demin the | prep + def art | dat masc and neut singKinderzimmerKinderzimmer (pl Kinderzimmer)nursery | noun | neut sing Unter’munter + demunder the | prep + def art | dat masc and neut singPosterPoster (pl Poster(s))poster | noun | neut singvonvonfrom; off; of, by | prep | triggers datKurt CobainKurt CobainKurt Cobain | noun, prop | American singer/songwriter IchichI | pron | first pers sing, nomweißwissento know; be aware of | verb, irreg | first pers sing presheuteheutetoday | advnochnochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | advgenau,genauexactly, precisely, just | advwiewieas, how, like | advichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomdadathere; then; here, present; so | advsaßsitzento sit, be seated | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing imperf Unterunterunder, below; among | prep | triggers acc or datNeonleuchten-Neon + leuchtenneon + to shine, glow, flash | noun + verb | neut singFlimmernFlimmern (pl Flimmerns)shimmering, flickering, twinkling | noun | neut sing FernwehFernweh (pl Fernwehe)wanderlust | noun | neut singaufaufon | prep | triggers acc or datderderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plFotowandFoto + Wandphoto(graph) + wall | noun + noun | neut sing + fem sing Dassdassthat, so that | conjichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomirgendwannirgendwannsometime, someday | advhierhierhere, now | advwegmuss,wegmüssento have to go, have to leave, have to be removed | verb, irreg, sep | first pers sing preswarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing imperfmirmirme, to me | pron | dat of ich (first pers sing)klarklarclear, ready | adj
[Pre-Chorus] Esesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accfühltfühlento feel | verb, reg | third pers sing and sec pers pl pres | sich fühlen = to feelsichsichherself, himself, itself, oneself, themselves | pron | acc and dat third pers sing and plleichterleichtlight, lightweight; easy | adjananon, at, in; by, near; with; during | prep | triggers dat or acczuzuto | part | used with verb infinitivesbleibenbleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pres Dochdochbut, however, yet | conjesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accwärseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (wäre) | pbesserbesserbetter | adjjetztjetztnow | advzuzuto | part | used with verb infinitivesgehengehento go, walk; leave; work, function; be possible | verb, irreg | infin
[Chorus] Irgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußendraußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv Ininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or acceinereina, an | art, indef | gen or dat fem singandrenandererother | adj | alt form of anderenStadtStadt (pl Städte)town, city; city council | noun | fem sing Gibt’sgeben + esto give, to be (exist); hand, pass; present, bestow + it | verb,irreg + pron | third pers sing pres + impers third pers sing | es gibt = there is, there arenochnochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | adveineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut singandresandererother | adj | alt form of anderesLeben,Leben (pl Leben)life | noun | neut singdasdaswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhierhierhere, now | advjetztjetztnow | advgradgeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formverpass’verpassento miss, miss out on | verb, reg | first pers sing pres Würdwerdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (würde)allesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteeinmaleinmalonce, one time; one day; suddenly | advtauschеn,tauschento exchange, swap, barter | verb, reg | infinallesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefinitewaswaswhat; that which | pronichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe) Denndennbecause | conjirgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußen,draußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwachwachawake, alert | adj Sag,sagento say, tell | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperaliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwach?wachawake, alert | adj Sag,sagento say, tell | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperaliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwach?wachawake, alert | adj
[Verse 2] Siesieshe; they | pron | third pers sing and pl, nomwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing imperfdiediethe | art, def | nom and acc fem sing and plzweitezweitsecond, secondary | adjgroßegroßbig, large; great; tall; long | adjLiebeLiebe (pl Lieben)love | noun | fem sing Undundand | conjimin + demin the | prep + def art | dat masc and neut singIKEAIKEAIKEA | noun, prop | furniture storeKerzenscheinKerzenschein (pl Kerzenscheine)candlight | noun | masc sing Hab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe) | aux verb used with pp to form perfichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomgedacht,denkenthink, believe | verb, irreg | ppdassdassthat, so that | conjdasdaswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demmitmitwith, at, including | prepihrihrher | pron | third pers sing, datfürfürfor | prep | triggers acc | für