Activities for Juramento eterno de sal

Published by Lyrical Language on

Practice some of the vocabulary from this song and its future tense verbs using these flashcards, games and exercises.

Did you miss the analysis for this song? Find it here!


Vocabulary Excercises

We have chosen 15 words and phrases out of this song to form our vocabulary list, which can be found below. You can use the following activities to learn and practice this vocabulary.

Vocabulary Flashcards – Learn the vocabulary from this song with our sets of Spanish to English and English to Spanish flashcards, then test yourself with our interactive flashcards.

Vocabulary Games – Practice the vocabulary for this song using our memory and matching games and our word search puzzle.

Vocabulary Exercises – Fill in the missing vocabulary with drag and drop and fill in the blanks exercises.

Grammar Exercises

This song provided a large number of preterite tense verbs to practice. However, it also provided a good number of verbs in the imperfect tense, which has not appeared in the activities of a song yet. So I decided to go ahead and include them both. Information on these verbs as well as their full conjugations can be found below.

You can use the following activities to learn and practice these verbs:

Future Flashcards – Practice the future tense verbs in this song with our sets of Spanish to English and English to Spanish flashcards, then test yourself with our interactive flashcards.

Future Games – Practice the future tense verbs in this song using our memory and matching games.

Future Exercises – Practice the future tense verbs in this song using our drag and drop, fill in, and highlighting exercises.


Vocabulary List

TermMeaningP of SContext
cabezaheadfem nouncabeza
cumplirto accomplish, achieve, fulfillreg verbcumpla
de nuevoagain, once againnuevo
dibujarto draw, sketchreg verbDibujo
echar de menosmiss, notice sth is missing, not be able to find sthecharme de menos
en velaawake, sleepless, have a sleepless nighten vela
extrañarsurprise, puzzle; missreg verbextrañar
fundirto melt; cast; breakreg verbFundiendo
ganadesire, interest, urgefem nounganas
juramentooathmasc nounJuramento
perderseget loststm chg verbte pierdas
prometerto promisereg verbprometiеndo
quedarto remain, to stay; to be left; to be located; suit, fitstm chg verbquedan
recorrerto traverse, go across/through/over; look over/aroundreg verbrecorriendo
soñarto dreamstm chg verbsoñar

Future Tense

The Spanish future tense (el futuro) is used to discuss actions that are going to happen at some point in the future. The future tense of regular ‘-ar’, ‘-er’ and ‘-ir’ verbs is formed by adding the following endings to the infinitive of the verb:

1st Person(yo) (nosotros) -emos
2nd Person(tú) -ás(vosotros) -éis
3rd Personél/ella/usted ellos/ellas/ustedes -án

Notes on the future tense:

  • The first person plural (nosotros) is the only ending that does not have an accent.
  • There are a few verbs that do not form the future tense by using their infinitives as the stem. None of these verbs appear in this song.
  • The future tense of reflexive and pronominal verbs are formed in the same way as regular verbs, with the exception the reflexive pronoun (‘me’, ‘te’, ‘se’, ‘nos’, ‘os’, ‘se’) must also be added. There is one pronominal verb in this song, the verb ‘perderse’.


Following are the full conjugations of the verbs that appear in the preterite and imperfect tenses in this song.

volver: to return, come back
1st Person(yo) volveré(nosotros) volveremos
2nd Person(tú) volverás(vosotros) volveréis
3rd Personél/ella/usted volveráellos/ellas/ustedes volverán

dejar: to let, allow; to leave
1st Person(yo) dejaré(nosotros) dejaremos
2nd Person(tú) dejarás(vosotros) dejaréis
3rd Personél/ella/usted dejaráellos/ellas/ustedes dejarán

perderse: to get lost
1st Person(yo) me perderé(nosotros) nos perderemos
2nd Person(tú) te perderás(vosotros) vos perderéis
3rd Personél/ella/usted se perderáellos/ellas/ustedes se perderán

ver: to see – tú
1st Person(yo) veré(nosotros) veremos
2nd Person(tú) verás(vosotros) veréis
3rd Personél/ella/usted veráellos/ellas/ustedes verán

ser: to be
1st Person(yo) seré(nosotros) seremos
2nd Person(tú) serás(vosotros) seréis
3rd Personél/ella/usted seráellos/ellas/ustedes serán