Present Progressive Exercises for Vacío
These exercises are all about practicing the present progressive tense as it appears in this song. We’ve also thrown in the two instances of the gerund on its own for good measure. A refresher of the present progressive and the gerund can be found on our Activities page.
In the lyrics exercises, the verbs have been removed from the song lyrics so that you can listen to the song and fill them in. We have also provided the infinitive in the hints to guide you in filling in the blanks if you would rather not listen to the song. On this page, the video floats so you can pause it more easily if needed. If you aren’t super confident of the spellings yet, go ahead and use the drag and drop exercise. But if you think you’ve got the verbs down use the fill in the blank exercise.
The highlighting exercise is just about recognizing the present progressive and the gerund. Can you pick out all the instances in this song?