immer = foreverimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | adv | | für immer = foreverbleibtbleibento stay, remain | verb, irreg | third pers sing pres Unserunserour | adj, poss | nom masc and neut, acc neutBettBett (pl Betten)bed; quilt, duvet | noun | neut singwarseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing imperfnurnuronly, just | adveinsvierzigeins + vierzigone forty | num Esesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accwurdewerdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing imperfirgendwannirgendwannsometime, someday | advzuzuto | part | used with verb infinitiveskleinkleinshort, small, little | adj Undundand | conjmitmitwith, at, including | prep | triggers datderderthe | art, def | nom masc, gen and dat fem, gen plZeitZeit (pl Zeiten)time; time of day; moment; period, era | noun | fem singwurd’werdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing imperf (wurde)ausausout of; from; of, made of | prep | | triggers dat„fürfürfor | prep | triggers acc | für immer = foreverimmer“immeralways, constantly, all the time | adv | | für immer = forevereineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut sing„vielleicht“vielleichtmaybe, perhaps; about, approximately | adv
[Pre-Chorus] Esesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accfühltfühlento feel | verb, reg | third pers sing and sec pers pl pres | sich fühlen = to feelsichsichherself, himself, itself, oneself, themselves | pron | acc and dat third pers sing and plleichterleichtlight, lightweight; easy | adjananon, at, in; by, near; with; during | prep | triggers dat or acczuzuto | part | used with verb infinitivesbleibenbleibenstay, remain | verb, irreg | first and third pers pl pres Dochdochbut, however, yet | conjesesit, he, she, him, her | pron | third pers sing neut or impers, nom or accwärseinto be | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (wäre) | pbesserbesserbetter | adjjetztjetztnow | advzuzuto | part | used with verb infinitivesgehengehento go, walk; leave; work, function; be possible | verb, irreg | infin
[Chorus] Irgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußendraußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv Ininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or acceinereina, an | art, indef | gen or dat fem singandrenandererother | adj | alt form of anderenStadtStadt (pl Städte)town, city; city council | noun | fem sing Gibt’sgeben + esto give, to be (exist); hand, pass; present, bestow + it | verb,irreg + pron | third pers sing pres + impers third pers sing | es gibt = there is, there arenochnochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | adveineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut singandresandererother | adj | alt form of anderesLeben,Leben (pl Leben)life | noun | neut singdasdaswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhierhierhere, now | advjetztjetztnow | advgradgeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formverpass’verpassento miss, miss out on | verb, reg | first pers sing pres Würdwerdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (würde)allesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteeinmaleinmalonce, one time; one day; suddenly | advtauschеn,tauschento exchange, swap, barter | verb, reg | infinallesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefinitewaswaswhat; that which | pronichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe) Denndennbecause | conjirgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußen,draußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwachwachawake, alert | adj Sag,sagento say, tell | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperaliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwach?wachawake, alert | adj Sag,sagento say, tell | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperaliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwach?wachawake, alert | adj
[Bridge] Bistseinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomirgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußen?draußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv Bistseinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomirgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußen?draußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv Oderoderor | conjrenn’rennento run | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (renne)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomnurnuronly, just | advnemeina, an | art, indef | dat masc or neut sing (einem)SchattenSchatten (pl Schatten)shadow; shade | noun | masc singhinterher?hinterherbehind, afterwards | adv Bistseinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomirgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußen?draußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv Mussmüssento have to, need to, must | verb, mod | first and third pers sing presichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomimmerimmeralways, constantly, all the time | advweiterlaufen?weiterlaufento go on, keep on walking/running | verb, irreg, sep | infin Oderoderor | conjrenn’rennento run | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (renne)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomnurnuronly, just | advnemeina, an | art, indef | dat masc or neut sing (einem)SchattenSchatten (pl Schatten)shadow; shade | noun | masc singhinterher?hinterherbehind, afterwards | adv
[Chorus] Irgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußendraußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv Ininin, at, to; into to | prep | takes dat or acceinereina, an | art, indef | gen or dat fem singandrenandererother | adj | alt form of anderenStadtStadt (pl Städte)town, city; city council | noun | fem sing Gibt’sgeben + esto give, to be (exist); hand, pass; present, bestow + it | verb,irreg + pron | third pers sing pres + impers third pers sing | es gibt = there is, there arenochnochstill, even, yet; eventually, one day; (only) just | adveineina, an | art, indef | masc or neut singandresandererother | adj | alt form of anderesLeben,Leben (pl Leben)life | noun | neut singdasdaswho, that, which; this, that, it | pron | rel or demichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhierhierhere, now | advjetztjetztnow | advgradgeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formverpass’verpassento miss, miss out on | verb, reg | first pers sing pres Würdwerdento get, become | verb, irreg | first and third pers sing subj II (würde)allesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefiniteeinmaleinmalonce, one time; one day; suddenly | advtauschеn,tauschento exchange, swap, barter | verb, reg | infinallesallesall, everything, anything; everyone | pron | indefinitewaswaswhat; that which | pronichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomhab’habento have; own; suffer from | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (habe) Denndennbecause | conjirgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußen,draußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwachwachawake, alert | adj
[Outro] Sag,sagento say, tell | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperaliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwach?wachawake, alert | adj Bistseinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomirgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußen?draußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv Sag,sagento say, tell | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperaliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwach?wachawake, alert | adj Oderoderor | conjrenn’rennento run | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (renne)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomnurnuronly, just | advnemeina, an | art, indef | dat masc or neut sing (einem)SchattenSchatten (pl Schatten)shadow; shade | noun | masc singhinterher?hinterherbehind, afterwards | adv Sag,sagento say, tell | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperaliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwach?wachawake, alert | adj Bistseinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomirgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußen?draußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv Sag,sagento say, tell | verb, reg | sec pers sing imperaliegstliegento lie; to be located | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomjetztjetztnow | advgradegeradenow, at the moment; just, a short while ago; only; exactly | adv | alt coll formwach?wachawake, alert | adj Oderoderor | conjrenn’rennento run | verb, irreg | first pers sing pres (renne)ichichI | pron | first pers sing, nomnurnuronly, just | advnemeina, an | art, indef | dat masc or neut sing (einem)SchattenSchatten (pl Schatten)shadow; shade | noun | masc singhinterher?hinterherbehind, afterwards | adv Bistseinto be | verb, irreg | sec pers sing presduduyou | pron | sec pers sing inform, nomirgendwoirgendwosomewhere, anywhere | advdadathere; then; here, present; so | advdraußen?draußenoutside, outdoors; out there; abroad | adv
Lyrics with Translation
Songs in any language often leave room for multiple interpretations. Following is my interpretation of the song lyrics.
Irgendwo da draußen Out there somewhere
[Verse 1] Große Pläne im Kinderzimmer Big plans in the nursery Unter’m Poster von Kurt Cobain Under the poster of Kurt Cobain Ich weiß heute noch genau, wie ich da saß I still know today exactly how I sat there Unter Neonleuchten-Flimmern Under flickering neon lights Fernweh auf der Fotowand Wanderlust on the photo wall Dass ich irgendwann hier wegmuss, war mir klar It was clear to me that someday I would have to leave here
[Pre-Chorus] Es fühlt sich leichter an zu bleiben It feels easier to stay Doch es wär besser jetzt zu gehen But it would be better to go now
[Chorus] Irgendwo da draußen Out there somewhere In einer andren Stadt In another city Gibt’s noch ein andres Leben, das ich hier jеtzt grad verpass’ Is there another life that I’m missing out on right now Würd alles einmal tauschеn, alles was ich hab’ Would everything suddenly change, everything I have Denn irgendwo da draußen, da liegst du jetzt grade wach Because somewhere out there, you’re lying awake right now Sag, liegst du jetzt grade wach? Tell me, are you lying awake right now? Sag, liegst du jetzt grade wach? Tell me, are you lying awake right now?
[Verse 2] Sie war die zweite große Liebe She was the second great love Und im IKEA-Kerzenschein And in the IKEA candlelight Hab’ ich gedacht, dass das mit ihr für immer bleibt Did I think that this with her would last forever Unser Bett war nur einsvierzig Our bed was only one forty Es wurde irgendwann zu klein At some point it became too small Und mit der Zeit wurd’ aus „für immer“ ein „vielleicht“ And with time, “forever” turned into a “maybe”
[Pre-Chorus] Es fühlt sich leichter an zu bleiben It feels easier to stay Doch es wär besser jetzt zu gehen But it would be better to go now
[Chorus] Irgendwo da draußen Out there somewhere In einer andren Stadt In another city Gibt’s noch ein andres Leben, das ich hier jеtzt grad verpass’ Is there another life that I’m missing out on right now Würd alles einmal tauschеn, alles was ich hab’ Would everything suddenly change, everything I have Denn irgendwo da draußen, da liegst du jetzt grade wach Because somewhere out there, you’re lying awake right now Sag, liegst du jetzt grade wach? Tell me, are you lying awake right now? Sag, liegst du jetzt grade wach? Tell me, are you lying awake right now?
[Bridge] Bist du irgendwo da draußen? Are you out there somewhere? Bist du irgendwo da draußen? Are you out there somewhere? Oder renn’ ich nur ‘nem Schatten hinterher? Or am I just running after a shadow? Bist du irgendwo da draußen? Are you out there somewhere? Muss ich immer weiterlaufen? Do I always have to keep running? Oder renn’ ich nur ‘nem Schatten hinterher? Or am I just running after a shadow?
[Chorus] Irgendwo da draußen Out there somewhere In einer andren Stadt In another city Gibt’s noch ein andres Leben, das ich hier jеtzt grad verpass’ Is there another life that I’m missing out on right now Würd alles einmal tauschеn, alles was ich hab’ Would everything suddenly change, everything I have Denn irgendwo da draußen, da liegst du jetzt grade wach Because somewhere out there, you’re lying awake right now
[Outro] Sag, liegst du jetzt grade wach? Tell me, are you lying awake right now? Bist du irgendwo da draußen? Are you out there somewhere? Sag, liegst du jetzt grade wach? Tell me, are you lying awake right now? Oder renn’ ich nur ‘nem Schatten hinterher? Or am I just running after a shadow? Sag, liegst du jetzt grade wach? Tell me, are you lying awake right now? Bist du irgendwo da draußen? Are you out there somewhere? Sag, liegst du jetzt grade wach? Tell me, are you lying awake right now? Oder renn’ ich nur ‘nem Schatten hinterher? Or am I just running after a shadow? Bist du irgendwo da draußen? Are you out there somewhere?
Grammatical Concepts Used in this Song
Possessive Adjectives:
Unser Bett war nur einsvierzig
Dative Case:
Große Pläne im Kinderzimmer
Unter’m Poster von Kurt Cobain
Fernweh auf der Fotowand
Dass ich irgendwann hier wegmuss, war mir klar
In einer andren Stadt
Und im IKEA-Kerzenschein
Und mit der Zeit wurd’ aus „für immer“ ein „vielleicht“
Oder renn’ ich nur ‘nem Schatten hinterher?
Es fühlt sich leichter an zu bleiben
Separable Verbs:
Dass ich irgendwann hier wegmuss, war mir klar
Muss ich immer weiterlaufen?
Ich weiß heute noch genau, wie ich da saß
Würd alles einmal tauschеn, alles was ich hab’
Bist du irgendwo da draußen?
Dass ich irgendwann hier wegmuss, war mir klar
Muss ich immer weiterlaufen?
Sag, liegst du jetzt grade wach?
Hab’ ich gedacht, dass das mit ihr für immer bleibt
Ich weiß heute noch genau, wie ich da saß
Dass ich irgendwann hier wegmuss, war mir klar
Sie war die zweite große Liebe
Unser Bett war nur einsvierzig
Es wurde irgendwann zu klein
Und mit der Zeit wurd’ aus „für immer“ ein „vielleicht“
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